LINC 2017 programme

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Room 6 - Speakers' corner

12 events
  • Tuesday, January 24th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Update on peripheral clinical trials and new data – Below the knee/Critical limb ischemia

    Jihad Mustapha
    Miguel Montero-Baker, Steven Kum
    1. -

      Amputation-free survival between endovascular therapy and bypass surgery in CLI patients: interim analysis of the CRITISCH registry

        Theodosios Bisdas
    2. -

      Update on the BEST – CLI trial

        Matthew Menard
    3. -

      Drug-eluting stents versus drug-coated balloons versus plain balloon angioplasty and bare metal stents for the infrapopliteal arteries? An evidence-based approach from a bayesian network meta-analysis

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    4. -

      Lutonix efficacy in BTK: Latest outcomes from the BTK global registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Apollo registry trial: below-the-knee angioplasty with paclitaxel eluting balloon catheters in CLI

        René Aschenbach
    6. -

      The TANGO trial: A phase 2 below the knee study investigating the micropuncture mediated application of Temsirolimus after PTA or atherectomy in CLI patients

        Ian Cawich
    7. -

      Use of ultrasound to enhance paclitaxel delivery in CLI patients with femoro-popliteal disease: PACUS trial – C. Del Giudice

    8. -

      LUMINOR registry: a real world experience with a new DEB in advanced limb ischemia

        Vicente Riambau
    9. -


  • Tuesday, January 24th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Update on peripheral clinical trials and new data – claudication/femoropopliteal

    Erich Minar
    Ramon Varcoe
    1. -

      LIBERTY 360 study: Procedural and 30-day outcomes of endovascular interventions in patients with symptomatic lower extremity peripheral arterial disease

        Jihad Mustapha
    2. -

      Supervised exercise therapy and peripheral angioplasty: friends or foes? An evidence synthesis from randomised controlled trials

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    3. -

      Morbidity and mortality in PAD-patients – first data from a global prospective multicenter study in claudicants

        Marcus Thieme
    4. -

      Primary stenting of the superficial femoral artery in intermittent claudication gives improved health related quality of life, ABI and walking distance – 12-month results of a prospective randomised multicenter trial

        Hans Lindgren
    5. -

      DOND: Systematic review and meta-analysis on DCB vs. POBA for de-novo femoropopliteal PVD – C. Klumb

    6. -

      SAVER: rationale and merits for an all comers DCB registry

        Frank Vermassen
    7. -

      CONSEQUENT DCB registry

        Dirk Härtel
    8. -

      EffPac trial: Assessment of the effectiveness of DCB versus POBA in the SFA

        Ulf Teichgräber
    9. -

      TOBA II and III clinical trial programme

        Michael Lichtenberg
    10. -

      REALISTIC trial: 18-month results and experiences with the Smart Flex stent for the treatment of femoropopliteal lesions

        Peter Goverde
    11. -

      First 6-month results in 75 patients in the EVOLUTION study: investigating the iVolution stent in femoropopliteal lesions

        Marc Bosiers
    12. -

      Freeway stent study

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    13. -

      Preliminary data on DRASTICO RCT comparing DCB vs. DES in the treatment of FemPop disease in real world

        Francesco Liistro
    14. -

      FOREST trial: a randomized controlled trial comparing drug-eluting balloons and drug-eluting stents in femoropopliteal arterial occlusive disease – H. Jongsma

    15. -

      Effectiveness of the Zilver PTX drug-eluting stent for femoropopliteal peripheral arterial disease in patients with no tibial runoff vessels: 24-month results from the Zilver PTX Post-Market Surveillance Study in Japan – S. Cipollari

    16. -

      REALITY the future of directional atherectomy in the SFA

        Lawrence Garcia
    17. -

      2-year follow-up data from the pivotal VISION study for OCT guided directional atherectomy

        Ian Cawich
    18. -

      Jetstream atherectomy in treating de novo or non-stent restenotic femoropopliteal disease: One-year results from the JET registry

        Lawrence Garcia
    19. -

      Treating in-stent occlusions with the Rotarex catheter: the ROBINSON study: final 6-month results in 30 patients

        Marc Bosiers
    20. -


  • Tuesday, January 24th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Update on peripheral clinical trials and new data – Carotid/Miscellaneous/EVAR

    Peter Schneider
    Konstantinos Donas, Dai-Do Do
    1. -


    2. -

      CONFIDENCE trial: Nitinol mesh covered carotid stent-trial design and early experience

        Chris Metzger
    3. -

      SCAFFOLD study: GORE PTFE mesh-covered carotid stent – preclinical and clinical data so far

        Peter Schneider
    4. -

      Clinical results and mechanical properties of a novel double-layered carotis stent (CGUARD)

        Christian Wissgott
    5. -


    6. -

      Early results of a prospective registry of carotid stenting with the new C-Guard mesh covered stent in real world: The IRON-GUARD registry – P. Sirignano

    7. -

      Comparison of different stent models in terms of patency and efficiency in treatment of peripheral artery disease – I. Staudacher

    8. -

      Covered stents versus bare-metal stents in chronic atherosclerotic gastrointestinal ischaemia (CoBaGI): a multicenter randomised controlled trial – L. van Dijk

    9. -

      Early clinical experience with the 4 Fr everlinQ™ endoAVF in creating vascular access for hemodialysis: The EASE Study – 4F – T. Berland

    10. -

      Prevalence of polyvascular disease with aorto iliac artery disease – Results from OMOTENASHI registry – Y .Shintani

    11. -

      Puncture-site complications in peripheral interventions – a prospective single-center registry of more than 3.000 patients

        Marcus Thieme
    12. -

      PAD meets personalised medicine – O. Aalami

    13. -

      The effect of renal denervation on blood pressure and sleep apnea – results of the Polish RCT

        Adam Witkowski
    14. -

      The next steps in renal denervation – update on Medtronic SPYRAL HTN program

        Thomas Zeller
    15. -


    16. -

      Prospective study of the e-liac stent graft system in patients with common iliac artery aneurysm: 30-day results

        Jan Brunkwall
    17. -

      INNOVATION: Long-term five year safety and effectiveness of the INCRAFT AAA stent graft for endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms

        Giovanni Torsello
    18. -

      Lessons learned after 200 EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) procedures – S. Zerwes

    19. -

      Early and mid-term outcomes of Horizon™ abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft system – F. Pecoraro

        Michael Hofmann
    20. -

      CURITIBA trial: Custodiol vs. Ringer: what is the best agent for renal protection during toracoabdominal aortic aneurysm open repair? – T. Cambiaghi

    21. -


  • Wednesday, January 25th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Selected abstracts: New techniques and results in iliac and femoropopliteal interventions

    Jörn Balzer
    Peter Goverde, Miroslav Bulvas
    1. -

      Internal iliac artery angioplasty for the treatment of buttock claudication and erectile dysfunction: a systematic review – K. Patel

    2. -

      Kissing stenting: Best choice for treatment of common iliac artery chronic obstruction – A. Sonetto

    3. -

      Management of long flush superficial femoral artery occlusion with ipsilateral antegrade common femoral artery access – A. Aborahma

    4. -

      The use of boactive stent heliflex in patients with atherosclerotic lesions of superficial femoral artery: the beginning of the study – A. Oleshchuk

    5. -

      Dissection of the lamina vastoadductoria as a method to reduce the frequency of restenosis in TASC-II D lesions of the femoropopliteal arterial segment after stenting. Intermediate results of the pilot prospective randomised study – A. Rabtsun

    6. -

      Hybrid heparin-bonded nitinol and ePTFE stent in the treatment of popliteal arrtery occlusion: mid-term follow-up results – J. Wronski

    7. -

      Novel distal popliteal artery puncture technique in supine position for chronic femoropopliteal arterial occlusion; frontal popliteal puncture – K. Ogata

    8. -

      The safety and efficacy of the distal superficial femoral artery direct puncture technique – T. Takei

    9. -

      Midterm results after drug eluting stenting of superficial femoral artery in critical limb ischemia: An Italian multicenter registry – G. Galzerano

    10. -


  • Wednesday, January 25th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Clinical trials session – Advancements in clinical research

    Jörn Balzer
    1. -


        Jörn Balzer
    2. -


    3. -

      Based on regulatory requirements

        Anna Pietersma
    4. -

      Based on medical requirements

        Jörn Balzer
    5. -

      Assessment of angiography and ultrasound endpoints – what can the corelab add?

        Ulrich Beschorner
    6. -


    7. -

      Big data in peripheral vascular disease

        Stefan Verheye
    8. -

      Trends in EDC

        Bart Segers
    9. -


    10. -

      – Perspective from the site

        Marianne Brodmann
    11. -

      – Perspective from a sponsor

        Lieve Cornelis
    12. -


    13. -

      Trends seen from the perspective of an EU physician

        Marc Bosiers
    14. -

      Trends seen from the perspective of a US physician

        William Gray
    15. -

      Upcoming regulatory changes and their impact

        Aly Talen
    16. -

      Wrap-up & closure

        Jörn Balzer
  • Wednesday, January 25th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Pioneering techniques for BTK revascularisation in CLI

    Jihad Mustapha
    Osamu Iida, Steven Kum
    1. -

      Successful endovascular treatment for BTK lesion using wire rendezvous technique and retrograde knuckle wire technique by collateral approach

        Katsutoshi Takayama
    2. -

      Cessation of endovascular treatment in painful patients with Buerger's disease

        Sang Woo Park
    3. -

      A failed case of EVT – CLI with BTK lesions due to vasculitis

        Okamoto Shin
    4. -

      Bioresorbable stent implantation for tibial disease

        Brian DeRubertis
    5. -

      The case of access site related complication of retrograde access by distal puncture

        Masahiko Fujihara
    6. -

      The use of a mobile phone application to improve patient outcomes with CLI

        John Phillips
    7. -

      WIfI classification predicts the wound healing after EVT

        Okamoto Shin
    8. -

      Ultrasound-guided, retrograde puncture of two tibial arteries to treat the embolic occlusion using the over-the-wire balloon catheter

        Youngkyun Kim
    9. -


    10. -


    11. -

      Prognostic impact of achievement of complete wound healing for critical limbs ischemia patients presenting with infrapopliteal and padal artery diseases; sub-analysis from RENDEVOUS registry – T. Haraguchi

    12. -

      Angiosome-targeted isolated tibial angioplasty for healing of ischemic foot ulcer: a retrospective study – H. Sharaf

    13. -

      Clinical efficacy of successful isolated infrapopliteal angioplasty in diabetics with critical limb ischemia (CLI) – P. Jain

    14. -

      Below the ankle angioplasty is emerging as an effective and safe treatment option to improve the results of revascularisation – A. Sayed

    15. -

      Importance of below the pedal artery disease for wound heal in the patients with critical limb ischemia – M. Utsunomiya

    16. -

      Clinical outcomes of pedal artery angioplasty for patients with ischemic wounds; results from the multicenter RENDEZVOUS registry

        Tatsuya Nakama
    17. -

      Relationship between tibial artery calcification and wound healing in patients with foot tissue loss – S. Mori

    18. -


  • Wednesday, January 25th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Carotid revascularisation: Pioneering techniques and new results

    Bernhard Reimers
    Reza Ghotbi, Steve Ramee
    1. -

      Intinal treatment result of carotid artery stenting using double stents and proximal protection for unstable plaque

        Katsutoshi Takayama
    2. -

      Stenting the carotid for left arm fatigue? An unusual case of subclavian steal syndrome

        Eugen Ivan
    3. -

      Transcervical carotid stenting: Advantages and pitfalls

        Brian DeRubertis
    4. -

      Early experience with Silk Road Medical’s TCAR system

        Steve Henao
    5. -

      Perioperative and long-term impact of chronic kidney disease on carotid artery interventions

        Virendra Patel
    6. -

      Treatment of innominate artery pseudoaneurysm with a modified covered graft

        Karan Garg
    7. -


    8. -


    9. -

      Histological evaluation of filter contents of the paladin carotid post-dilation balloon with integrated embolic protection

        Ralf Langhoff
    10. -

      Carotid endarterectomy versus carotid stenting in symptomatic patients: early results and restenotic rates – M. Asunción Romero Lozano

    11. -

      Comparison of carotid artery stenting results in primary stenosis and post-surgical restenosis – A. Spertino

    12. -

      The use of diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) post-carotid stenting to evaluate the enhanced protection of the Paladin system

        Ravish Sachar
    13. -

      Investigation of oxidative status in patients who underwent carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic critical stenosis – E. Saracoglu

    14. -

      Immediate and long-term results of stenting of the proximal branches of the aortic arch – A. Frantsevich

    15. -


  • Thursday, January 26th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Miscellaneous topics: upper extremity interventions, coiling, AV-shunt

    Peter Huppert
    Richard Heuser
    1. -

      Strategies for upper extremity interventions

        George Chrysant
    2. -

      Classification and endovascular treatment of celiac trunk aneurysms

        Daniele Mascia
    3. -

      Staged extended thoracoscopic sympathicotomy for palmo-axillo-plantar hyperhidrosis: feasibility and outcome (pilot study) – K. Elalfy

    4. -

      Safety and efficacy of clip-based vs. suture mediated vascular closure for femoral access hemostasis: A prospective randomised single center study comparing the StarClose and the ProGlide device – O. Klein-Wiele

    5. -

      Endovascular treatment of traumatic arteriovenous fistulas in different locations – A. Frantsevich

    6. -

      Role of interventional radiology in the management of peripheral vascular malformations: A tertiary care centre experience – M. M. Tahir

    7. -

      Uterine artery coil embolisation in cervical and incisional ectopic pregnancy – H. Hemmati

    8. -

      Early-access upper extremity grafts offer no benefit over standard grafts in hemodialysis access

        Samuel N. Steerman
    9. -

      Techniques for the end stage of dialysis access: the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) system, femoral vein transposition fistulae, and direct caval puncture for tunneled dialysis catheters

        William Lee
    10. -

      Assessing radiocephalic wrist arteriovenous fistulas of obtuse anastomosis using computational fluid dynamics and clinical application

        Sun-Cheol Park
  • Thursday, January 26th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Challenging cases and complications - Embolisation therapy/visceral/renal/miscellaneous

    Klaus Mathias
    René Aschenbach
    1. -

      Coil embolisation of acutely expanding spontaneous splenic artery dissection – J. Ebaugh

    2. -

      Successful embolisation of bronchial artery aneurysms – E. Lonjedo

    3. -

      A novel trans-collateral arterial embolisation for traumatic pelvic artery injury in patient with Leriche syndrome – T. Takei

    4. -

      Stent assisted coil embolisation of a giant common hepatic artery aneurysm by use of a self-expanding neurointerventional stent – Y. Onal

    5. -

      Lover limb thrombosis in patient with constant uterine bleeding – P. Gyndych

    6. -

      TIPSS in uncontrolled variceal haemorrhage: place for a parallel approach? – S. Patil

    7. -

      Should mesenteric revascularisation be staged: Report of 3 cases – A. Olcay

    8. -

      Superior mesenteric artery pseudo-aneurysm caused by mitral valve endocartidis: a case report and review of literature – C. Schoonjans

    9. -

      Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy for renal artery thrombosis using AngioJet® for salvaging kidney – M. A Husainy

    10. -

      Endovascular management of SMA branch aneurysm combined with AV fistula – B. Lukic

    11. -

      Percutaneous angioplasty with drug eluting balloon for aorto-mesenteric venous bypass stenosis – A. Kerzmann

    12. -

      A rare case of giant cell arteritis treated for bilateral limb thromboembolism – G. Galyfos

    13. -


  • Thursday, January 26th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Innovation Forum - Peripheral Vascular Disease

    John Laird
    Claudio Rabbia
    1. -

      Buddy needle technique to facilitate retrograde puncture of heavily calcified tibial vessels – E. Mikelarena

    2. -

      Endovascular tibial in situ bypass using the everlinQ system

        Jihad Mustapha
    3. -

      Novel 6Fr articulating OCT guided directional atherectomy catheter for infra-popliteal disease

        Jihad Mustapha
    4. -

      Effectivity of a synthetic intimal-coating in the prevention of intimal hyperplasia after vascular damage – an animal pilot study – S. van Haelst

    5. -

      The development of a novel treatment using peripheral balloon angioplasty system with integrated embolic protection in the lower extremities

        William Gray
    6. -

      Correlation between chronic outward force (COF) and neointimal hyperplasia in self-expanding nitinol stents in swine in clinically relevant oversizing ranges – M. Funovics

    7. -

      Initial experience creating endovascular arteriovenous fistula (endoAVF) at European vascular centers – T. Steinke

    8. -

      Vas Q – An innovative external support device improves functionality of arteriovenous fistulas: clinical study updates – N. Karydis

    9. -

      Verve’s disruptive non-vascular catheter option in chronic kidney disease

        Richard Heuser
    10. -

      The use of CrossLock™ catheter for treatment of both coronary and peripheral CTO

        Richard Heuser
    11. -

      Analysis of outcomes for bioresorbable vascular scaffold use for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease

        Mohammad Ansari
  • Thursday, January 26th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Challenging cases and complications – venous

    Rick de Graaf
    Stephen Black, Nils Kucher
    1. -

      Endovascular reconstruction of the inferior vena cava and bilateral iliac veins, in a case of obstruction secondary to retroperitoneal fibrosis – A. R. Morata

    2. -

      Nutcracker syndrome anterior and posterior. Endovascular treatment of two cases with Venono® stent – A. R. Morata

    3. -

      Endovascular stenting of benign superior vena cava syndrome – A. Afonso

    4. -

      Unclassic redo endovascular solution for central venous occlusion – M. Salah

    5. -

      Massive pulmonary embolisation due to embolization for renal arteriovenous fistula with huge renal vein sac – S. Onozawa

    6. -

      A case of successful endovascular treatment of post-traumatic cava-aorta fistula – T. Khafizov

    7. -

      Balloon pulmonary angioplasty in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension – T. Park

    8. -


  • Thursday, January 26th: - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Challenging cases and complications - Carotid/iliac/miscellaneous

    Jörn Balzer
    Ralf Langhoff
    1. -

      Endovascular repair of a challenging neglected impending rupture carotid pseudoaneurysm with carotid-jugular AV fistula – A. Farghaly

    2. -

      Endovascular management of ruptured vertebral artery – A. Khan

    3. -

      Angioplasty and stent placement of a jailed right common carotid artery in a high risk patient in the setting of acute stroke

        Peter Soukas
    4. -

      Carotid artery stenting for stroke one day after PCI for acute myocardial infarction

        Peter Soukas
    5. -

      Arterio-venous fistula with pseudoaneurysm of major trunk vessels, surgery or endovascular management? – M. Haggag

    6. -

      Endovascular treatment of a true axillary artery aneurysm by stentgraft implantation – S. Anton

    7. -

      A successful intervention to the patient with leriche syndrome – G. Dagasan

    8. -

      Off-label use of suture-mediated closure system as bailout in arterial iatrogenic lesions: case report – R. Castro-Ferreira

    9. -

      "The day I met the mother of all pseudoaneurysms": successful endovascular treatment of a massive common femoral artery aneurysm not amenable to surgical repair

        Salman Arain
    10. -


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