LINC 2015 Programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Conference day 1

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Enhancing treatment in SFA & Pop lesions subsets with SUPERA

    Dierk Scheinert
    Ramon Varcoe, Steven Kum, Chris Metzger, Peter Goverde
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      SUPERB – 3 year follow up

        Lawrence Garcia
    3. -

      SUPERA data – long-term follow up/5 years

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      Evolving strategies and economic considerations in treatment of femoropopliteal arterial disease

        Michael Jaff
    5. -

      A real world experience using SUPERA in long challenging lesions: patency results, deployment pitfalls and insights into mode of failure

        Ramon Varcoe
    6. -

      Optimal implantation deployment for optimal clinical outcome

        Chris Metzger
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    8. -

      The great debate: So many technologies – what is the optimal treatment for the SFA? (atherectomy, DCB, SNS, Covered, DES, SUPERA etc.)

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Deep vein thrombosis & pulmonary embolism

    Iris Baumgartner, Robert Lookstein
    Niels Bækgaard, Jan Beyer-Westendorf, Marc Husmann
    1. -

      Compression and anticoagulation therapy for acute proximal DVT: How good is it?

        Marc Husmann
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    3. -

      Catheter-directed thrombolysis for DVT: Drugs, dose

        Niels Bækgaard
    4. -

      Single-session pharmacomechanical thrombolysis for DVT: Advantages & disadvantages

        Robert Lookstein
    5. -

      Direct oral anticoagulants: Really better than vitamin K antagonists?

        Jan Beyer-Westendorf
    6. -

      Anticoagulation therapy for DVT & PE: How long and how intense?

        Marc Schindewolf
    7. -

      The ESC 2014 guidelines on pulmonary embolism: What has changed?

        Iris Baumgartner
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 18:00 in front of the LINC studio

  • - , Technical Forum

    Deep Dive Session: Carotid revascularization

    Frank Veith, William Gray
    Martin Storck, Bernhard Reimers, Klaus Mathias, Sumaira Macdonald, Dariusz Dudek
    1. -

      Focus on asymptomatic carotid stenoses

    2. -

      Revascularization in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis – What is best practice?

        Marco Roffi
    3. -

      How good is current best medical therapy for stroke prevention in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis?

        Dorothee Saur
    4. -

      Asymptomatic carotid stenosis: What will CREST 2 tell us what we don’t already know?

        Michael Jaff
    5. -

      A new life for carotid stenting? – The ACST-2 trial

        Alison Halliday
    6. -

      A status update on SPACE II

        Christian Reeps
    7. -

      How to pick the asymptomatic carotid stenosis at risk

        Frans Moll
    8. -

      Management of carotid artery disease in patients undergoing cardiac procedures

        Marco Roffi
    9. -

      Influence of coronary heart disease on patient outcome after CAS

        Stanislav Bartus
    10. -


    11. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    12. -

      How to optimize outcome of carotid revascularization?

    13. -

      Filter protected carotid angioplasty: Prospective analysis of microscopic findings of embolic material and correlation with clinical and morphological characteristics in 400 cases

        Peter Huppert
    14. -

      Double filtration during carotid artery stenting: Reducing the risk of stroke

        William Gray
    15. -

      Carotid stenting with proximal protection in consecutive CAS patients

        Horst Sievert
    16. -

      The CARENET all-comer trial using the CGuard™ micronet-covered carotid embolic prevention stent

        Piotr Musialek
    17. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    18. -

      The role of stent design for CAS: Does it affect post procedural neurologic events

        Eugenio Stabile
    19. -

      Evaluation and comparison of carotid and coronary artery plaque using IVUS virtual histology

        Andrej Erglis
    20. -

      Long-term follow-up of CAS: 5 year data of a single center all-comers registry

        Paolo Rubino
    21. -

      Best practice in CEA: Is there a way to make surgery even better?

        Gioachino Coppi
    22. -

      Carotid revascularization in Germany: Data from the national quality assurance programme on 30.000+ patients

        Martin Storck
    23. -

      Revascularization in recently symptomatic patients: How to achieve optimal results?

        Carlo Setacci
    24. -

      Despite current level 1 evidence – the outlook for an upsurge in CAS is bright

        Frank Veith
    25. -


  • - , Main Arena 1

    Changing paradigms and future concepts in peripheral interventions

    Dierk Scheinert, Gary Ansel
    Karl-Ludwig Schulte, Steven Kum, Erich Minar, Andrew Holden, Michael Jaff, Iris Baumgartner
    1. -

      Drug-coated balloons: Finally proven as the first-line therapy for femoro-popliteal de-novo lesions?

    2. -

      In.Pact-SFA clinical trial: Update on 1-year data

        Gunnar Tepe
    3. -

      LEVANT II clinical trial: 2-year data

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      My take-home messages from LEVANT II and In.Pact SFA – a critical review

        Michael Jaff
    5. -

      Panel discussion and vote

    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leizpig part I

    7. -

      Future prospects for DCB and alternative endovascular concepts

    8. -

      DCB + atherectomy: The ISAR STATH trial results

        Massimiliano Fusaro
    9. -

      DCB + atherectomy for complex lesions: DEFINETIVE AR – Final data

        Gunnar Tepe
    10. -

      Early look at the VISION Trial: OCT guided atherectomy using Avinger's Pantheris catheter

        Arne Schwindt
    11. -

      The role of vessel preparation – insights from the Heidelberg PANTHER registry

        Erwin Blessing
    12. -

      A future concept for drug delivery: The Mercator Bullfrog technology

        Dierk Scheinert
    13. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig part II

    14. -

      Should all stents promote swirling flow?

        Thomas Zeller
    15. -

      The TOBA-trial 12 months results with the Tack-device for dissection sealing in the SFA

        Marc Bosiers
    16. -

      Biodegradable vascular scaffolds – how far have we come?

        Iris Baumgartner
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Deep vein thrombosis: Interventions in the acute & chronic setting

    Cees Wittens, Niels Bækgaard
    Michael Lichtenberg, Michael Piorkowski, Rolf Engelberger, Rick de Graaf
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    2. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

    3. -

      Ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis: Does it really work? The BERNUTIFUL trial

        Rolf Engelberger
    4. -

      The ideal DVT therapy anno 2015

        Cees Wittens
    5. -

      Technical aspects for venous interventions in the acute setting

        Rick de Graaf
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    CCT @ LINC - Endovascular treatment in Japan: Techniques and their outcome

    Giancarlo Biamino, Steve Ramee
    Marco Manzi, Hiroshi Ando, Akira Miyamoto, Keisuke Hirano, Daizo Kawasaki, Yoshito Yamamoto, Osamu Iida
    1. -

      Bi-directional wiring in BTK/BTA intervention

        Hiroshi Ando
    2. -

      Duplex ultrasound-guided BTK intervention

        Akira Miyamoto
    3. -

      Olive registry: 3 years outcome of BTK intervention in Japan

        Osamu Iida
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Sapporo

    5. -

      Duplex ultrasound guided SFA intervention

        Keisuke Hirano
    6. -

      IVUS-guided SFA intervention

        Daizo Kawasaki
    7. -

      Bi-directional wiring in SFA intervention

        Yoshito Yamamoto
    8. -

      Questions and answers, discussion

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Drug-eluting technologies – the final 5 year conclusions. The guide to drug-elution and how to keep SFA treatment simple

    Michael Dake
    Konstantinos Katsanos, Fabrizio Fanelli, Andrew Holden
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Zilver PTX – 5 year results

        Michael Dake
    3. -

      A treatment algorithm for drug eluting technologies

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      How I use drug-eluting devices in my practice

        Andrew Holden
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    7. -

      Zilver PTX made easy

        Fabrizio Fanelli
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Stenting the SFA. Current status

    live from Berlin:
    Ralf Langhoff
    live from Leipzig:
    Andrej Schmidt
    Karl-Ludwig Schulte
    Michael Piorkowski, Peter Goverde, Martin Werner, Lawrence Garcia
    1. -

      The retrograde approach for flush SFA occlusions: Techniques and mid-term outcomes

        Michael Piorkowski
    2. -

      Consequences of SFA stenting and how to overcome them

        Peter Goverde
    3. -

      From science to daily routine practice – experiences with MISAGO Rx stent system for SFA treatment

        Michael Lichtenberg
    4. -

      Current indications for SFA stenting

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Abbott Vascular endovascular electronic education program – below the knee interventions – Panel discussion with recorded cases

    Max Amor
    Hans Martin Gißler, Roberto Ferraresi, Luis Mariano Palena, Christian Wissgott
  • - , Main Arena 1


  • - , Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: New horizons in the treatment of VTE

    Stephen Black
    Jan Beyer-Westendorf, Jean-Paul de Vries
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      How to thrombolyse a PE if thrombolysis is contraindicated

        Jan Beyer-Westendorf
    3. -

      Developing patient pathways for the treatment of DVT

        Stephen Black
    4. -

      Reducing treatment time and thrombolytic dose for arterial occlusions

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Technical Forum

    Lunch symposium: Expanding peripheral treatment options with Penumbra technology in embolization and thrombectomy

    Roberto Gandini
    Frank Arko, Florian Wolf, Enrico Pampana
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Volume advantage matters. Clinical techniques utilizing Ruby™ coil and POD™ occlusion device

        Florian Wolf
    3. -

      Indigo™ System – provide rapid restoration of flow to thrombosed vessels in the peripheral vasculature introducing the largest extraction lumen designed for BTK vessels.

        Enrico Pampana
    4. -

      Penumbra’s secret for endovascular clot management: Do we finally have the solution for arterial, venous, and PE clot management?

        Frank Arko
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: DCB setting the stage for standard of care – an evidence-based review

    Erich Minar
    Peter Gaines, Gunnar Tepe, Gary Ansel, Hans Krankenberg, William Gray
    1. -

      IN.PACT in fem-pop TASC A-B and diabetics

        Gunnar Tepe
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      IN.PACT global sub-analysis update: TASC C-D lesions

        Gary Ansel
    4. -

      DCB and ISR: Insights from FAIR study

        Hans Krankenberg
    5. -

      Are all DCB equal?

        William Gray
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    7. -

      IN.PACT role in SFA: Critical overview of modern endovascular therapies

        Frank Vermassen
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Revascularisation of complex chronic deep vein obstruction

    live from Berne:
    Nils Kucher
    Iris Baumgartner, Rick de Graaf
    Michael Lichtenberg, Michael Dake, Cees Wittens
    1. -

      The importance of imaging tests for planning venous interventions

        Iris Baumgartner
    2. -

      The utility of intravascular ultrasound during venous interventional procedures

        Nils Kucher, Via satellite from Berne
    3. -

      Technical aspects for endovascular reconstruction of chronic venous stenosis

        Michael Lichtenberg
    4. -

      Endophlebectomy and hybrid approaches to treat venous stenosis

        Cees Wittens
  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Pioneering techniques in femoropopliteal and BTK interventions

    live from Sapporo:
    Kazushi Urasawa
    Giancarlo Biamino, Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    Steven Kum, Andrew Holden, Steve Ramee, Karl-Ludwig Schulte
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Is POBA with bail-out stening enough for BTK lesions?

        Karl-Ludwig Schulte
    2. -

      Flash presentation: The role of CTO crossing devices in complex procedures

        Tony Das
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Why I do what I do in challenging or emergency situations

    Thomas Zeller
    Bertrand Saint-Lebes, Peter Riley, Daniele Savio, Giorgio Poletto
    1. -

      The GORE® TIGRIS® Vascular Stent for treatment of severe obstructive disease in the external iliac artery

        Bertrand Saint-Lebes
    2. -

      Endovascular treatment of central venous stenosis in emergencies

        Peter Riley
    3. -

      The GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis in a complex case of double subclavian aneurysm: three years follow-up

        Daniele Savio
    4. -

      Double recanalization in a challenging TASC D lesion: what I have learned

        Giorgio Poletto
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    A comprehensive approach to diabetic patient treatment

    Frank Vermassen, Roberto Ferraresi, Ömer Göktekin
    Michael Edmonds, Marco Manzi, Dai-Do Do
    1. -

      Vascular disease in diabetic patients: What is different?

        Eric Ducasse
    2. -

      Vascular screening in diabetic patients: How aggressive should we be and when to intervene?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    4. -

      Vascular complications in below the knee interventions

        Maria Baldasare
    5. -

      A new classification of the diabetic ischemic foot promotes a modern approach to treatment

        Michael Edmonds
    6. -

      How to revascularize the diabetic patient: wound related vs. total treatment

        Matthias Tenholt
    7. -

      The essentials for BTK procedures: wires, balloons, what else …

        Dai-Do Do
    8. -

      Blue, red and black slopes: How to advance my interventional programme for diabetic BTK disease

        Marco Manzi
    9. -

      Complication management in BTK procedures

        Andrew Holden
    10. -

      The relevance of vessel-patency for optimal outcomes and approaches to achieve it

        Enrico Marone
    11. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    12. -

      Is long-term patency essential for BTK interventions?

        Prakash Krishnan
    13. -

      Factors effecting outcome of CLI procedures

        Kiang Hiong Tay
    14. -

      How to arrange the follow-up and how should wound healing guide re-intervention decisions

        Katja Mühlberg
    15. -

      What is standardized wound therapy and when to perform minor amputations

        Carlo Caravaggi
  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round in front of the LINC studio

    Felix Mahler, Claudio Rabbia
    1. -


    2. -

      Transradial access for above-the-knee angioplasty R. Lorenzoni

    3. -

      Endovascular treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms with hostile aortic neck anatomy P. Broos

    4. -

      Chimney CERAB: an alternative soulution for extensive or iuxtarenal aortoiliac occlusive disease K. Taeymans

    5. -

      Endovascular treatment for Leriche syndrome W. Liang

    6. -


    7. -

      Valvulotomy to increase GSV diameter – a pilot study

        Matthias Tenholt
    8. -

      Factors predicting failure or success in occlusive superficial femoral artery disease treated minimally invasive with covered stents F. Poelmann

    9. -

      Randomized clinical trial favors the use of Freeway DCB over plain balloon for the postdilatation of nitinol stents in the SFA and PI segment to lower restenosis rate D. Kieselbach

    10. -

      Nitinol stents implantation in femoropopliteal disease in patients on hemodialysis M. Fujihara

    11. -

      7-year results of primary femoropopliteal stent placement: Do women benefit? E. Schönefeld

    12. -

      Outcomes of spot stenting versus long stenting after intentional subintimal approach for long chronic total occlusions of the femoropopliteal artery YG. Ko

    13. -

      The COhorte de Patients ARTériopathes (COPART) Risk Score G. Hackl

    14. -

      Results of thrombolytic treatment of peripheral arterial occlusions on an intensive care unit in a general teaching hospital V. Jongkind

    15. -

      The outcome after stenting of ostial lesions in superficial femoral artery: a discussion of risk factors and reintervention J. Yue

    16. -

      Longterm results of femoral thrombendarterectomy E. Schönefeld

    17. -

      Prospective study comparing transluminal vs subintimal angioplasty for management of critical limb ischemia patients with femoropopliteal occlusive disease W. Eldaly

    18. -

      Stent implantation crossing deep femoral artery does not worsen six months clinical outcome after endovascular treatment Y. Iwata

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Current concepts and advances for long femoropopliteal lesions and in-stent restenosis

    Tony Das
    Jörn Balzer, Francesco Liistro, Peter Gaines, Marc Bosiers, Sabine Steiner, Michael Werk, Roberto Gandini
    1. -

      What works best for long SFA disease? A review of the evidence

        Marc Bosiers
    2. -

      After 10.000+ DCB: How has this technology changed our clinical practice for complex SFA lesions?

        Andrej Schmidt
    3. -

      One-year follow-up of the DEBAS STUDY

        Patrice Mwipatayi
    4. -

      Is the combination of DCB and bare metal stents as effective as DES? The BIOLUX 4EVER trial

        Marc Bosiers
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    6. -

      The endoluminal bypass – the best solution for long lesions and ISR?

        Peter Soukas
    7. -

      The Leipzig experience with DCB, conventional, and interwoven nitinol stents for complex SFA disease

        Sabine Steiner
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    9. -

      Excimer laser atherectomy for in-stent restenosis: Results of the EXCITE trial

        Eric Dippel
    10. -

      The Copa Cabana study: DEB vs. POBA in in-stent restenosis

        Gunnar Tepe
    11. -

      The cost economic value of DCB

        Konstantinos Katsanos
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: SFA treatment – evidence guided decisions between DCB and stent

    Patrick Peeters
    Arne Schwindt, Carl-Magnus Wahlgren, Yann Gouëffic, Henrik Schröder
    1. -

      Advancing treatment in highly complex lesions – evidence and practice

        Arne Schwindt
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    3. -

      Safety and accuracy results for the 5F Entrust™ stent delivery system

        Carl-Magnus Wahlgren
    4. -

      Evaluating the economic value of 5F systems for outpatients

        Yann Gouëffic
    5. -

      An emerging DCB and ongoing clinical programme

        Henrik Schröder
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    7. -

      Insight into drug coated balloons: What's the difference?

        Antonio Micari, Via satellite from Cotignola
    8. -

      Closing remarks by the chairman

  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Advanced techniques for aortoiliac TASC C and D lesions

    live from Leipzig:
    Dierk Scheinert, Matthias Ulrich
    Ramon Varcoe
    Hans Krankenberg, Chris Metzger, Paul Myers, Claudio Rabbia
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Role of covered stents in prevention of arterial rupture and distal embolization during iliac artery recanalization

        Claudio Rabbia
    2. -

      Flash presentation: First experiences and innovative approach with a new balloon expandable endoprosthesis

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Flash presentation: Technical and hemodynamic considerations for reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation

        Peter Goverde
    4. -

      Flash presentation: Technique and outcome of endoluminal aortoiliac reconstructions with covered stents: The Leipzig experience

        Ankur Patel
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Alternative approach to end stage critical limb ischemia

    Jihad Mustapha
    Roberto Ferraresi, Vlad Alexandrescu, Pramook Mutirangura, Steven Kum, Yih Kai Tan
    1. -

      BTK revascularization: unresolved issues and outlook

        Roberto Ferraresi
    2. -

      A hybrid variant (endovascular & surgical) of deep calf veins arterialization targeting leg venosomes

        Vlad Alexandrescu
    3. -

      Deep venous arterialisation – long term surgical results

        Pramook Mutirangura
    4. -

      Recorded case: Percutaneous DVA – an introduction

        Steven Kum
    5. -

      Percutaneous DVA – clinical follow up, future plans, and pipeline

        Steven Kum
    6. -

      Questions and answers, closing remarks by the chairman

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Scrub in with the experts: Solutions for severely calcified lesions, ISR and beyond

    live from Leipzig:
    Sven Bräunlich, Andrej Schmidt
    Lawrence Garcia
    Steve Ramee, Hermann Steinkamp, Andrew Holden, Ramon Varcoe, Miguel Montero-Baker, Sebastian Sixt
    1. -

      The Shockwave lithoplasty concept – finally the solution for calcified lesions?

        Andrew Holden
    2. -

      Our experience with biomimetic stent technology for severely calcified long lesions

        Donald Jacobs
    3. -

      The challenge of vessel calcification in different vascular beds: What are we dealing with?

        Jihad Mustapha
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Venous embolisation therapy

    live from Galway:
    Gerard O'Sullivan, Tony Lopez, Jean Marc Pernes
    Robert Lookstein
    John Kaufman, Jörn Balzer, Cees Wittens, Peter Schneider
    1. -

      Diagnosis & indications to treat pelvic congestion syndrome

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Via satellite from Galway
    2. -

      Tips & tricks for the management of pelvic congestion syndrome

        Tony Lopez, Via satellite from Galway
  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Carotid interventions

    live from Cotignola:
    Antonio Micari, Alberto Cremonesi
    Horst Sievert, William Gray
    Klaus Mathias, Dieter Raithel, Zoran Milosevic
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Will the newest generation carotid stents resuscitate CAS? The CLEAR-ROAD trial

        Marc Bosiers
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Is there a value of OCT-imaging during CAS?

        Bernhard Reimers
    3. -

      Flash presentation: CAS with proximal protection from transradial/brachial approach

        Piero Montorsi
  • - , Westin Hotel

    Meet the CTO Experts

    Dierk Scheinert
    Marco Manzi, Jihad Mustapha, Andrej Schmidt, Michael Piorkowski
    1. -

      Pioneering techniques in tibial interventions

        Jihad Mustapha
    2. -

      Recorded case: Retrograde recanalization of a popliteal artery occlusion via proximal anterior tibial access

        Andrej Schmidt
    3. -

      How I would have treated this case

        Jihad Mustapha
    4. -


    5. -

      Recorded case: Transpedal recanalization of a long posterior tibial artery occlusion

        Andrej Schmidt
    6. -

      How I would have treated this case

        Marco Manzi
    7. -


    8. -

      Recorded case: Retrograde recanalization of a flush SFA occlusion

        Michael Piorkowski
    9. -

      How I would have treated this case

        Jihad Mustapha
    10. -

      The last frontier: Tips and tricks for pedal angioplasty

        Marco Manzi
    11. -

      Panel discussion/Question and answers

Conference day 2

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Mechanical removal of occlusion material from arteries and veins – the new standard treatment?

    Dierk Scheinert
    Steven Kum, Michael Lichtenberg, Thomas Heller, Samuel Heller, Eberhard Wedell, Bruno Freitas
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Rotarex mechanical debulking: The Leipzig experience in 1.200+ patients

        Dierk Scheinert
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      Successful recanalisation of venous occlusions with Aspirex mechanical thrombectomy. The 50-cases-experience

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      In-stent reocclusion: Why do we use mechanical debulking as first treatment step?

        Bruno Freitas
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with experts: Ultra low profile AAA stent-graft systems: Evidence meets experience

    live from Münster:
    Arne Schwindt, Martin Austermann, Bernd Gehringhoff
    Giovanni Torsello
    Andrew Holden, Christian Reeps, Michel Makaroun
    1. -

      Flash presentation: INCRAFT case presentation from Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich

        Christian Reeps
    2. -

      Flash presentation: First practical learnings with INCRAFT from Münster, Franziskus Hospital

        Arne Schwindt, Via satellite from Münster
    3. -

      Flash presentation: Featured research - INCRAFT: Update on the INSPIRATION Pivotal Study

        Michel Makaroun
    4. -

      Flash presentation: Results of vascular closure devices for large caliber access

        Bruno Freitas
    5. -

      Flash presentation: Low profile devices for EVAR: Value and trade-offs from a surgical viewpoint

        Giovanni Torsello
  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Endovascular therapy in complex aortoiliac and femoral disease

    live from Dendermonde:
    Koen Deloose
    Steve Ramee
    Spiridon Botsios, Ankur Patel, Wolfgang Ritter, Patrick Peeters, Holger Staab
    1. -

      Advanced techniques for recanalization of TASC C/D iliac lesions

        Matthias Ulrich
    2. -

      Endovascular management of complex aorto-iliac lesions, bare metal stents vs.covered stents: Long-term result of COBEST trial

        Patrice Mwipatayi
    3. -

      Surgical approaches to iliac obstructions: When are they the preferred option?

        Ralph-Ingo Rückert
    4. -

      Hybrid procedures: When and how

        Holger Staab
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Catheter-based treatment of hypertension, heart failure and beyond – where do we stand, where do we go?

    Felix Mahfoud, Horst Sievert
    Thomas Zeller, Paul Sobotka, Roland Schmieder, Michael Böhm, Oliver Vonend
    1. -

      Renal denervation: what has anatomy taught us?

        Renu Virmani
    2. -

      From bench to bedside: how and where to treat the renal artery?

        Felix Mahfoud
    3. -

      How does renal artery anatomy effect the outcome of RDN procedures?

        Britta Vogel
    4. -

      What to learn from recent clinical trials: Symplicity HTN-3, FRENCH-DENERV-HTN, PRAGUE-15?

        Thomas Zeller
    5. -

      Renal denervation – dead or alive? The view point of a nephrologist/hypertenoion specialist

        Oliver Vonend
    6. -

      Recent clinical findings and how they changed my patient selection: who is the ideal candidate?

        Philipp Lurz
    7. -

      What is needed now? New clinical trials that would change my clinical practice

        Roland Schmieder
    8. -

      Renal denervation in patients with impaired kidney function – results from the Heidelberg RDN registry

        Erwin Blessing
    9. -

      Late results of radiofrequency denervation and assessment of vessel patency

        Yvonne Bausback
    10. -

      Preliminary results of RETREAT (renal denervation with ultrasound after failed radiofrequency denervation)

        Horst Sievert
    11. -

      Going to the source: A disruptive approach to renal denervation with the non-vascular Verve system

        Richard Heuser
    12. -

      Turn the page for hypertension and lets go for heart failure and arrhythmias

        Michael Böhm
    13. -

      Blood pressure-lowering interventions beside renal denervation – what is on the horizon?

        Horst Sievert
    14. -

      Treatment of resistent hypertension by creation of an AV anastomosis: the pathophysiologic basis and principle of treatment

        Paul Sobotka
    15. -

      Orchestrating sympathovagal balance with Barostim

        Navid Madershahian
    16. -

      Barostim: Clinical evidence in resistant hypertension and heart failure

        Jochen Müller-Ehmsen
    17. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 12:30 in front of the LINC studio

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Controversies in endovascular aortic repair – EVAR outside the instructions for use

    Frank Veith, Jean-Pierre Becquemin
    Piotr Kasprzak, Giovanni Torsello, Andreas Gussmann, Mario Lachat
    1. -

      The great debate

    2. -

      EVAR for everyone: Are we going too far in the push to treat every aneurysm endovascularly?

        Frank Criado
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Münster part I

    4. -

      EVAR should be the first choice treatment in young patients with good anatomy

        Frans Moll
    5. -

      On label vs. off label indications: Are contemporary devices reducing the gap in clinical outcome?

        Nicola Troisi
    6. -

      Treating more complex anatomies does not lead to higher re-intervention rates – the Eindhoven experience in 1000+ patients

        Marc van Sambeek
    7. -

      AAA-repair in patients with chronic renal insufficiency: EVAR or open repair

        Vicente Riambau
    8. -

      The scandal of long-term mortality after EVAR

        Piergiorgio Cao
    9. -

      Live case transmission from Münster part II

    10. -

      How short aortic necks should be defined, re-defined and measured

        Isabelle van Herzeele
    11. -

      Chimney procedures for juxtarenal aneurysms – technical considerations and outcomes

        Giovanni Torsello
    12. -

      Fenestrated endovascular aortic grafts are still the best and most durable solution

        Eric Verhoeven
    13. -

      The Auckland experience with the Nellix EVAS system

        Andrew Holden
    14. -

      Is EVAS going to change the practice with short neck and chimneys?

        Michel Reijnen
  • - , Main Arena 1

    Critical limb ischemia treatment 2014: Lessons learned, current status and future perspectives

    Dierk Scheinert, Peter Schneider
    Iris Baumgartner, Renu Virmani, Andrew Holden, Yoshiaki Yokoi, Michael Jaff
    1. -

      The rationale for the “Endovascular First” concept and how to implement it

        Peter Schneider
    2. -

      Real world CLI practice: Update from the CRITISCH registry

        Theodosios Bisdas
    3. -

      The Angiosome concept: Pro and cons

    4. -

      The BEST-CLI Trial: Open vs. endovascular therapy for critical limb ischemia

        Michael Jaff
    5. -

      Revascularization of the wound-related artery is key

        Osamu Iida
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig part I

    7. -

      There is no proof for the angiosome concept

        Peter Huppert
    8. -

      Panel discussion and vote

    9. -

      Drug-coated balloons for BTK disease in critical limb ischemia – a failed concept?

    10. -

      One year after In.Pact Deep: Lessons learned from a failed trial

        Thomas Zeller
    11. -

      Safety of Paclitaxel balloon coatings: Insights from a pathologist

        Renu Virmani
    12. -

      Ongoing trials and future concepts for local drug delivery in BTK arteries

        Dierk Scheinert
    13. -

      Panel discussion and vote

    14. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig part II

    15. -

      Destiny II: 12 months results with long segment DES treatment in BTK arteries

        Marc Bosiers
    16. -

      PES BTK 70: 12 months results with a paclitaxel-coated self-expandingstent in BTK arteries

        Marc Bosiers
    17. -

      Initial experience with absorbable drug-eluting vascular scaffolds in BTK arteries

        Ramon Varcoe
  • - , Technical Forum

    Current concepts in embolization therapy

    Ulf Teichgräber
    Michael Moche, Hermann Steinkamp, Claudio Rabbia, John Kaufman
    1. -

      Concepts and techniques in oncologic and non-oncologic embolizations

        Peter Huppert
    2. -

      State-of-the-art treatment options in metastatic liver disease and primary liver tumors

        Ulf Teichgräber
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    4. -

      Drug-eluting beads vs. conventional TACE – what is the evidence?

        Jochen Fuchs
    5. -

      Selective internal radiotherapy treatment (SIRT): Current indications, technique and outcome

        Michael Moche
    6. -

      Recorded case from Leipzig

    7. -

      Embolization treatment for acute gastrointestinal bleeding

        Steffen Basche
    8. -

      Treatment of AV-malformations in abdominal and visceral arteries

        René Aschenbach
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Challenges in EVAR: current solutions and future needs

    Michael Dake
    Rob Fisher, Giovanni Pratesi, Robert Rhee, Michel Reijnen
    1. -

      Overcoming challenging aortic anatomy: from hostile necks to tortuous iliac arteries

        Rob Fisher
    2. -

      Iliac branching devices – dos and don’ts

        Giovanni Pratesi
    3. -

      Precision and accuracy in treating hostile anatomy: limitations and on-going needs

        Robert Rhee
    4. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round in front of the LINC studio

    Patrick Peeters, Spiridon Botsios
    1. -

      Endovascular surgery/aortic

    2. -

      The effectiveness of the two-debranching TEVAR by using a reversed T shape extra-anatomical bypass graft with LSCA-LCCA autoperfusion methods S. Kondo

    3. -

      Drug coated balloon (DCB) angioplasty versus conventional angioplasty for the treatment of the superficial femoral artery and PI-segment in PAD-patients – updated interim results of the FREERIDE study D. Kieselbach

    4. -

      “Over-SIRIX”: a new method to calculate endograft oversizing by using “OsiriX Imaging Software” S. Fazzini

    5. -

      Long-term outcome of endovascular aortic repair in Japanese patients J. Tazaki

    6. -

      The effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the outcome of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms Y. 't Mannetje

    7. -

      A FIM study to assess safety and effectiveness of the first single-sided access AAA EVAR – a 14Fr dual anchored system S. Raz

    8. -

      A clinical approach to vascular malformations J. Jalili Shahri

    9. -

      INSPIRATION study of the INCRAFT® AAA stent graft system at one-year L. English

    10. -

      Loss of kidney function after endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease T. Sigterman

    11. -

      Bi- and three-dimensional preoperative morphological features as predictors of reintervention and death after EVAR P. Sirignano

    12. -

      Treatment of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm anatomies with Aorfix: on-label vs open repair. I. Pokidkin

    13. -

      Impact of diabetic status on iliac artery stenting: nine-month results of the DURABILITY iliac study

        Patrick Peeters
    14. -

      Role of haemodynamic stability in the outcome of endovascular vs surgical treatment of ruptured abdominal aneurysms: results from 68 consecutive patients A. Froio

    15. -

      Endovascular repair of acute and chronic aortic Type B dissections: impact on aortic remodeling and clinical outcome C. Cirelli

    16. -

      Onyx® embolic agent in abdominal and thoracic Type II endoleaks treatment: our experience C. Cirelli

    17. -

      Getting each endograft’s advantages: EVAR for AAA with “difficult” proximal neck, using a combination of two types of endografts K. Konstantinidis

    18. -

      PVD/below the knee

    19. -

      Early outcomes of bioabsorbable stent for below the knee critical limb ischemia DC. Ho

    20. -

      Treatment of patients with peripheral vascular disease and tissue loss F. Accrocca

    21. -

      Below the knee angioplasty: a center experience after LINC R. Costantini

    22. -

      Success of infrapopliteal angioplasty in patients with occluded target arteries I. Kogan

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Challenging cases and complications

    Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    Sheyla Alfaro, Stanislav Bartus, Piero Montorsi, Gioachino Coppi
    1. -


    2. -

      Carotid artery stenting for complicated patients

        Yong Quan Gu
    3. -

      OPCABG+CEA+CAS simultaneously for a ischemic heart disease with bilateral severe carotid stenosis

        Zhidong Ye
    4. -

      Optical coherence tomography during carotid stent procedures: Tips, techniques and advantages

        Suhail Dohad
    5. -

      Treatment of subclavian and axillary artery aneurysms

        Francesco Aiello
    6. -

      Exposed and infected carotid pseudoaneurysm endovascular treatement beginning with stenting and ending in hemorrhagic shock treated with coil embolization months later

        Christopher Stout
    7. -

      Accidental placement of an internal jugular 8 french sheath in vertebral artery with bleeding and thrombus hanging off of sheath in vertebral artery – endovascular treatment

        Mark Goodwin
    8. -

      Massive pulmonary embolism– the next frontier

        Mahir Elder
    9. -

      Intravascular ultrasound guidance for IVC filter placement

        Donald Jacobs
    10. -

      Complication and retrieval related to an embolized core valve

        Suhail Dohad
    11. -

      Aorto ostial stenting: outcomes of the first 150 consecutive patients treated using a novell ostial stent positioning balloon

        Richard Kovach
    12. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Unique technologies for the treatment of peripheral artery disease

    Michel Reijnen
    Eric Verhoeven
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Endovascular treatment with the new generation stent design of the GORE® TIGRIS® Vascular Stent

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    4. -

      Collateral damage in endovascular treatment of SFA occlusive disease: fact or fiction?

        Rombout Kruse
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Revising dysfunctional and thrombosed dialysis access: my experiences and clinical outcome

        Christian Hohl
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the chairman

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Meeting the challenges of EVAR with a unique design & proven indication: Early-, mid-, and late-term clinical experience with Aorfix

    Dierk Scheinert
    John Hardman, Mahmoud Malas, Vicente Riambau, Andrew Holden
    1. -

      7-year experience with Aorfix for complex anatomy

        John Hardman
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      Two-year outcomes from the US PYTHAGORAS PMA trial

        Mahmoud Malas
    4. -

      The ARCHYTAS worldwide post-market registry

        Vicente Riambau
    5. -

      Choosing the right device for your patients: When Aorfix meets the challenge

        Andrew Holden
  • - , Technical Forum

    Symposium: Onyx™ Liquid Embolic System – for advanced treatment approaches and daily challenges

    Robert Morgan
    Marcus Treitl, Ian McCafferty, Christoph Binkert
    1. -

      First experience with Onyx™ 34 liquid embolic system with less tantalum

        Marcus Treitl
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    3. -

      Treatment of AMLs, emergency embolization

        Ian McCafferty
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    5. -

      Onyx™ 34 liquid embolic system for treatment of endoleaks Type I after treatment with chimney technique

        Christoph Binkert
  • - , Discussion Forum

    VIVA @ LINC: Post-EVAR disasters – how I fix problems when they occur

    Peter Schneider
    Michael Dake, Chris Metzger, Gary Ansel
    1. -

      This is a case-based session focussing on what we like best … real cases with challenges and complications that make the experts sweat. In this amphitheatre setting, audience participation is encouraged and step-by-step case management is featured and discussed. This round room setting is dedicated to controversial or interactive talk-show-like sessions

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Challenging cases and complications

    Lawrence Garcia, Jörn Balzer
    Dai-Do Do, Fabrizio Fanelli, Yoshiaki Yokoi, Marcus Thieme
    1. -


    2. -

      Dissections, perforations and embolizations: treating complications caused by lower extremity interventions

        Scott Stevens
    3. -

      Delayed femoral artery pseudoaneurysm after stenting

        Ehrin Armstrong
    4. -

      SFA long segment disease, treatment with laser and focal force balloons

        Delair Gardi
    5. -

      Intravascular imaging insights into the mechanism of action of focal force balloon angioplasty

        Sahil Parikh
    6. -

      OCT guided atherectomy

        Amir Kaki
    7. -

      The case of transradial minimum invasive endovascular treatment for bil-long iliac lesions using 3D angiography

        Makoto Sugihara
    8. -

      Ultrasonography guided wiring for SFA-CTO lesions

        Keisuke Hirano
    9. -

      Alternative ways to access as well as cross CTO's in peripheral vascular disease: challenges and complications

        Perwaiz M. Meraj
    10. -

      Management of in-stent restenosis in femoropopliteal artery

        Atsushi Tosaka
    11. -

      Outcome of Zilver PTX stents placed in the infra inguinal outflow for Rutherforford criteria >3 and or CLI patients – 1 year ultrasound follow up

        Awais Siddique
    12. -

      The use of DEB in today's clinical practice – update from the Heidelberg registry

        Britta Vogel
    13. -

      Heparin-bonded dual-component stent implantation in de-novo stenotic and occlusive popliteal artery lesions: 1-year results

        Ulf Teichgräber
    14. -

      Utility of intramedial delivery of dexamethasone to prevent restenosis – DANCE study

        George Adams
    15. -

      Common femoral artery intervention in Japanese situation

        Hiroki Takahashi
    16. -

      Atherectomy of CTO SFA – Turbohawk with pedal access

        Satyaprakash Makam
    17. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Lunch symposium: Endovascular procedures – how to choose the right device for complex procedures

    Dierk Scheinert
    Patrick Bagan, Konstantinos Donas, Michel Reijnen
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Local drug delivery for acute occlusions in the peripheral arteries

        Patrick Bagan
    3. -

      Performance of renal covered stents in the endovascular treatment of pararenal pathologies

        Konstantinos Donas
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      When not to use a bare metal stent – when not to use a covered stent for iliac stenotic lesions

        Michel Reijnen
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the chairman

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Challenging EVAR cases and complications – Part I

    Piotr Kasprzak
    Mario Lachat
    Sven Seifert, Carlo Setacci, Dieter Raithel, Eric Ducasse
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Chimney technique in challenging anatomies

        Hazem Habboub
    3. -

      Optimizing the accuracy of the Trivascular ovation aortic aneurysm stent graft in short neck situtations: A novel pre-deployment use of contrast enhanced visualization of the main body seal zone

        Steve Henao
    4. -

      Aortic stent grafting with preservation of the inferior mesenteric artery – 2 cases

        Donald Jacobs
    5. -

      Fenestration technique of iliac artery covered stent: purpose and clinical significance

        Huagang Zhu
    6. -

      Strategy for tortuous iliac curvature to accomplish EVAR for infrarenal AAA: Use of peripheral stent-graft as a bridge

        Nam Yeol Yim
    7. -

      Endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms is superior to open repair in risk stratified patients: a look at the United States experience through the SVS vascular quality initiative 2003–2013

        William Robinson
    8. -

      Ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm following aortic valve replacement and sternal wound infection

        Jeffrey Slaiby
    9. -

      Coil embolization of aortic dissection false lumen after TEVAR

        Robert Feezor
    10. -

      Upward displacement of Talent aortic endograft presented with ruptured aneurysm

        Mohammad Hosni
    11. -

      Disseminated intravascular coagulation after endovascular aneurysm repair in patient with hostile neck

        Young-Hwan Kim
    12. -

      SMA dissection with acute occlusion, after emergent EVAR for symptomatic AAA

        John Phillips
    13. -

      Management of gutter endoleaks during TEVAR with chimney in zone O: A useful technique coiling from LCCA

        Daisuke Fukui
    14. -

      Chimney combinded with periscope technique to treat an acute aortic dissection patient with aberrant right subclavian artery

        Wei Ye
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: Next steps in BTK treatment

    Francesco Liistro
    Vlad Alexandrescu, Roberto Ferraresi, Andrej Schmidt
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      The angiosome concept in practice

        Vlad Alexandrescu
    3. -

      Below the ankle disease

        Roberto Ferraresi
    4. -

      New innovations for BTK

        Andrej Schmidt
    5. -

      Panel discussion and questions

  • - , Technical Forum

    Lunch symposium: Providing more patients with a durable repair

    Eric Verhoeven
    Tara Mastracci, Piergiorgio Cao, Giovanni Torsello
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Are we designing aortic repairs for long term durability

        Tara Mastracci
    3. -

      Zenith Alpha™ thoracic experience

        Piergiorgio Cao
    4. -

      The value of a low profile device

        Giovanni Torsello
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 13:00 – 18:00 in front of the LINC studio

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Lutonix® DCB – Discussion on pre-clinical saftey studies, new insights from LEVANT2, Real World experience and the role of DCB in treatment of critical limb ischemia

    Michael Jaff
    Renu Virmani, Marcus Thieme, Marianne Brodmann, Jihad Mustapha
    1. -

      Not all DCBs are created equal: Side by side pre-clinical safety evaluation of leading DCBs

        Renu Virmani
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      New insights from LEVANT2: Randomized 12 month data and post hoc analysis

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      A first look and interim analysis of 12 month outcomes from the Real World Global SFA registry

        Marcus Thieme
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Role of DCBs in treating critical limb ischemia and the enrollment update on-going Lutonix® BTK clinical trial

        Marianne Brodmann
    7. -

      Discussion on physiology of CLI in utility of DCB in below-the-knee procedures

        Jihad Mustapha
    8. -

      German single center experience with Lutonix® DCB in BTK

        Sabine Steiner
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Successful strategies to reduce dose in endovascular procedures

    Eric Verhoeven
    Guiseppe Panuccio, Lieven Maene, Jos van den Berg, Johannes Gahlen, Sebastian Debus, Philipp Geisbüsch
    1. -

      Intra procedural 3D guidance during endovascular aortic procedures: Technical solutions to reduce radiation and contrast media

        Philipp Geisbüsch
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    3. -

      Optimize radiation and contrast dose by complex aortic procedures: the role of 2D/3D fusion imaging

        Guiseppe Panuccio
    4. -

      A modern hybrid-room ... your partner to reduce radiation and protect your patient's kidneys

        Lieven Maene
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    6. -

      3D navigational tools: Of help or just another useless tool?

        Jos van den Berg
  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Frontiers of vascular repair – solving problems in venous disease

    live from Teaneck:
    John Rundback
    John Kaufman
    Gary Ansel, Tony Das, Cees Wittens, Peter Schneider
    1. -

      Flash presentation: May Thurner syndrome: An emerging but still underdiagnosed condition. How I find it and how I treat it

        Gary Ansel
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Thoracic outlet syndrome with venous complications. Timing, treatment options, long-term management

        Peter Schneider
    3. -

      Flash presentation: Vena cava filters: Why do usage rates vary so much and what's my take on filter removal

        John Kaufman
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Open questions in the treatment of acute uncomplicated Type B dissection

    Jan Brunkwall
    Michael Dake, Michael Jenkins, Thomas Larzon, Santi Trimarchi
    1. -

      Is medical treatment alone the treatment of choice for all patients with uncomplicated Type B dissection?

        Michael Jenkins
    2. -

      Interactive discussion of uncomplicated Type B dissection cases in medical treatment - Case examples

        Thomas Larzon
    3. -

      Panel discussion: What is daily practice treating uncomplicated Type B dissections?

    4. -

      Panel discussion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round in front of the LINC studio

    Klaus Mathias, Erich Minar
    1. -

      Renal/renal denervation

    2. -

      Clinical outcomes of renal artery stenting for hypertension and chronic kidney disease over 12 months in J-RAS study M. Fujihara

    3. -

      Lighting up the dark side of the renal muscular fibrodysplasia R. Costantini

    4. -


    5. -

      Neurocognitive functioning after carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting with filter protection or flow reversal

        Isabelle van Herzeele
    6. -

      CAS in octogenarians: correct evaluation for best treatment selection

        Gioachino Coppi
    7. -

      Optical coherence tomography evaluation of a double layer micromesh design carotid stent G. Galzerano

    8. -

      Venous disease

    9. -

      Mechanochemical ablation for endovenous occlusion: The Hungarian experience

        Attila Szabó
    10. -

      CCSVI in Menier’s disease: a new possibility of treatment A. Bruno

    11. -

      Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) versus Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) for the treatment of SFJ/GSV reflux in patients with venous insufficiency A. Srivastava

    12. -


    13. -

      Percutaneous AngioJet Rheolytic Thrombectomy for acute high- and intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism: a promising treatment option S. Vecchio

    14. -

      Percutaneous interventional procedures for vascular access are usually performed using the draining cephalic or basilic vein M. Rahmatzadeh

    15. -

      Guideline recommendations regarding antithrombotic treatment with two different drugs (dual antiplatelet treatment) after peripheral interventional procedures are inadequate due to missing data from clinical trials M. Baumhäkel

    16. -

      The benefit of transradial approach in patients undergoing peripheral artery stenting E. Khayrutdinov

    17. -

      VAC therapy in vascular wounds: predictors for wound healing M. Herten

    18. -

      Our experience in the treatment of visceral artery aneurysm during the last 12 years. Introduction of endovasculars techniques J. Sepulveda Grisales

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Current realities of endovascular therapy in Latin America

    Miguel Montero-Baker, Giancarlo Biamino
    Frank Criado, Ralf Langhoff, Bruno Freitas
    1. -

      Introduction to the Latin America LINC panel and objectives of global integration

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    2. -

      The globalization of Latin America: a personal story which translates an era of change

        Alejandro Fabiani
    3. -

      Keys to develop an endovascular limb-salvage program in a developing country

        José Antonio Muñoa Prado
    4. -

      Live case transmission from São Paulo

    5. -

      Affordable (home-made) tools and tricks for crossing complex lesions (SFA and BTK)

        Luis Morelli Alvarez
    6. -

      Extreme access as means to avoid rising costs for interventions

        Luis Alberto Cruz-Vasquez
    7. -

      Brazilian techiques in peripheral intervention

        Luis Virgen
    8. -

      The scientific renaissance of Colombia – a new global leader in endo innovation

        Carlo Vallejo
    9. -

      Initial real-world experience with absorbable stenting for tibial disease

        Juan Barrera
    10. -

      Integration of ultrasound to optimize endovascular interventions

        Larry Diaz-Sandoval
    11. -

      Mexico's limitation regarding succesful EVAR program: critical view and proposal of change

        Luis Ricardo Sanchez Escalante
    12. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Discussion Forum

    Abbott Vascular endovascular electronic education program – treatment of the SFA – Panel discussion with recorded cases

    Yann Gouëffic
    Jörg Teßarek, Enrico Marone, Lieven Maene
  • - , Main Arena 1

    VIVA @ LINC: Renal and visceral disease: pressing new dilemmas and pushing the field forward

    Chris Metzger
    Michael Jaff, Tony Das, Peter Schneider, Felix Mahfoud, Michael Moche, Jos van den Berg, Henrik Schröder
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      CORAL trial aftermath: What do we do now? Renal revascularisation in perspective

        Michael Jaff
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Teaneck

    4. -

      How to assess the hemodynamic importance of a renal artery stenosis

        Felix Mahfoud
    5. -

      Endovascular treatment of mesenteric angina: Tips, tricks, and techniques

        Chris Metzger
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Teaneck

    7. -

      Visceral artery aneurysms. The silent killer comes into focus now that we can find them and fix them

        Michael Dake
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Sealing is believing – Advancing EVAR with a proven polymer technology

    Dierk Scheinert, Martin Malina
    Thomas Nolte, Mario Lachat, Patrick Peeters, Venkatesh Ramaiah
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Preserve the neck

        Thomas Nolte
    3. -

      Less invasive approach

        Mario Lachat
    4. -

      Real world experience

        Patrick Peeters
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      A workhorse system

        Venkatesh Ramaiah
    7. -

      Wrap-up/Questions by the chairman

  • - , Technical Forum

    Optimized TIPS technique, minimizing post TIPS HE, latest clinical evidence

    live from Heidelberg:
    Boris Radeleff
    Rita Golfieri
    Andreas Koops, Geert Maleux, Juan Carlos García Pagán, Filippo Schepis
    1. -

      Optimizing TIPS technique. Effective treatment of portal hypertension complications

        Andreas Koops
    2. -

      Early TIPS in refractory ascites. Improved survival. Retrospective analysis Leuven

        Geert Maleux
    3. -

      Do we need to update the Baveno V guidelines for high risk variceal bleeding patients?

        Juan Carlos García Pagán
    4. -

      Managing the expansion of TIPS stent supports optimal post TIPS gradients and reduces post TIPS HE

        Filippo Schepis
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Challenging cases and complications

    Yoshiaki Yokoi, Giancarlo Biamino
    Steve Ramee, Thomas Rand
    1. -

      Critical Limb Ischemia

    2. -

      Lack of PAD awareness amongst physicians treating diabetes and end stage renal disease. Results of multi-region survey in the USA

        Paramjit Chopra
    3. -

      Routine strategy of coronary angiography in patients with critical limb ischemia

        Michael Lee
    4. -

      The vascular team – how to improve outcomes in critical limb ischemia by integrating vascular medicine and surgery services

        Leonardo Clavijo
    5. -

      Importance of infrapopliteal angioplasty based on the angiosome concept for critical foot ischemia

        Donghua Ji
    6. -

      Impact of the below-the-ankle angioplasty for ischemic foot

        Tatsuya Nakama
    7. -

      Endovascular treatment in foot arteries beyond pedal arch

        Sang Woo Park
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Interventional treatment of the popliteal artery

    Jörn Balzer, Tony Das
    Patrick Peeters, Peter Gaines, Reza Ghotbi, Lawrence Garcia, Eberhard Wedell
    1. -

      Balloon, DCB or stent? What is standard of interventional treatment in the popliteal artery?

        Martin Werner
    2. -

      The utility of the retrograde proximal anterior tibial access for challenging femoropopliteal occlusions

        Michael Piorkowski
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      1 year results of the Gore TIGRIS® vascular stent in femoropopliteal lesions

        Martin Werner
    5. -

      Treatment of popliteal aneurysms: Endo or open?

        Jürgen Verbist
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Innovative solutions for the challenging landing zone in the iliac and thoracoabdominal segment

    Martin Malina, Jean-Pierre Becquemin
    Spiridon Botsios, Eric Ducasse, Tilo Kölbel, Reza Ghotbi, Piotr Kasprzak
    1. -

      Clinical considerations in preserving the hypogastric arteries with bilateral treatment. Is there need for an iliac branch system

        Paul Bachoo
    2. -

      Iliac branched devices – is it a durable solution?

        Guiseppe Panuccio
    3. -

      Pre-emptive coil embolization of the internal iliac artery during EVAR There is no need!

        Marc van Sambeek
    4. -

      Live case transmission from São Paulo

    5. -

      The Gore GREAT Registry: Update about a real life data collection

        Santi Trimarchi
    6. -

      EVAR in severely angulated necks – Could we? Should we?

        Boonprasit Kritpracha
    7. -

      Mid-term results of the global ANCHOR registry regarding treatment of Type I endoleaks

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    8. -

      Three year experience with multilayer stent in the treatment of thoracoabdominal aneurysms – no evidence for aneurysm stabilization

        Thomas Larzon
  • - , Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: The last frontiers: Below-the-ankle disease

    live from Abano Terme:
    Marco Manzi
    Gary Ansel, Roberto Ferraresi
    Sigrid Nikol, Jihad Mustapha, Dai-Do Do, Ralf Langhoff, Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Foot vessel disease in critical limb ischemia: innocent bystander or leading factor?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Pedal angioplasty: landmark and access lines

        Thomas Rand
    3. -

      Flash presentation: Outcome of CLI interventions through the retrograde pedal access

        Andrej Schmidt
    4. -

      Flash presentation: “No-option-patients”: Is angiogenesis with gene or cell therapy still an option?

        Sigrid Nikol

Conference day 3

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Innovative approaches and hot topics in endovascular interventions

    Lawrence Garcia
    Koen Deloose, Josef Tacke, Michael Lichtenberg, William Gray, Sigrid Nikol, Lieven Maene, Erich Minar
    1. -

      Does stent design influence the results of SFA stenting?

        Koen Deloose
    2. -

      New approaches for drug-eluting stents: The NitiDES programme

        Dierk Scheinert
    3. -

      Recorded case via satellite from Münster

    4. -

      Results from the Freeway Stent study

        Josef Tacke
    5. -

      ILLUMENATE Direct: 12 months results with direct DCB use in femoropopliteal arteries

        Stephan Duda
    6. -

      Next generation DCB coating–the EffPac-trial

        Sebastian Sixt
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    8. -

      RELINE-trial: 24 months results with the Viabahn vs. PTA for in-stent restenosis

        Koen Deloose
    9. -

      The role of DCB for SFA-ISR

        Yann Gouëffic
    10. -

      First experience with DCB in AV-fistulas

        Stephan Duda
    11. -

      The utility of carbon-dioxide angiography in peripheral interventions

        Ulf Teichgräber
    12. -

      Using ARROW GPSCath to protect wire placement, reduce fluoroscopy while minimizing contrast

        Michael Lichtenberg
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Pioneering solutions for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections

    Frank Criado, Christian Etz
    Marc van Sambeek, Frank Veith, Enrico Marone, Michael Dake, Tilo Kölbel
    1. -

      Recent global evidence for TEVAR in Type B aortic dissections

        Ross Milner
    2. -

      Technical and clinical considerations for optimal TEVAR treatment in Type B aortic dissections

        Matt Thompson
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig Heartcenter

    4. -

      Enhancing the landing zone by covering the left subclavian artery: Potential solutions and early results with the Valiant Mona LSA branch stent-graft

        Frank Arko
    5. -

      Complications involving the ascending aorta after TEVAR: incidence, aetiology, prognosis and operative management

        Enrico Marone
    6. -

      Management of aortic pathologies in Marfans disease

        Christian Etz
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    8. -

      Ascending aorta: Is the endovascular treatment approach realistic?

        Tilo Kölbel
    9. -

      Endovascular treatment of aneurysms involving the ascending aorta and the aortic arch – Initial clinical experience

        Ralf Kolvenbach
  • - , Technical Forum

    LINC Expert Course – CTO treatment - LIVE with Marco Manzi from Abano Terme, Thomas Zeller from Bad Krozingen, and Andrej Schmidt from Leipzig

    Giancarlo Biamino
    Patrick Peeters, Amman Bolia, Antonio Micari, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Ralf Langhoff, Miguel Montero-Baker
    1. -

      The traditional subintimal approach to femoropopliteal and BTK lesions

        Amman Bolia
    2. -

      Intraluminal whenever possible! Catheter and wire choice to be successful

        Antonio Micari
    3. -

      The Japanese art of CTO crossing: Wiring with ultrasound or IVUS guidance

        Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    4. -

      The German freestyle approach: Bidirectional access whenever needed

        Andrej Schmidt, Via satellite from Leipzig
    5. -

      The virtuous Italian approach – transcollateral techniques, pedal loop and beyond

        Marco Manzi, Via satellite from Abano Terme
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Endovenous therapies for varicous veines

    Lars Rasmussen
    Martin Mory, Attila Szabó, Matthias Ulrich
    1. -

      Patient screening and evaluation for endovenous therapy

        Daniela Branzan
    2. -

      The current evidence on standard ablation technologies: 5 year results with RF, laser, foam and surgical stripping

        Lars Rasmussen
    3. -

      Available technologies

    4. -

      Recorded case: Venefit™ procedure - endothermal treatment of varicose veins with the ClosureFast™ catheter

        Martin Mory
    5. -

      The evolution of laser technologies for endovenous treatment

        Thomas Pröbstle
    6. -

      The Clarivein technology

        Attila Szabó
    7. -

      Clarivein recorded case

        Matthias Ulrich
    8. -

      Is steam still a solution for endovenous ablation?

        Michael Jünger
    9. -

      Recorded case: VenaSeal™ closure system: Tumescent-free treatment of symptomatic venous reflux disease

        Tobias Hirsch
    10. -

      VenaSeal™Closure System/Sapheon – Is it the solution?

        Thomas Pröbstle
    11. -

      When to use which technology? Considerations based on clinical and preclinical insights

        Michael Kendler
    12. -

      Panel discussion

    13. -

      Advanced disease management

    14. -

      The management of side branches and perforator

        Thomas Noppeney
    15. -

      The case where endovenous therapy is not appropriate

        Karin Brachmann
    16. -

      How to establish an endovenous programme? In-hopspital vs. office-based setting and reimbursement considerations

    17. -

      Panel discussion

    18. -

      Endovascular and open management of renal vein nutcracker syndrome

        Robert Feezor
  • - , Scientific Posters

    Challenging cases and complications - Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 12:30 in front of the LINC studio

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Individually excellent, together outstanding? Is DEB plus Stent the future for SFA therapy?

    Marc van Sambeek
    Francesco Liistro, Michael Lichtenberg, Paul Myers, Koen Deloose, Peter Soukas
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Proven: Pulsar stent technology

        Michael Lichtenberg
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    4. -

      Proven: Passeo-18 Lux drug releasing balloon technology

        Paul Myers
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Proven? Combining DEB and stent

        Koen Deloose
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: EVAS – beyond the limits of EVAR

    Matt Thompson
    Jean-Paul de Vries, Michel Reijnen, Paul Hayes
    1. -

      EVAS FORWARD global registry results; 300 patients treated with Nellix

        Matt Thompson
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    3. -

      The Nellix learning curve after 2000 patients treated

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    4. -

      Expanding your endovascular practice with EVAS

        Michel Reijnen
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    6. -

      Should Type II endoleaks be taken seriously?

        Paul Hayes
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Controversial issues and open questions in venous interventions

    Michael Dake
    Sebastian Schellong, Nils Kucher, Michael Jaff, Gerard O'Sullivan, Cees Wittens
    1. -

      Venous interventions – Hype or reality?

    2. -

      Most patients are still best treated with anticoagulation – interventions are only justified in very selected cases!

        Sebastian Schellong
    3. -

      The evidence for venous interventions is evolving – many patients do actually benefit!

        Nils Kucher
    4. -

      How to select appropriate endpoints and measure success?

        Michael Jaff
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

    6. -

      Are venous interventional techniques ready for prime-time?

    7. -

      Thrombus removal in acute and subacute thrombosis: How to achieve and the role of filter protection

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    8. -

      Venous stenting: How does the optimal device look like and does it already exist?

        Cees Wittens
    9. -

      What is the optimal time window for treating deep venous thrombosis – acute vs. subacute vs. chronic cases

        Peter Schneider
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round in front of the LINC studio

    Sebastian Debus, Enrico Marone
    1. -

      Endovascular surgery/aortic

    2. -

      Total protection method for TEVAR migration in ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm S. Onozawa

    3. -

      Aortic aneurysm treatment in an 81-year-old female by the Nexus™ aortic arch stent graft system S. Raz

    4. -

      Acute pelvic ischemia – a fatal outcome after endovascular aortoiliac aneurysm repair with iliac branch device R. Soares Ferreira

    5. -

      Endovascular treatment of post-coarctation pseudoaneurysms: case report of four patients K. Abbasi

    6. -

      A 66 year-old man with a history of a failed mesenteric bypass in the setting of a superior mesenteric artery (SMA) aneurysm underwent emergent TEVAR C. Brinster

    7. -

      Coiling of aortic arch tears in Type I aortic dissection; a new method to avoid aortic arch stent-graft H. Eldmarany

    8. -

      Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm as a consequence of renal fenestration misalignment A. Garcia Familiar

    9. -

      A missed abdominal aortic injury caused by displaced vertebral fracture: late open conversion of EVAR graft during spine surgery K. Hongku

    10. -

      Successful in-situ fenestrated TEVAR and aberrant right subclavian artery translocation treatment for the aortic arch aneurysm combined with Kommerell’s diverticulum S. Kondo

    11. -

      The use of a dedicated Paraplegia prevention branch (PPB) with motor evoked potential (MEP) control in TEVAR R. Makar

    12. -

      Presentation of a clinical case of active aorto-esophageal fistula complicated by early type 1a endoleak after endovascular exclusion M. Marques Vieira

    13. -

      Treatment failure of complex TAA: no way with precise planning and extra stuff. Challenging case. I. Pokidkin

    14. -

      Through-and-through wire technique for endovascular damage control in traumatic subclavian artery transection F. Rohlffs

    15. -

      Colour duplex scan and fluoroscopy guided endovascular aneurysm repair in a patient with chronic kidney disease R. Soares Ferreira

    16. -

      Management of aorto-oesophageal fistula after endovascular repair of traumatic thoracic aorta rupture. M. Torres-Fonseca

    17. -

      Inferior mesenteric artery neurysm; coverage of the IMA origin as a novel endovascular treatment option E. Willigendael

    18. -

      Lucky rupture of dissected intima K. Kochkina

    19. -

      Patient was 61-year-old man with an iliopsoas muscle abscess surrounding the terminal aorta M. Shibata

    20. -

      Fifty five year old male patient with extensive ecchymosis following endovascular repair of a chronic Type B dissection Y. Erben

    21. -

      PVD/below the knee

    22. -

      Usefulness of a fixation method of targeted artery like acupuncture during distal puncture T. Sato

    23. -

      Successful hybrid endovascular treatment for rapidly progressed posterior tibial artery pseudoaneurysm in patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Type 4 H. Yano

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Clearing a path for the effective treatment of complex arterial and venous disease

    Dierk Scheinert, William Gray
    Mario Galli, Gerard O'Sullivan
    1. -

      Introduction and learning objectives

    2. -

      An open toolbox and open questions – where are we in Europe with drug elution, atherectomy and thrombectomy in 2015

        Dierk Scheinert
    3. -

      The utility of atherectomy and the Jetstream™ atherectomy system

        William Gray
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    5. -

      Reducing thrombotic burden in arterial interventions

        Mario Galli
    6. -

      The importance of thrombectomy and stenting in venous intervention – case reviews and Angiojet™ AVX Thrombectomy™ system

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    7. -

      Closing and take home messages

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Innovative technologies and approaches for aortic challenges

    Marc van Sambeek
    Michael Dake, Michel Makaroun
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Early clinical experience with the GORE® TAG® Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis

        Michael Dake
    3. -

      Challenges and solutions for arch pathologies

        Dittmar Böckler, Via satellite from Heidelberg
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      One year results with the GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis

        Michel Makaroun
    6. -

      Recorded case

        Murray Flett, Rajesh Bhat
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the chairman

  • - , Technical Forum

    Symposium: It's all about vessel prep

    Giancarlo Biamino
    Erwin Blessing, Eric Ducasse
    1. -

      The importance of vessel preparation

        Eric Ducasse
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    3. -

      Laser + DEB: Maximizing drug uptake?

        Eric Ducasse
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      Scoring balloons: Tips and tricks

        Erwin Blessing
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the chairman

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Nurse and Technician Forum – Part I

    Antonio Micari, Jos van den Berg, Felix Mahler
    1. -

      Basic techniques in peripheral interventions

    2. -

      Step by Step: How I treat SFA lesions

        Sabine Steiner
    3. -

      Step by Step: Infrapopliteal revascularization

        Antonio Micari
    4. -

      Step by Step: Carotid artery stenting procedures

        Ralf Langhoff
    5. -

      Step by Step: Hybrid procedures for peripheral obstructive disease

        Holger Staab
    6. -

      Before and after an endovascular procedure

    7. -

      Revascularisation for claudication: when is it indicated, when not?

        Markus Haumer
    8. -

      How do I chose the appropriate closure device

        Jean Marc Pernes
    9. -

      Medical therapy after angioplasty / stenting

        Erich Minar
    10. -

      Strategies for crossing complex femoropopliteal and BTK lesions

    11. -

      Subintimal or intraluminal, which way to go?

        Koen Deloose
    12. -

      14, 18, 20, 35: Which wire for which lesion and why?

        Michael Piorkowski
  • - , Main Arena 1


  • - , Technical Forum

    Challenging cases and complications

    Klaus Mathias
    Jos van den Berg, Hans Krankenberg, Francesco Liistro, Peter Soukas, Erwin Blessing
    1. -

      Managing challenge AV fistula restenosis – Experience from Chia Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan

        Han-Lin Tsai
    2. -

      Endovscular management of chronic SVC syndrome

        B. C. Srinivas
    3. -

      Thrombolytic therapy of DVT & PE in pregnancy – review of risks, benefits and therapy including radiation risks

        Mark Goodwin
    4. -

      Optical coherence tomography in the intraoperative evaluation of the SUPERA self expanding stenting system

        Steve Henao
    5. -

      Recovery of lost profunda covered by subintimal flap

        Parag Doshi
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Discussion Forum

    The great debate: Are all DCB equal?

    Michael Jaff, Dierk Scheinert
    Gunnar Tepe, Renu Virmani, Stephan Duda, Marianne Brodmann
    1. -

      There are clear differences in DCB outcomes in the SFA for various coatings – DCB are not equal!

        Gunnar Tepe
    2. -

      Lacking head-to-head trials comparing different DCB studies is comparing apples and oranges – Results have been substantially affected by trial design

    3. -

      The relevance of Paclitaxel dose and coating for efficacy and safety

        Renu Virmani
    4. -

      Whats next to come in the drug delivery space: Ongoing DCB programmes

        Stephan Duda
    5. -

      Lessons learned from INPACT.Deep and why we should stay away from DCB for BTK interventions

        Erich Minar
    6. -

      DCB are still a valid option to solve the challenge of BTK vessel patency: Lutonix BTK trials are continuing

        Marianne Brodmann
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Challenging EVAR cases and complications – Part II

    Piergiorgio Cao, Martin Malina
    Sven Seifert, Reza Ghotbi, Spiridon Botsios
    1. -

      TEVAR for embolizing lesions of the aorta

        Michel Makaroun
    2. -

      Cheesewire fenestration of a chronic juxtarenal dissection flap to facilitate proximal neck fixation during EVAR

        Venita Chandra
    3. -

      Respiratory tract bleeding secondary to Kommerell's diverticulum: endovascular management

        Ivan Arismendi Ortiz
    4. -

      TEVAR with celiac trunk embolization to expand short distal landing zone

        Hwan-Jun Jae
    5. -

      Endovascular treatment for toracic aortic trauma

        Cristina Riguetti-Pinto
    6. -

      Endovascular treatment of complex thoracic dissection in Mexico

        Guering Eid Lidt
    7. -

      Treatment of successful arch aneurysms cases: Outcome from over ten cases using handcrafted LSA branch fenestrated valiant captivia stentgrafts

        Yoshihiko Kurimoto
    8. -

      Aorto-esophageal and aorto-bronchial fistula after TEVAR

        Igor Končar
    9. -

      What do you do with a patient having a AAA with unilateral groin access and a very high risk of general anesthesia

        Gioachino Coppi
  • - , Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: How the experts treat DVT and manage PE prevention

    Nils Kucher
    Gerard O'Sullivan, Iain Wilson
    1. -

      Introduction by the chairman

    2. -

      Is it safe to stent below the ligament?

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    3. -

      Is filters the best option for PE prevention?

        Iain Wilson
    4. -

      Panel discussion and questions

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Challenging cases and complications - Electronic posters will be displayed from 13:00 – 18:00 in front of the LINC studio

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Latest insights from cardiovascular clinical trials

    William Gray
    Felix Mahfoud, Dietrich Pfeiffer, Dariusz Dudek, Joachim Schofer, Christian Etz
    1. -

      After SIMPLICITY III: Is there a future for catheter-based therapy of arterial hypertension?

        Michael Böhm
    2. -

      Review of results of the European, randomized trial of AV anastomosis with the ROX coupler for resistant hypertension

        Paul Sobotka
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig Heartcenter

    4. -

      The role of TAVI in high-risk and normal-risk patients

        Joachim Schofer
    5. -

      Echocardiographic criteria for favourable TAVI outcome – can we predict the risk?

        Andreas Hagendorff
    6. -

      Cerebral protection during TAVI – the CLEAN-TAVI trial

        Stephan Haußig
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    8. -

      Stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: When and how to use left atrium appendix closure?

        Dietrich Pfeiffer
    9. -

      Current status of ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation

        Philipp Sommer
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Challenging AAA necks – strategies and considerations to guide therapeutic approach

    Ross Milner
    Hence Verhagen, Giovanni Torsello, Marc van Sambeek
    1. -

      Endurant broadens standard EVAR applicability in challenging necks

        Hence Verhagen
    2. -

      Long term durability of Endurant device in challenging necks

        Theodosios Bisdas
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    4. -

      Initial experience with Endurant IIS device

        Eric Verhoeven
    5. -

      Strategies to treat EVAR in short proximal necks

        Giovanni Torsello
    6. -

      Update from the Endurant global clinical experience

        Marc van Sambeek
    7. -

      Questions and answers, take-home message

        Ross Milner
  • - , Technical Forum

    LINC Expert Course – CLI treatment - LIVE with Marco Manzi from Abano Terme, Thomas Zeller from Bad Krozingen, and Andrej Schmidt from Leipzig

    Patrick Peeters
    Miloslav Roček, Michael Lichtenberg, Miguel Montero-Baker, George Adams
    1. -

      CO2 DSA for endovascular treatment in CLI patients. Preliminary experience

        Luis Mariano Palena, Via satellite from Abano Terme
    2. -

      Reducing contrast and procedural time during BTK procedures: The new Arrow GPSCath

        Miloslav Roček
    3. -

      The 3 years outcome of endoluminal bypass for patients with CLI: The Spanish experience

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    4. -

      Treatment of challenging BTK lesions with the next generation Phoenix Atherectomy System

        Michael Lichtenberg
  • - , Discussion Forum

    Meet with the experts of the GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis

    Peter Soukas
    Michel Reijnen, Jorge Fernández Noya, Michele Antonello
    1. -

      What I am still learning with the GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis

        Michel Reijnen
    2. -

      Best practices for durable results

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    3. -

      How I treat popliteal aneurysm in my daily practice

        Michele Antonello
  • - , Global Expert Exchange

    Nurse and Technician Forum – Part II

    Koen Deloose, Yvonne Bausback
    1. -

      Aortic interventions

    2. -

      Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR): Indications and basic procedure

        Tilo Kölbel
    3. -

      Abdominal aortic aneurysm: basics of endovascular repair

        Jos van den Berg
    4. -

      Transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI): Indications and basic procedure

        Axel Linke
    5. -

      Emergencies in the cathlab

    6. -

      Complications in the cathlab, and what the team learned from it

        Marianne Brodmann
    7. -

      Bleeding complications and puncture site complications

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    8. -

      Endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aneurysms

        Bruno Freitas
    9. -


    10. -

      The corelab – tasks and responsibilities

        Ulrich Beschorner
    11. -

      Endovascular treatment of venous ulcerations

        Elisabeth Singer
    12. -

      Drug-eluting devices

        Matthias Ulrich
    13. -

      Intravascular Imaging – Technique and Indication

        Gianmarco de Donato
    14. -

      Radiation exposure from the technicians point of view

        Alexander Gangl
    15. -

      Limb salvage

    16. -

      Chronic limb ischemia: preventing amputations – an interdisciplinary challenge

        Rolf Engelberger
    17. -

      Treatment of the diabetic foot – the how and why

        Gianmarco de Donato
  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round in front of the LINC studio

    Steffen Basche, Dieter Raithel
    1. -


    2. -

      Retrograde transcollateral recanalization technique for the superficial femoral artery occlusion – case report N. Delmonte

    3. -

      Bidirectional approach intervention for long iliofemoral CTO in patients previously treated with EVAR for AAA YG. Ko

    4. -

      Repositioning a dislocated stent in the below the knee area K. Taeymans

    5. -

      Unusual manifestation of giant femoro-popliteal aneurysm

        Marcus Thieme
    6. -

      Tunneled ipsilateral sheath, a novel technique in endovascular management of SFA osteal lesions M. El-Maadawy

    7. -

      Renal/renal denervation

    8. -

      Surgical bailout after failed renal artery angioplasty with misplaced STENT in 11 year old boy A. EL Samadoni

    9. -


    10. -

      Endovascular treatment of tandem internal carotid lesions N. Delmonte

    11. -

      Right subclavian artery stenting for bilateral severe claudication A. Kerzmann

    12. -

      Case report: Endovascular treatment of trachea-innominate fistula, complicated by stentgraft migration I. Kogan

    13. -

      Presentation and management of brachiocephalic trunk angiosarcoma R. Makar

    14. -

      Resection of a large carotid artery aneurysm under cervical epidural anaesthesia H. Ravari

    15. -

      A 52 y/o male was admitted for carotid angiography after an Ischaemic right sided stroke (jan/2014) with residual left-sided haemiparesis I. Tasheva-Dimitrova

    16. -

      Venous disease

    17. -

      Iliacvein stenting: report of three difficult cases M. Aghdasi

    18. -

      Endovascular revascularisation of the hemiazygos vein in agenesis of the inferior vena cava A. Hansen

    19. -

      Endovascular treatment of three cases of pelvic congestion syndrome accompanied by proximal lower extremity varicose veins H. Ravari

    20. -

      An anti-phospholipid syndrome patient with recurrent lower limb DVT/thromboembolic occlusive disease treated with multiple thrombolysis, PTA and stenting B. Shafi

    21. -


    22. -

      Novel solution to a difficult problem – aorto-uni-iliac conversion of Trivascular Ovation Prime stentgraft in an anatomically challenging patient A. Tan

    23. -

      A case of ruptured aneurysm of common iliac artery – nightmares A. Khan

    24. -

      Above knee stump ischemia – the value of internal iliac artery D. Rego

    25. -


    26. -

      Two cases of Fragile artery Syndrome (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), one presenting with multiple BTK visceral and upper limb aneurysms and the other with spontaneous Iliac rupture/aneurysms B. Shafi

    27. -

      Stenting of single artery V. Velchev

    28. -

      Treatment of spontaneous isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection: challenging decision J. de Carvalho

    29. -

      Indication for Amplatzer Plaque Embolisation in visceral and illiacal arteries N. Eckardt

    30. -

      Endovascular management of post cholecystectomy pseudo aneurysm of proper hepatic artery A. Khan

    31. -

      A case of flush ostial superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion A. Mahrouky

    32. -

      Interventional recanalization technique of acute ischemia and highlight the importance to be familiar with the variants of normal anatomy and the management of acute ischemia of the hand N. Marotti

    33. -

      One stage endovascular management of high grade symptomatic carotid stenosis and infrarenal aortoiliac occlusion K. Papazoglou

    34. -

      Ultrasound-guided artery aneurysm B. Ramirez

    35. -

      Off-label use of the Endurant iliac limb stent graft for the treatment of a chronic traumatic arteriovenous fistula in the lower limb V. Suwanruangsri

    36. -

      A case of pelvic arteriovenous malformation which was successfully treated by recanalization of occluded common iliac vein D. Yasui

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Sustained embolic protection – shifting paradigms in carotid artery stenting?

    Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
    Marco Roffi, Giovanni Torsello, Antonio Micari
    1. -

      The concept of Roadsaver carotid micromesh stent

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    3. -

      Future perspectives of micromesh stents

        Antonio Micari
    4. -

      Clinical evidence for Roadsaver carotid stent – the CLEAR-ROAD Trial

        Koen Deloose
    5. -

      What can we learn from our real-world CAS practice?

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    6. -

      Roadsaver – the optimal solution for all carotid lesions?

        Giovanni Torsello
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Main Arena 2

    CX @ LINC: Current controversies along the aorta

    Roger Greenhalgh
    Michel Makaroun, Sebastian Debus, Ralf Kolvenbach, Frank Veith, Paul Hayes, Matt Thompson
    1. -

      The ongoing need to establish proof of benefit from intervention for uncomplicated Type B aortic dissection

        Michel Makaroun
    2. -

      The value of hybrid-repair in TAAA

        Sebastian Debus
    3. -

      Indications and contraindications for aortic multilayer stents

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    4. -


    5. -

      Evaluation of the 3 recent RCTs comparing EVAR with open repair for ruptured AAAs

        Frank Veith
    6. -

      The place of open surgery in my view

        Jean-Pierre Becquemin
    7. -


    8. -

      Imaging follow up after EVAR

        Paul Hayes
    9. -

      The Nellix system could change the paradigm for endovascular aneurysm surgery

        Matt Thompson
    10. -


  • - , Discussion Forum

    VIVA @ LINC: The worst complication I had this year. What did I learn?

    Michael Jaff
    Michael Dake, John Kaufman, Chris Metzger
    1. -

      This is a case-based session focussing on what we like best … real cases with challenges and complications that make the experts sweat. In this amphitheatre setting, audience participation is encouraged and step-by-step case management is featured and discussed. This round room setting is dedicated to controversial or interactive talk-show-like sessions.

  • - , Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Endovascular treatment of common femoral artery lesions and pioneering solutions for TASC D+ lesions

    Patrick Peeters, Sebastian Debus
    Sebastian Sixt, Chris Metzger, Paul Myers, Jihad Mustapha, Keisuke Hirano
    1. -

      Available techniques and outcome of endovascular procedures in the common femoral artery

        Thomas Zeller, Via satellite from Bad Krozingen
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    3. -

      Surgical techniques for optimal reconstruction of the common femoral and external iliac segment

        Sebastian Debus
    4. -

      The value of hybrid procedures through the common femoral artery open access

        Daniela Branzan
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

  • - , Main Arena 2

    Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms

    Eric Verhoeven, Ross Milner
    Jean-Pierre Becquemin, Piotr Kasprzak, Armando Lobato, Christian Etz, Michael Jacobs, Dieter Raithel
    1. -

      CMD vs. off the shelf multi-branched endografts for endovascular repair of thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms

        Theodosios Bisdas
    2. -

      Fenestrated and branched stent grafts: How do they compare to open surgery – a nation wide survey

        Jean-Pierre Becquemin
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    4. -

      Mid-term results of sandwich grafts for TAAA: Are they equal to multibranched devices?

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    5. -

      Updated strategy for organ protection during open thoracoabdmoinal aortic repair

        Enrico Marone
    6. -

      False lumen backflow in chronic aortic dissections: what is the role and how can it be treated?

        Tilo Kölbel
    7. -

      EVAR for thoracoabdominal aneurysms in patients with chronic dissections

        Eric Verhoeven
    8. -

      The concept of spinal cord ischemic preconditioning by pre-emptive coil embolization

        Christian Etz
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

Conference day 4

  • - , Main Arena 1

    Critical issues in aortic endografting

    Vicente Riambau
    Reza Ghotbi, Piergiorgio Cao, Frank Veith, Armando Lobato, Giovanni Torsello
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    2. -

      Renaissance of the tube in EVAR – infrarenal double tubing with endo anchor augmentation

        Johannes Gahlen
    3. -

      Innovative device design and delivery sytems – exploring current and future device capabilities

        Dittmar Böckler
    4. -

      Total endovascular aortic arch replacement with the sandwich technique

        Armando Lobato
    5. -

      Long-term results of chimneys and sandwich grafts in the aortic arch

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    6. -

      Concurrent comparison between hypogastric artery interruption, bell- bottom and sandwich techniques: Long-term follow-up

        Armando Lobato
    7. -

      EVAR is better than open repair for ruptured AAAs despite recent level one evidence: IMPROVE, AJAX & ECAR are misleading

        Frank Veith
    8. -

      Improving care of patients with ruptured AAA: lessons from the USA and the UK

        Matt Thompson
    9. -

      One hundred percent of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms can be treated endovascularly if adjunctive techniques are used

        Thomas Larzon
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    11. -

      How to implement a successful programme for EVAR of ruptured aneurysms

        Zoran Rancic
    12. -

      Management of aortic disease in the state of infection or inflammation

        Martin Malina
    13. -

      Experience with re-do procedures in patients with infected endovascular or surgical aortic grafts

        Olaf Richter
    14. -

      Re-do procedures after stent-graft migration or graft component disconnection

        Andreas Gussmann
    15. -

      When are stent-grafts a reasonable option for aneurysm patients with connective tissue disease?

        Vicente Riambau
    16. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    17. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Technical Forum

    Challenging cases and complications - Great saves and big disasters

    Giancarlo Biamino
    Hans Krankenberg, Sumaira Macdonald, Michael Lichtenberg, Marc van Sambeek
    1. -

      Spontaneous dissection of left internal carotid artery with consequent ischemic stroke treated successfully by CAS with proximal protection A. Pacchioni

    2. -

      When to stop A. Pacchioni

    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      Infrarenal abdominal aortic subintimal angioplasty and stenting for infrarenal aortoiliac occlusions

        Christopher Stout
    5. -

      Trans-collateral retrograde crossing of a SFA CTO via profunda

        George Adams
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    7. -

      Complex endovascular salvage following misdeployment of a branched thoracoabdominal stent graft C. Brinster

    8. -

      Iliac on a stick: TAVR access complication

        George Chrysant
    9. -

      Are bifurcated endovascular devices suitable for the endovascular treatment of concomitant AAA and chronic iliac occlusion?

        Daniela Branzan
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    11. -

      Discussion and conclusion

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