LINC 2016 programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Conference day 1

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Treatment strategies for complex disease in the SFA/Pop

    Dierk Scheinert
    Ramon Varcoe, Brian DeRubertis, Gary Ansel, Lawrence Garcia, Jihad Mustapha, Thomas Zeller
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator and overview of complex SFA disease: calcium, long lesions, reintervention

        Dierk Scheinert
    2. -

      Treatment strategies for calcium

        Thomas Zeller
    3. -

      Treatment strategies for long lesions > 20 cm

        Donald Jacobs
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      SUPERSUB: Results of subintimal SUPERA cohort in CLI patients

        Luis Mariano Palena
    6. -

      Economic fempop treatment depends on device choice

        Michael Jaff
    7. -

      Treatment strategies for reintervention (catastrophic failure)

        Jihad Mustapha
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Acute deep vein thrombosis

    Stephen Black, Michael Lichtenberg
    Rolf Engelberger, Edelgard Lindhoff-Last, Raghu Kolluri
    1. -

      Which DVT patients are candidates for revascularization?

        Stephen Black
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    3. -

      Catheter-directed thrombolysis followed by stenting of residual venous stenosis for acute iliofemoral DVT

        Rolf Engelberger
    4. -

      Single-session revascularization of acute iliofemoral DVT

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Direct oral anticoagulants for VTE in real life practice

        Nils Kucher, Via satellite from Berne
    6. -

      Chances and risks of direct oral anticoagulants for VTE

        Edelgard Lindhoff-Last
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 18:00 in front of Main Arena 1

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Deep dive session: Carotid revascularization

    William Gray, Frank Veith
    Martin Storck, Carlo Setacci, Bernhard Reimers, Zoran Milosevic
    1. -


    2. -

      The surgical position

        Marc van Sambeek
    3. -

      The interventional position

        Horst Sievert
    4. -

      Cranial nerve injury, neuropsychometric testing and DWMRI lesions – is it time to incorporate these outcomes in carotid trials as primary endpoints?

        Sumaira Macdonald
    5. -

      Despite current level 1 evidence, the outlook for an upsurge in CAS is bright and getting brighter

        Frank Veith
    6. -

      Panel discussion

    7. -

      Insights from the German carotid registry

        Martin Storck
    8. -

      Status update ACST II

        Alison Halliday
    9. -

      Status update CREST II

        William Gray
    10. -

      Re-Intervention in vascular and endovascular carotid surgery

        Carlo Setacci
    11. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    12. -


    13. -

      Proximal protection – finally the gold standard for cerebral protection during CAS?

        Giancarlo Biamino
    14. -

      Double filter protection during CAS – the PALADIN system

        Ravish Sachar
    15. -

      Micromesh technology for carotid stents

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    16. -

      New ischemic brain lesion on DW-MRI after CAS with double layer stent

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    17. -

      A comparison of OCT and IVUS evaluation of carotid arteries before and after stent implantation

        Bernhard Reimers
    18. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    19. -

      Transradial carotid stenting: How to do it

        Piero Montorsi
    20. -


  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Changing paradigms and future concepts in peripheral interventions – how far have we come?

    Dierk Scheinert, Ramon Varcoe
    Christopher Owens, Jihad Mustapha, Erich Minar, Thomas Zeller, Ayman Al-Sibaie
    1. -


    2. -

      Angiographic and clinical 6 months results of the CONSEQUENT trial

        Thomas Albrecht
    3. -

      AcoArt Trial – 12 months results with the Orchid DEB in femoropoliteal lesions

    4. -

      Latest insights from the LEVANT II study and subgroup analysis

        Dierk Scheinert
    5. -

      IN.PACT SFA trial – 2 year outcomes

        Peter Schneider
    6. -

      Update on the German/US budget impact model on the cost-effectiveness of DCB in the German & US healthcare systems

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -


    8. -

      Drug-coated balloons: Also the primary solution for long lesions? Pro:

        Francesco Liistro
    9. -

      Drug-coated balloons: Also the primary solution for long lesions? Contra:

        Michael Dake
    10. -

      Panel discussion

    11. -


    12. -

      From pre-dilatation to debulking: what, when and why to add more upon plain DCB

        Gunnar Tepe
    13. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    14. -

      When DCB is not enough: Is there a need for new DAART study?

        Thomas Zeller
    15. -


    16. -

      DANCE trial

        Christopher Owens
    17. -


    18. -

      Eluvia 12 months data

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    19. -

      RAPID trial: A RCT comparing legflow DCB versus POBA followed by SUPERA stenting in “real world” long-segment femoropopliteal lesions

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    20. -


  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: The role of mechanical debulking in arteries and veins in the optimization of endovascular therapy

    Steven Kum
    Michael Lichtenberg, Miroslav Bulvas, Thomas Heller, Christian Wissgott
    1. -

      Can mechanical debulking replace surgery and lysis in acute and subacute occlusions of the lower limb?

        Miroslav Bulvas
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      Chronic occlusions and stenoses – Can mechanical debulking reduce the stent length as well as the number of implanted stents?

        Miroslav Bulvas
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      Recanalization of venous occlusions with Aspirex®S mechanical thrombectomy – The effective one-session treatment, which largely replaces the need of thrombolysis!

        Thomas Heller
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CCT @ LINC: Japanese endovascular treatment – its techniques and accumulating evidences

    Kazushi Urasawa, Giancarlo Biamino
    Tatsuya Nakama, Hiroshi Ando, Yoshimitsu Soga, Osamu Iida
    1. -

      BTA intervention: Overview and video live

        Tatsuya Nakama
    2. -

      BTK intervention: Overview and video live

        Hiroshi Ando
    3. -

      SFA-POP intervention: Overview and video live

        Kazushi Urasawa
    4. -

      EVT vs. distal bypass: Japanese evidences

        Yoshimitsu Soga
    5. -

      Aorto-iliac & femoral intervention: Japanese evidences

        Osamu Iida
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Drug elution – leave the right thing behind. Debating evidence to provide the answers.

    Michael Dake
    Francesco Liistro, Gary Ansel, Andrew Holden
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      Why my stent usage is increasing

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Surgical bypass or Zilver PTX – 12-month preliminary data

        Marc Bosiers
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      Leave the right thing behind - patterns of restenosis

        Gary Ansel
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    7. -

      An evidence based approach: Bare stents and balloons are obsolete

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    8. -

      Summary of the symposium, discussion and questions

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Stents for deep vein thrombosis

    Cees Wittens, Stephen Black
    Ayman Al-Sibaie, Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck, Raghu Kolluri, Rick de Graaf
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    2. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

    3. -

      Venous stent-related complications

        Cees Wittens
    4. -

      Which venous stent for which indication?

        Stephen Black
    5. -

      Technical aspects of venous interventions for chronic DVT

        Rick de Graaf
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Current approaches to treating complex SFA disease. SMART Flex – practical application in the treatment of challenging SFA lesions.

    live from Berlin:
    Ralf Langhoff
    Dierk Scheinert
    Andrej Schmidt, Peter Goverde
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Current indications for SFA stenting

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
    2. -

      Flash presentation: A place of the self-expanding stents and DCBs in the treatment of the SFA

        Andrej Schmidt
    3. -

      Flash presentation: New generation SX stents (SMART Flex)

        Peter Goverde
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1


  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Global Expert Exchange – Selected challenging cases and complications – venous and miscellaneous

    Sean Lyden, Sigrid Nikol, Jochen Fuchs
    1. -

      Endovascular treatment of renal artery aneurysm with vascular plug - V. Cvetic

    2. -

      Is there a safe time for an IVC filter retrieval? - V. Serafimov

    3. -

      Successful recanalization of recurrent transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt occlusions with Aspirex mechanical thrombectomy - S. Alammari

    4. -

      Endovascular management of Superior vena cava obstruction with Venoplasty and double barrel stent with creation of access for hemodialysis - A. Qafani

    5. -

      IVC filter removal - a difficult complication and its solution - D. Vishwanath

    6. -

      Endovascular management of inferior vena cava invasion by hepatic hydatid cyst - E. M. San Norberto

    7. -

      Extended cath-lab nightmare - Spontaneous dissection of bilateral common iliac artery stenting with development of Critical limb ischemia - S. Siddappa

    8. -

      Massive transcatheter arterial embolization of high grade splenic injury - N. Marotti

    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: BARD innovations

    Dheeraj Rajan
    Rick de Graaf
    1. -


    2. -

      LifeStream covered balloon-expandable stent in iliac TASC C & D lesions

    3. -

      Venovo, the next generation venous stent

        Rick de Graaf
    4. -

      Covera covered stent – BARD innovation in dialysis access maintenance

        Dheeraj Rajan
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Lunch symposium: Penumbra changing the paradigm of peripheral treatment in embolization and thrombectomy

    Lorenzo Paolo Moramarco, George Adams
    1. -

      Ruby Coil: The impact of volume advantage in challenging visceral arterial aneurysms

        Lorenzo Paolo Moramarco
    2. -

      Making the difference? Endovascular treatment for acute limb ischemia (ALI), acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) & pulmonary embolism (PE) with the Indigo System

        George Adams
    3. -


  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    Lunch symposium: Interventions on anticoagulation – real life evidence on NOAC use and periprocedural management

    Dierk Scheinert, Ulrich Hoffmann
    Arne Kieback, Sebastian Debus
    1. -

      NOACs across indications

        Ulrich Hoffmann
    2. -

      How do NOACs hold up in day to day practice? Looking at real life evidence

        Arne Kieback
    3. -

      Periprocedural management – a short guide on intervention

        Sebastian Debus
    4. -

      Questions and answers

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Lunch symposium: Challenges and new treatment options in venous and arterial thrombosis

    Ralf Kolvenbach
    Jochen Grommes, Hans Biemans
    1. -

      Incidence and treatment of PE-generated right heart strain in DVT patients

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    2. -

      5 year quality of life data after EKOS® treatment in acute DVT

        Jochen Grommes
    3. -

      EKOS®: Standard of practice for small hospitals

        Hans Biemans
    4. -


  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Challenging cases: PVD below the knee and femoro-popliteal

    Giancarlo Biamino, Kazushi Urasawa
    1. -

      Huge popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm induced after genovarum correction treatment (a new method repair) - M. Purbehi

    2. -

      Common femoral endartrectomy, & profundoplasty as a safe, & effective option in limb threatening ischaemia: case series - A. El-Bakr

    3. -

      Retrograde popliteal puncture for superficial femoral artery recanalization: mid term result - A. Kerzmann

    4. -

      Late rupture of by pass grafting following angioplasty - I. Paganini

    5. -

      Complications in deployment of SUPERA stent for treatment of long SFA occlusions - R. Salman (EBIR)

    6. -

      Endovascular treatment in patient with critical limb ischemia who has bi-lateral total occlusion from iliac artery to popliteal artery including puncture site - H. Yano

    7. -

      Challenging case of complicated aneurysmal persistent sciatic artery - E. Elashaal

    8. -

      Trombolytic treatment for trombosed chronic total occluded superficial femoral artery during intervention - H. Kilic

    9. -

      Resection of a large carotid artery aneurysm under cervical epidural anaesthesia - H. Ravari

    10. -

      Successful revascularization for chronic thrombotic occlusion of superficial femoral artery in-stent restenosis co-existing below-the-knee disease using multidisciplinary strategy - J.-W. Lee

    11. -

      Potential risk of rupture of repeated angioplasty in patient with in-stent restenosis after subintimal angioplasty for heavily calcified SFA lesion - P.-K. Min

    12. -

      Iatrogenic and traumatic deep femoral artery pseudoaneurysms successfully treated via endovascular approaches - G.H. Kazemzadeh

    13. -

      The endovascular solutions of bypass graft failure; revisiting the native artery using two accesses - B. Ghoneim

    14. -

      Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy - B. Migliara

    15. -

      Trans popliteal angioplasty and stenting for long segment SFA occlusion involving the SFA origin - S. Dalai

    16. -

      A case that obtained wound healing with incredible SPP improvement by endovascular therapy to the anteterior tibial artery using the combination of a reverse CART technique and a wire rendez-vous technique - N. Kawaura

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: From simple to complex lesions: Is the robust IN.PACT DCB evidence shifting the SFA treatment paradigm?

    Thomas Zeller, Marianne Brodmann
    Peter Schneider, Gary Ansel, Robert Melder, Fabrizio Fanelli
    1. -

      Deep dive: IN.PACT SFA 2 year outcomes

        Peter Schneider
    2. -

      A real-world experience: 12-month outcomes from IN.PACT Global Long Lesions imaging cohort

        Gunnar Tepe
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    4. -

      The vexing problem of ISR: Is IN.PACT DCB the solution? 12 months outcomes from IN.PACTGlobal study ISR imaging cohort

        Gary Ansel
    5. -

      Understanding the science behind the latest evidence

        Robert Melder
    6. -

      How IN.PACT DCB evidence has changed my SFA treatment algorithm

        Fabrizio Fanelli
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Revascularisation of complex chronic deep vein obstruction

    live from Berne:
    Nils Kucher
    live from Galway:
    Gerard O'Sullivan
    Rick de Graaf
    Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Stephen Black, Cees Wittens
    1. -

      MR and CT venography for imaging venous obstruction

        Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk
    2. -

      Endovascular techniques for treating deep vein obstructions

        Stephen Black
    3. -

      The role of surgery in the management of deep vein obstructions

        Cees Wittens
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Challenging femoro-popliteal lesions

    live from New York:
    Prakash Krishnan
    live from Dendermonde:
    Koen Deloose
    Craig Walker
    William Gray, Sven Bräunlich, Miguel Montero-Baker
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Concepts for atherectomy in femoropopliteal arteries: When to use which system?

        William Gray
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Thrombus-containing lesions: How to approach?

        Sven Bräunlich
    3. -

      Flash presentation: Distal protection during peripheral interventions: available techniques and indications

        Sven Bräunlich
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    20 years of experience and learnings with the evolving GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis: when does VIABAHN® truly make the difference?

    Jorge Fernández Noya
    Laurens van Walraven, Michele Antonello, Robert Jones, Jeffrey Y. Wang
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      Experience and results treating: SFA occlusive disease

        Laurens van Walraven
    3. -

      Popliteal artery aneurysms

        Michele Antonello
    4. -

      AV-access revision

        Robert Jones
    5. -

      In-stent restenosis

        Jeffrey Y. Wang
    6. -

      Conclusion by the moderator

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Multidisciplinary patient-centered approach for diabetic patient treatment

    Michael Edmonds, Marco Manzi
    Roberto Ferraresi, Eric Ducasse, Osamu Iida
    1. -

      Vascular disease location, severity, and progression in diabetic patients

        Katja Mühlberg
    2. -

      Epidemiology of diabetic patients: The latest results from a large observational trial focused on diabetes mellitus

        Enrico Marone
    3. -

      Vascular screening in diabetic patients: How aggressive should we be and when to intervene?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    5. -

      SFA lesions in diabetic patients - what is different and how to approach

        Sebastian Sixt
    6. -

      Can wound healing plus limb salvage be imporoved by better vessel patency?

        Frank Vermassen
    7. -

      The latest treatment approach and current developments in SFA

        Dierk Scheinert
    8. -

      DCB effectiveness in diabetic patients: Insights from Belgium RCT

        Erik Debing
    9. -

      A new classification on the diabetic ischemic foot promotes a modern approach to treatment

        Eric Ducasse
    10. -

      Factors of affecting outcome of CLI procedures

        Osamu Iida
    11. -

      The pedal arch in diabetc patients - N. Troisi

    12. -

      What is the right concept: Wound related or total treatment?

        Marco Manzi
    13. -

      Limb salvage strategies for patients with advanced tissue loss

    14. -

      Advances in the management of the renal ischaemic foot in diabetic patients on dialysis

        Michael Edmonds
    15. -

      Use of ARROW GPSCath in a diabetic patient population with impaired renal function

        Marco Manzi
    16. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    17. -

      Vascular complications in BTK intervention

        Dimitrios Karnabatidis
    18. -

      How to arrange the follow up and how should wound healing guide re-intervention decisions

        Francesco Liistro
    19. -


    20. -

      Cellular and gene therapy: current status

        Sigrid Nikol
    21. -

      Deep vein arterialization for end stage CLI – surgical, hybrid & percutaneous approaches

        Andrej Schmidt, Via satellite from Leipzig
    22. -

      Case reviews

        Steven Kum
    23. -


  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Global Expert Exchange – Clinical trial update – Peripheral clinical trials and selected abstracts

    Erich Minar
    Michael Jaff, Yann Gouëffic
    1. -

      Covered endovascular reconstruction of aortic bifurcation: a haemodynamically proven technique for treating extensive aortoiliac occlusive disease

        Peter Goverde
    2. -

      Self-expanding nitinol stents combined with DCB: 24-month follow-up of the DEBAS study

        Patrice Mwipatayi
    3. -

      Efficacy of endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease of the superficial femoral artery using Zilver Flex and Zilver PTX stent-grafts, an observational cohort study - T. Sigterman

    4. -

      Zilver PTX post-market surveillance study of paclitaxel-eluting stents for treating femoropopliteal artery disease in Japan: 24-month results

        Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    5. -

      Mid-term results after drug eluting stenting of superficial femoral artery in critical limb ischemia patients. An italian multicentre registry

        Giuseppe Galzerano
    6. -

      Characterization of atherectomy samples from long SFA CTOs in correlation with clinical outcomes - J. George

    7. -

      Early results for the chocolate touch drug-coated PTA balloon catheter for the treatment of femoropopliteal lesions

        Andrew Holden
    8. -

      A monocenter randomized clinical trial of PAClitaxel drUg-eluting balloon versus standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty to reduce restenosis in patients with in-stent stenoses in the superficial femoral and proximal popliteal artery (PACUBA I Trial)

        Johannes Lammer
    9. -

      SuperNOVA (Innova) and MAJESTIC (Eluvia DES) trial results - H. Schroë

    10. -

      JetStream rotational and aspiration atherectomy in treating in-stent restenosis of femoropopliteal arteries: One-year result of the JETSTREAM-ISR feasibility study

        Nicolas Shammas
    11. -

      Six month results of the global BIOLUX P-III all-comers registry using DCB in infra-inguinal artery disease

        Gunnar Tepe
    12. -

      Final results of the PRISM trial for novel aspiration thrombectomy in treatment of peripheral and visceral arterial occlusions

        George Adams
    13. -

      A comparative study on endovascular treatment of acute and subacute critical limb ischemia (CLI): mechanical thrombectomy vs. lysis vs. thrombectomy and lysis - M. Kronlage

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Controversial issues, new insights and pioneering solution for Critical Limb Ischemia

    Dierk Scheinert, Peter Schneider
    Ramon Varcoe, George Adams, Mohammad AlTwalah, Sebastian Debus, Steven Kum
    1. -

      First-line treatment strategies in patients with critical limb ischemia: One year outcomes from the CRITISCH registry

        Theodosios Bisdas
    2. -

      Explaining the discrepancy between low patency and higher limb salvage rates after revascularization for CLI: Does perfusion matter or not?

        Peter Schneider
    3. -


    4. -

      The 3 year outcomes of endoluminal bypass for patients with CLI: The Spanish experience

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    5. -

      The NANOCROSS study: final 12 month results

        Marc Bosiers
    6. -

      1-year results of the PES-BTK-70 study: investigating a self-expanding paclitaxel-eluting stent in BTK arteries

        Patrick Peeters
    7. -

      12 months results of the PREVENT study: investigating the Everolimus-eluting stent in BTK lesions in CLI patients

        Marc Bosiers
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    9. -

      Calcification of BTK arteries: The scope of the problem and attempts to solve it

        Jihad Mustapha
    10. -

      Bioabsorbable drug-eluting scaffolds in BTK arteries: Update on the ABSORB BTK project

        Ramon Varcoe
    11. -

      Future concepts for drug delivery

        Michael Jaff
    12. -

      The LIMBO project: Micropuncture mediated adventitial drug infusion to prevent restenosis in BTK arteries

        George Adams
    13. -

      Tack optimized balloon angioplasty below the knee (TOBA-BTK) 6 months results: A new method for treating CLI patients with post-PTA dissections

        Marianne Brodmann
    14. -

      Remaining challenges and future concepts: Will drug-eluting balloons ever work in BTK arteries? - R. Virmani

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Pushing boundaries in carotid treatment

    Giovanni Torsello
    Alberto Cremonesi, Giovanni Torsello, Sasko Kedev, Max Amor
    1. -

      Italian registry, first results on 100 patients

        Alberto Cremonesi
    2. -

      Roadsaver – the paradigm shift in carotid artery treatment

        Giovanni Torsello
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

    4. -

      Transradial approach for carotid artery stenting, clinical evidence, pros and cons

        Sasko Kedev
    5. -

      Nitinol micromesh technology for carotid artery treatment

        Max Amor
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Cotignola

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Symposium: SFA combination therapy. Next vascular horizon?

    Marianne Brodmann, Patrice Mwipatayi, Darren Schneider
    Gunnar Tepe, Michael Lichtenberg
    1. -

      Can we improve the outcomes of stent alone? Findings from the BIOFLEX PEACE Study

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    3. -

      DCB in SFA and BTK: results from the BIOLUX P-III All-comers registry

        Gunnar Tepe
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    5. -

      Combination therapy: treatment rationale and clinical evidence

        Koen Deloose, Via satellite from Dendermonde
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    TEVAR device selection in consideration of disease, anatomy and radial force

    Michael Dake
    Bijan Modarai, Ahmed Koshty
    1. -

      How does device sizing impact outcome in trauma patients?

        Hence Verhagen
    2. -

      Influence of device oversizing and treatment length on outcomes for dissection patients

    3. -

      Sizing and landing zones in IMH patients

        Dittmar Böckler
  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Global Expert Exchange – Selected challenging cases, techniques and complications – miscellaneous interventions

    Klaus Mathias
    Horst Sievert, Stanislaw Bartus
    1. -

      PCI+OPCAB+CEA simultaneously for a ischemic heart disease with severe carotid stenosis

        Zhidong Ye
    2. -

      Snare technique for carotid stenting in Type 3 aortic arch

        I-Ming Chen
    3. -

      2 image-guided approach to treatment of patients with May Thurner Syndrome

        Brian DeRubertis
    4. -

      Endovascular stenting for palliative treatment of superior vena cava syndrome in end stage lung cancer

        I-Ming Chen
    5. -

      Treatment of submassive pulmonary embolism at a tertiary center using low-dose, single Bolus catheter-directed thrombolysis

        John Phillips
    6. -

      Pharmacomechanical lysis strategy for management of acute arterial and venous thrombosis in a patient with hypercoagulable state

        Amit Gupta
    7. -

      Percutaneous treatment of bilateral sub-acute iliofemoral venous occlusion in a patient with atresia of the inferior vena cava

        Salman Arain
    8. -

      SMA – friend and foe

        Venkatesh Ramaiah
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Challenging cases: Renal/denervation, supraaortic/carotid, venous

    William Gray, Erich Minar
    1. -

      Difficulty to avoid embolization for vertebral artery and cartid artery simultaneously during right subclavian artery stenting: A case report - H. Araki

    2. -

      Intra operative catheter directed thrombolysis of embolic occlusion of distal ICA & MCA during CEA-presentation of a unique case and literature review - M. Kabeer

    3. -

      Two stage endovascular treatment of multiple supra aortic lesions for Takayasu Arteritis - V. Kipiani

    4. -

      Total endovascular repair of rt. subclavian artery aneurysm using Endologix power link - S. Kondo

    5. -

      Rupture and embolization of aberrant subclavian after spine surgery - J. Gomez

    6. -

      New endovascular techniques for the treatment of life-threatening Takayasu Arteritis - P. Latacz

    7. -

      Carotid artery stenting with the use of proximal neuroprotection device and mesh–covered stent implantation for the treatment of severe, bilateral carotid artery stenosis - P. Paluszek

    8. -

      Recurrent embolic stroke due to a sacular aneurysm of left subclavian artery: endovascular treatment - B. Arefai

    9. -

      The endovascular therapy of the nutcracker syndrome - S. Seifert

    10. -

      Life saving carotid intervention in a complex patient: the importance of documentation - J. Siddiqui

    11. -

      Endovascular repair of carotid-subclavian arterio-arterial aneurysmal fistula; case report - B. Ghoneim

    12. -

      A rare anatomical variant in the branches of aortic arch in a Patient with recent ischemic stroke - M. G. Vural

    13. -

      Subclavian artery stenosis post radiotherapy - A. A. Rahim

    14. -

      Simultaneous endovascular treatment of Tandem internal carotid lesions - V. Cvetic

    15. -

      High risk TIPS procedure - N. Eckhardt

    16. -

      Percutaneous fenestration and stentgraft for the treatment of a hemodialysis-related venous outflow tract occlusion - P. E. Goo

    17. -

      Ovarian vene bleeding mimicing arterial bleeding after retroperitoneal biopsy - F. Imani

    18. -

      First experience with Sinus-Venous stent in hemodialysis associated with refractory central venous stenosis and occlusion: restenosis rate and clinical outcome - S. Rookkapan

    19. -

      Calcified in-stent restenosis in a venous stent - J.-O. Schmidt

    20. -

      Iliac vein stent fracture due to a migrated retrievable vena cava filter

        Nam Yeol Yim
    21. -

      Thrombophlebitis of inferior epigastric vein - A. Zenelaj

    22. -

      Rare cause of intra-operatory venous iliac occlusion - J. Rocha-Neves

    23. -

      „Kissing covered stent“ technique for the treatment of a symptomatic stenosis of innominate artery - A. Quintas

    24. -

      Abrupt closure of solitary renal artery following aortoplasty in a case of aortoarteritis - A. Khan

    25. -

      Eyndromendovascular management of Mid AO S - H. Soliman

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Calcified lesions

    Gary Ansel, Marianne Brodmann
    Andrew Holden, Ayman Al-Sibaie, Craig Walker, Jean-Paul de Vries, Spiridon Botsios, Ammanulla Bolia
    1. -

      Patterns of vessel calcification and clinical relevance

        Michael Jaff
    2. -

      Crossing techniques for calcified CTOs

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Live case transmission from New York

    4. -


    5. -

      Remove it! – Update on atherectomy techniques for calcified lesions

        Lawrence Garcia
    6. -

      Just stent it! – Biomimetic interwoven stents

        Craig Walker
    7. -

      Disrupt it! – The Shockwave lithotrypsie concept

        Thomas Zeller
    8. -

      Go around it! – The percutaneous bypass technique

        Andrej Schmidt
    9. -

      Recorded case: Shockwave lithotrypsie

        Marianne Brodmann
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Venous embolisation therapy

    live from Berne:
    Nils Kucher
    live from Galway:
    Gerard O'Sullivan
    Olivier Hartung
    Mark Whiteley, Marc Sapoval, Michael Moche, René Aschenbach, Maria Schoder
    1. -

      Diagnostic approach for pelvic congestion syndrome

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Via satellite from Galway
    2. -

      Efficacy of endovascular therapy for treating pelvic congestion syndrome

        Mark Whiteley
    3. -

      Technical approach for treating pelvic congestion syndrome

        Olivier Hartung
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Carotid interventions

    live from Cotignola:
    Antonio Micari, Fausto Castriota
    live from Leipzig:
    Andrej Schmidt
    Steve Ramee
    Alberto Cremonesi, Piero Montorsi, Horst Sievert, Marco Roffi, Stanislaw Bartus
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Latest guidelines on carotid revascularization: What are the recommendations for CAS

        Marco Roffi
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Proximal protection during CAS

        Piero Montorsi
    3. -

      Flash presentation: New concepts for filter protection during CAS

        Alberto Cremonesi
  • - , Westin Hotel

    Meet the CTO experts

    Dierk Scheinert, Giancarlo Biamino
    Marco Manzi, Ramon Varcoe, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Andrej Schmidt
    1. -

      The Japanese art of CTO treatment

        Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    2. -

      Recorded case: Retrograde recanalization of a popliteal occlusion through a proximal anterior tibial access

        Andrej Schmidt
    3. -

      How I would have treated this case

        Marco Manzi
    4. -


    5. -

      How to optimize outcomes of CLI procedures: What does the future hold?

        Ramon Varcoe
    6. -

      Recorded case: Retrograde approach for a complex femoral CTO

        Andrej Schmidt
    7. -

      How I would have treated this case

        Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    8. -


    9. -

      Angioplasty below the ankle: When and how?

        Marco Manzi
    10. -

      Panel discussion / Question and answers

Conference day 2

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: The evolution of peripheral arterial interventions and the revolution in drug eluting technologies

    Dierk Scheinert
    Michael Lichtenberg, Nicolas Shammas, Jaydeep Kokate, Thomas Zeller
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      State of play – contemporary use of DCB and Ranger Investigator Sponsored Research

        Michael Lichtenberg
    3. -

      Hello again – re-intervention strategies for sub-optimal results of current technologies

        Nicolas Shammas
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

    5. -

      Eluvia – designing a revolutionary drug eluting stent for SFA intervention

        Jaydeep Kokate
    6. -

      Setting a new benchmark – Eluvia clinical results and ongoing studies

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      Conclusion by the moderator

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    EVAR solutions for the challenging aortic neck: Chimneys, fenestration and beyond

    Giovanni Torsello
    Ross Milner, Piergiorgio Cao, Piotr Kasprzak, Reza Ghotbi, Sebastian Debus, Patrick Kelly
    1. -

      Innovative software to calculate aortic neck sealing post EVAR and to predict late endograft failure

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    2. -

      The PERICLES registry: Outcome of chimney-EVAR in 513 patients from 13 centers

        Konstantinos Donas
    3. -

      The PROTAGORAS study: Combined use of Endurant AAA device and balloon-expandable chimney grafts

        Giovanni Torsello
    4. -

      Rationale for use of suprarenal vs. infrarenal devices for application of chEVAR technique

        Ross Milner
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    6. -

      Anaconda™ stent graft in short infrarenal necks: From imaging to clinical results

        Robbert Meerwaldt
    7. -

      EVAS in juxta-renal and supra-renal aneurysms

        Matt Thompson
    8. -

      Recorded case – EVAS chimney procedure

        Michel Reijnen
    9. -

      Chimney EVAR vs. fenestrated EVAR for juxtarenal aneurysms

        Eric Ducasse
    10. -

      Midterm outcome of EndoAnchors for the prevention of endoleak and stent-graft migration in patients with challenging proximal aortic neck anatomy

        Bart Muhs
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Embolization therapy for visceral aneurysms, bleeding and beyond

    Marc Sapoval, Ulf Teichgräber
    Ayman Al-Sibaie, Peter Huppert, Klaus Mathias, Jochen Fuchs
    1. -

      The toolbox for embolization therapy: Liquid embolics, coils, plugs, particles

        Marc Sapoval
    2. -

      Endovascular techniques for treatment of visceral aneurysms

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      Emergency embolization for acute trauma-induced bleeding

        Christian Rosenberg
    5. -

      Embolization therapy for non-traumatic bleeding

        Peter Huppert
    6. -

      Prophylactic transcatheter embolization in peptic ulcer bleeding – a new gold standard?

        Steffen Basche
    7. -

      Uterine embolization: techniques and outcome

        Stephan Zangos
    8. -

      Prostate embolization

        João Martins Pisco
    9. -

      Embolization in erectyle dysfunction due to venous leakage

        René Aschenbach
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Lower limb interventions

    Jihad Mustapha, Kazushi Urasawa
    Miguel Montero-Baker, Yoshimitsu Soga
    1. -


    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      The impact of calcified plaque revealed by Angioscope in PAD lesions

        Daisuke Kamoi
    4. -

      Optical coherence tomography for differentiation of lesion morphology in peripheral vessels

        Marianne Brodmann
    5. -

      Proposal of a new criteria of SFA calcification with multi-modality evaluation – a prospective multi center analysis

        Masahiko Fujihara
    6. -

      Peripheral arterial calcium scoring systems: Useful tool or meaningless?

        Ulrich Beschorner
    7. -

      Calcium removal and plaque modification with rotational atherectomy in the era of DEB and contemporary stenting for femoro-popliteal disease

        Tom Shimshak
    8. -

      Utility of orbital atherectomy in calcified vessels

        George Adams
    9. -

      Vessel preparation with scoring balloons prior to DCB or stenting

        Erwin Blessing
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    11. -


    12. -

      Retrograde access as the primary approach for peripheral interventions

        Micah Watts
    13. -

      Ultrasound guided access in CLI: 700 patients from Prime Registry

        Larry Diaz-Sandoval
    14. -

      A novel IVUS guided parallel wire technique for achieving intra-luminal angioplasty of femoro-popliteal CTO lesion

        Yoshinori Tsubakimoto
    15. -

      Wire tracking methods in BTK CTO lesion without distal channel

        Sang Ho Park
    16. -

      Ultrasound guidance for peripheral CTO treatment

        Jihad Mustapha
    17. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    18. -

      Retrograde access for recanalization of complex femoro-popliteal occlusions: technical specifications and results in 100+ consecutive cases

        Erwin Blessing
    19. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 18:00 in front of Main Arena 1

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Challenging cases: Endovascular surgery - aortic – Part I

    Dieter Raithel, Karin Brachmann
    1. -

      TEVAR with total debranching in huge behcet left subclavian aneurysm (staged procedure) - A. Abdulbaky

    2. -

      Tuberculous aortic aneurysm – a complex endovascular approach - N. Camacho

    3. -

      Stented graft for endovascular treatment of traumatic high flow AV fistula: observations, and useful tips - M. Mabrouk

    4. -

      Successful endovascular stenting for symptomatic isolated spontaneous celiac artery dissection: a case report - S. Y. C. Pang

    5. -

      Intraoperative and late open conversion after EVAR procedures with different types of endograft: technical tips and surgical options - Dr. Mazzaccaro

    6. -

      Successful endovascular treatment of an aortic pseudoaneurysm after esophageal perforation induced by ingestion of a monitor lizard bone - S. Saemu

    7. -

      Resuscitative balloon occlusion of the aorta: a complex case in prioritization - J. Siddiqui

    8. -

      When the aneurysm growth surpasses the value of TEVAR custom made device - A. Abdulbaky

    9. -

      Aortic rupture following an EVAR secondary to graft erosion - I. Banzic

    10. -

      Hybrid procedure for a double thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms - A. Farghaly

    11. -

      Challenging retrograde embolization to treat expanding internal iliac aneurysm after surgical repair - A. Ferreira

    12. -

      Endovascular treatmant of acute Type B aortic dissection in patient with postductal aortic coarctation - M. E. Garcia Reyes

    13. -

      Visceral revascularization by snorkel technique traversing false lumen to true lumen during TEVAT for Type aortic dissection - M. Haggag

    14. -

      Successful treatment of traumatic aortic rupture by endovascular stent - R. Jambunathan

    15. -

      Late Type IIIb endoleak with an endurant endograft: coil embolisation - Y. Onal

    16. -

      Bespoke thoracic aortic endografting for an aneurysmal right sided arch and aberrant left subclavian artery - P. Sharma

    17. -

      Endovascular challenge – ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysm with hostile anatomy - J. Sousa Ferreira

    18. -

      Unconventional hybrid repair for TAAA - S. Fazzini

    19. -

      EVAR, angulated neck, small access - S. Fazzini

    20. -

      Endovascular management of pseudoaneurysms following open abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery – M. Rahmatzadeh

    21. -

      Clinical case of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm - A. Karpenko

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Venous interventions: Current status and open questions

    Gary Ansel, Iris Baumgartner
    Michael Jaff, Rupert Bauersachs, Michael Lichtenberg, Cees Wittens, William Gray, Ralf Kolvenbach
    1. -

      Intervention for DVT and PE – a revolution in the making

        Michael Jaff
    2. -

      Status of anticoagulation therapy in 2016: Is there a need for venous revascularization?

        Rupert Bauersachs
    3. -

      Current evidence for deep venous interventions

        Iris Baumgartner
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Berne

    5. -

      Techniques for thrombus removal in acute DVT

        Michael Lichtenberg
    6. -

      Interventions in the chronic setting with post-thrombotic syndrome

        Cees Wittens
    7. -

      Thrombus removal in acute pulmonary embolism – when and how?

        Kenneth Rosenfield
    8. -

      Innovative endovascular approach to pulmonary embolism by ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    9. -

      Endovenous interventions for varicose vein disease – current status

        Raghu Kolluri
    10. -


  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Aorfix & Altura Innovations – patient focussed technologies

    Dierk Scheinert
    Andrew Holden, Mahmoud Malas
    1. -

      Introducing Altura: the new innovative ultra-low profile aortic stent graft

        Dierk Scheinert
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      Early experience and clinical data with the Altura AAA stent graft. Announcing the new Altura registry ‘Altitude’

        Albrecht H. Krämer
    4. -

      Aorfix: a proven AAA therapy, treats the simplest to the most complex anatomies with the advanced INTELLIFLEX LP delivery system

        Andrew Holden
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Clinical data update: Aorfix PYTHAGORAS US trial three year outcomes and longer term European data

        Mahmoud Malas
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Symposium: Endovascular trauma management and endoleak management

    Marcus Treitl
    Thomas Larzon, Gianpaolo Carrafiello
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      Type I and II endoleak management

        Marcus Treitl
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    4. -

      Endovascular trauma management

        Thomas Larzon
    5. -

      Embolization in emergency setting – how to treat

        Gianpaolo Carrafiello
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    Making the most out of my guide wire

    Jos van den Berg
    Brian DeRubertis, Marco Manzi, Erwin Blessing, Roberto Ferraresi
    1. -

      GW technologies

        Jos van den Berg
    2. -

      GW selection criteria

        Brian DeRubertis
    3. -

      Illustrative case 1 SFA

        Erwin Blessing
    4. -

      Illustrative case 2 BTK

        Marco Manzi
  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Clinical trial design session

    Marianne Brodmann, Peter Schneider
    1. -

      How to set-up randomized trials: superiority vs. non-inferiority designs

        William Gray
    2. -

      Are RCT always needed: experience with objective performance criteria (OPC)

        Peter Schneider
    3. -

      The relevance and limitations of angiographic endpoints

        Ulrich Beschorner
    4. -

      Ultrasound vs. angiographic follow-up: What is appropriate for which vascular bed?

        Marianne Brodmann
    5. -

      Vessel calcification: Any consensus on reporting standards?

        Fabrizio Fanelli
    6. -

      Clinical study essentials – what’s really needed? – A. Talen

    7. -

      Electronic data capture: Is there an easy way for physician initiated research?

        Marc Bosiers
    8. -

      The future is wearables: How technology will transform data collection – B. Segers

    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Deep dive session: Lower limb interventions

    Jos van den Berg, Francesco Liistro
    Massimiliano Fusaro, Hans Krankenberg, Johannes Lammer, Erich Minar
    1. -


    2. -

      Rationale and likely mechanism of action of paclitaxel-coated balloons – U. Speck

    3. -

      Pre-clinical comparison of drug coated balloons - R. Virmani

    4. -

      Is there a clinical class effect of drug-coated balloons in peripheral arteries

        Marianne Brodmann
    5. -

      Real world comparison of IN.PACT vs. Lutonix DCB in complex lesions

        Sabine Steiner
    6. -

      BTK interventions: is the use of drug-eluting technologies justified?

        Massimiliano Fusaro
    7. -

      iVascular coating technology on Luminor: the latest generation DEB

        Vicente Riambau
    8. -

      DCB as the primary option in de-novo-lesions – the way to go? – M. Vosseler

    9. -

      DEB versus POBA for postdilatation of SFA stenting – the Freeway trial

        Johannes Lammer
    10. -

      Real world outcomes of SFA stenting with drug-eluting stents

        Jason Lee
    11. -

      Angiographic dissection pattern post balloon angioplasty in superficial femoral artery lesions – a retrospective multi center analysis

        Masahiko Fujihara
    12. -

      Economic viability of endovascular interventions for SFA and Infra-popliteal PAD. Balancing cost of interventions and duration of patency

        Paramjit Chopra
    13. -

      IN.PACT SFA health economic study: DCB cost-effectiveness analysis at 2 years follow-up

        David Cohen
    14. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: How to treat complex peripheral lesions with confidence

    Daniele Savio
    Michel Reijnen, Peter Soukas, Fabien Thaveau, Jeffrey Y. Wang, Darren Schneider
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      Treating challenging lesions: the importance of flexibility and accuracy

        Fabien Thaveau
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      In-stent restenosis: What is the impact of reintervention? What is the choice of therapy costing you?

        Jeffrey Y. Wang
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Dendermonde

    6. -

      Lessons learnt when treating complex lesions using an endoluminal bypass

        Darren Schneider
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the moderator

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    25 years of EVAR: How far have we come, remaining controversies and what's on the horizon?

    Frank Veith, Martin Malina
    Roger Greenhalgh, Martin Storck, Matt Thompson, Marc van Sambeek, Thomas Larzon, Andrea Stella
    1. -

      15-year EVAR 1 follow-up – benchmark for newer technologies

        Roger Greenhalgh
    2. -

      4 year results from the OVATION pivotal trial

        Venkatesh Ramaiah
    3. -

      The INCRAFT Innovation study – a 4 year update

        Giovanni Pratesi
    4. -

      Indications and results of EVAR in short necks: A subgroup analysis of 900 EVAR cases

        Konstantinos Donas
    5. -

      How a next generation device enables the effective treatment of challenging aortic anatomy?

        Andrea Stella
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    7. -

      Gender-specific risks for EVAR: Can the outcome be improved for female patients?

        Martin Storck
    8. -

      Is it time to revisit the threshold for intervention in AAA?

        Matt Thompson
    9. -

      Are national population-based AAA screening programmes too challenging for public health systems?

        Vicente Riambau
    10. -


  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Interventional treatment approaches for oncological patients and portal hypertension

    Peter Huppert, João Martins Pisco
    René Aschenbach, Maria Schoder, Marc Sapoval, Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    1. -

      State of the art treatment options for primary liver malignancies and metastatic disease

        Peter Huppert
    2. -

      Conventional TACE vs. drug-eluting beads

        Ulf Teichgräber
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    4. -

      Selective internal radiotherapy treatment

        Michael Moche, Via satellite from Leipzig
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Renal embolization: Current indications and techniques

        Emanuele Boatta
    7. -

      Recorded case from Heidelberg: Chemo saturation

    8. -

      Splenic embolization for hypersplenism, portal hypertension and liver transplant patients

        Jochen Fuchs
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    VIVA @ LINC: Strategies on the front line - triumph or tragedy

    Michael Dake
    Gary Ansel, Michael Jaff, Raghu Kolluri, Sean Lyden, Martin Werner
    1. -

      This is a case-based session focusing on what we like best...real cases with challenges and complications that make the experts sweat. In this amphitheater setting, audience participation is encouraged and step-by-step case management is featured and discussed. This round room setting is dedicated to controversial or interactive talk-show-like sessions.

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Clinical trial update - Study concepts and ongoing research

    Iris Baumgartner, William Gray, Peter Schneider
    1. -

      DISCOVER trial: A RCT comparing bare-metal balloon expandable stents and covered balloon-expandable stents in advanced PAOD of the common iliac artery - J. A. Bekken

    2. -

      The BIOFLEX-COF study: Influence of chronic outward force of nitinol stents in de-novo SFA lesions on restenosis - M. A. Funovics

    3. -

      A unique study device using a distinctive trial design: The Tack optimized balloon angioplasty study using the Tack Endovascular System (TOBA II)

        William Gray
    4. -

      SWEDEPAD: A multicenter register-based RCT comparing drug-eluting technology (DCB and DES) vs. non-drug-eluting technology in PAOD - M. Falkenberg

    5. -

      The LIMBO trial: a RCT investigating adventitial dexamethasone infusion to prevent restenosis in BTK arteries utilizing a novel angiographic endpoint

        Ulrich Beschorner
    6. -

      EffPac trial: Study design and status report

        Ulf Teichgräber
    7. -

      VOYAGER trial: RCT investigating the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban to reduce the risk of major thrombotic vascular events in patients with symptomatic PAOD undergoing revascularization – the concept of an event driven trial

        Rupert Bauersachs
    8. -

      The BEST-CLI trial: Study concept and current status

        Kenneth Rosenfield
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Original research: Endovascular surgery - aortic, EVAR, PVD aorto iliac

    Frank Vermassen, Jan Brunkwall
    1. -

      EVAS and AAA treatmanet - R. Gattuso

    2. -

      Outcome of endovascular aortic repair (EVAR and TEVAR): single centre experience - B. Ghoneim

    3. -

      EVAR out-side ifu. single centre egyptian experience - M. Haggag

    4. -

      Endovascular repair in 36 patients with aorto-iliac aneurysms in vascular and endovascular surgery division faculty of medicine University of Indonesia - I. Jamtani

    5. -

      Imaging after endovascular sealing using the Nellix sac enchoring device - T. ter Mors

    6. -

      Initial experience with the treatment of extensive iliac artery aneurysms using the Nellix device - M. Youssef

    7. -

      Validation of pre-procedural aortic aneurysm volume calculations to estimate procedural fill volume of endobags in endovascular aortic sealing - J. Boersen

    8. -

      Mortality predictors in urgent aneurysms: hematologic and renal (dys)function - M. Vieira

    9. -

      TEVAR for acute complicated Type B aortic dissection, midterm follow up - M. Haggag

    10. -

      EVAR complications related to high velocity traumas: mith or reality? - G. Galzerano

    11. -

      Radiological evaluation of ADULT aortic coarctation and its Impact on the chosen modality of treatment - M. Haggag

    12. -

      Preliminary results in the treatment of abdominal aoritc aneurysms using low-profile endografts - D. Mazzaccaro

    13. -

      Aortic curvature as a predictor of intraoperative Type IA endoleak - R. Schuurmann

    14. -

      Iliac arteries morphological features as determinant of outcome after Standard EVAR procedures - P. Sirignano

    15. -

      Aneurysmal sac volume and diameter evolution in the post-operative EVAR patient - J. Sousa Ferreira

    16. -

      Cost-effectiveness of pEVAR - M. Vieira

    17. -

      Safety and feasibility of single suture-mediated closure system in patients undergoing TAVI with 14-F expandable sheath - A. Cioppa

    18. -

      Endovascular repair of para-anastomotic aneurysm - D. van der Horst

    19. -

      Endovascular treatment of Behcet’s peripheral aneurysm: A prospective comparative study to open repair - M. Soliman

    20. -

      Radiation awareness for endovascular abdominal procedures in the hybrid OR: an instant patient chart of the deterministc radiation risks - Q. de Ruiter

    21. -

      Clinical predictors of post-EVAR mortality - J. Oliveira-Pinto

    22. -

      Preoperative simulation of the optimal C-arm position by use of a computed tomography post-processing software reduces radiation and contrast medium exposure during EVAR procedures - E. Stahlberg

    23. -

      Clinical case of endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm - P. Ignatenko

    24. -

      Use of a low-profile stent in atherosclerotic iliac artery disease: the results of 4-first (4-French iliac revascularization with low-profile stent technology) registry - N. Troisi

    25. -

      Prognostic value of pre-procedural computed tomography angiography in patients undergoing endovascular therapy for iliac artery diseases - Y.-G. Ko

    26. -

      Preliminary results of Kissing stent technique - J. J. Shahri

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Scrub in with the experts: Practical implantation of INCRAFT, an ultra low profile device

    live from Berne:
    Dai-Do Do
    Giovanni Pratesi
    Ralf Kolvenbach, Philipp Schäfer
    1. -

      Flash presentation: My first practical experience with INCRAFT

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Improved percutaneous efficiency with an ultra low profile device

        Philipp Schäfer
  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    My most difficult fempop case – how did I treat

    Gary Ansel
    Iris Baumgartner, Dierk Scheinert, Thomas Zeller, Craig Walker, Lawrence Garcia
    1. -

      Case reviews:

        Erwin Blessing, Brian DeRubertis, Yann Gouëffic, Steven Kum, Andrej Schmidt, Ramon Varcoe
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Latest pharmacological innovations for peripheral arterial disease: How to optimize the outcome of peripheral revascularization?

    Dierk Scheinert
    Michael Jaff, Frans Moll, Rupert Bauersachs, Marco Roffi, Dariusz Dudek
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      What is best medical therapy in PAOD and is there a need for better concepts and more data?

        Michael Jaff
    3. -

      The EPAD-Study: RCT comparing endoxaban and aspirin to clopidogrel and aspirin in SFA and proximal popliteal interventions

        Frans Moll
    4. -

      The VOYAGER trial: RCT investigating the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban to reduce the risk of major thrombotic vascular events in patients with symptomatic PAOD undergoing revascularization

        Rupert Bauersachs
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Lunch symposium: Get started in deep venous treatment

    Carsten Arnoldussen, Gerard O'Sullivan
    1. -

      Starting with deep venous treatment

        Carsten Arnoldussen
    2. -

      Tips and tricks

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    3. -

      Questions and answers

  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    CICE @ LINC: Cost effective off-the-shelf solutions for challenging situations in EVAR

    Armando Lobato
    Michael Dake
    1. -

      The clinical utility of parallel grafts, snorkels and chimneys to solve challenging situations

        Armando Lobato
    2. -

      Long-term results of parallel grafts in the aortic arch

        Mario Lachat
    3. -

      Clinical and technical advantages of parallel grafts in treatment of failed EVAR and Type I endoleaks

        Giovanni Torsello
    4. -

      Home-made fenestration vs. regular fenestration: Is there a difference?

        Eric Ducasse
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Lunch symposium: BeGraft – First experiences with a unique covered stent

    Marc Bosiers
    Jörg Teßarek, Johannes Kalder, Sebastian Büchert
    1. -

      Stent design and technical aspects

        Jörg Teßarek
    2. -

      BeGraft in complex endovascular procedures

        Johannes Kalder
    3. -

      Actual information on BeGraft

        Sebastian Büchert
    4. -

      First 6-month results of the BeGraft peripheral PMCF trial

        Marc Bosiers
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: LUTONIX® DCB – clinical evidence and real life experiences in SFA, BTK & AV indications

    Dierk Scheinert
    Fabrizio Fanelli, Sabine Steiner
    1. -

      A study of downstream events of the two leading DCBs on the market - R. Virmani

    2. -

      LUTONIX® DCB in SFA – insights of the LEVANT 2 & real world outcomes from the global registry

        Fabrizio Fanelli
    3. -

      LUTONIX® DCB in SFA – insights of the LEVANT 2 German cohort

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    5. -

      LUTONIX® DCB in BTK – Update on the BTK clinical program & single center experience

        Sabine Steiner
    6. -

      LUTONIX® DCB in AV access – a single center experience

        Dimitrios Karnabatidis
    7. -

      LUTONIX® DCB in AV access – a single center experience

        Kate Steiner
  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Successful strategies to reduce complications in endovascular procedures

    Eric Verhoeven
    Ulf Teichgräber, Guiseppe Panuccio, Philipp Geisbüsch, Sven Seifert
    1. -

      Results of CO2 imaging with new CO2 injector

        Ulf Teichgräber
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    3. -

      Reduction of contrast medium by fusion imaging

        Guiseppe Panuccio
    4. -

      Strategies for dose reduction in EVAR

        Eric Verhoeven
    5. -

      Fusion imaging combined with CO2 angiography and extra-low dose protocols during EVAR

    6. -

      Results with intra operative 3D angiography

        Philipp Geisbüsch
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    8. -

      New diagnostic possibilities in detecting endoleaks after EVAR using fusion of contrast-enhanced ultrasound and native CT scan

        Sven Seifert
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    VIVA @ LINC - Alternative approaches: Complex aortoiliac occlusive disease

    Gary Ansel
    Theodosios Bisdas, Sean Lyden, Kenneth Rosenfield, Peter Schneider
    1. -

      Strategy and technical tips: Endovascular management of TASC D aortoiliac lesions

        Gary Ansel
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

    3. -

      Lower extremity ischemia due to aortic dissection and other unusual causes

        Kenneth Rosenfield
    4. -

      Open repair, both in line and extra-anatomic: When is it indicated and what are the results?

        Peter Schneider
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

    6. -

      Options for managing combined iliac and common femoral disease

        Theodosios Bisdas
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    New horizons in the treatment of AAA and TAAA

    Robert Rhee
    Andrew Winterbottom, Jörg Heckenkamp, Pierre Galvagni Silveira
    1. -

      The GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis: Feasibility and utility to preserve internal iliac arteries

        Andrew Winterbottom
    2. -

      Current and next generation AAA Endografts to treat simple to complex anatomies

        Jörg Heckenkamp
    3. -

      A new off-the-shelf branched Gore endograft for TAAA: early clinical experience

        Pierre Galvagni Silveira
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Basics you need to know about vascular malformation

    Iris Baumgartner, Wayne Yakes
    Raul Mattassi, Jocelyn Brookes, Walter Wohlgemuth, Robert Vogelzang, Emmanuel Houdart
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      Venous malformations

        Krassi Ivancev
    3. -

      Localized intravascular coagulopathy in venous malformations

        Iris Baumgartner
    4. -

      Case presentations

        Iris Baumgartner, Krassi Ivancev
    5. -

      Combined malformation - Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome

        Raul Mattassi
    6. -

      Case presentation

        Raul Mattassi
    7. -

      The Houdart CNS AVM classification, the Do peripheral AVM classification, and the Yakes AVM classification and its therapeutic implications

        Wayne Yakes
    8. -

      Case presentations – AVM 1: Transvenous endovascular and percutaneous treatment

        Robert Vogelzang
    9. -

      Case presentations – AVM 1: Intraosseous AVM

        Wayne Yakes
    10. -

      Case presentations – AVM 1: AVMs of the foot

        Iris Baumgartner
    11. -

      AVM: old things that need to be remembered

        Emmanuel Houdart
    12. -

      Case presentations – AVM 2: Cerebrovascular

        Andreas Saleh
    13. -

      Head and neck

        Jocelyn Brookes
    14. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    15. -

      Treatment of congenital vascular malformations in children

        Walter Wohlgemuth
    16. -

      Case presentation: pediatric patients

        Walter Wohlgemuth
    17. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Selected original research abstracts – supraaortic and venous

    Klaus Mathias, Sumaira Macdonald
    1. -

      A new mini-invasive carotid endarterectomy by Semieversion – B. Migliara

    2. -

      Endovascular treatment of the subclavian arteries steno-occlusive disease – A. Karpenko

    3. -

      Incidence and prognosis of plaque protrusion during carotid artery stenting – K. Takayama

    4. -

      A parallel observational comparative study of cervical carotid artery stenting approach vs. groin approach vs. carotid endarterectomy in high-risk patients – A 12 year‘s experience – W. Tawfick

    5. -

      Long-term outcomes of endovascular treatment for subclavian artery disease in chronic hemodialysis patients – Y. Shintani

    6. -

      Retrospective analysis of the efficacy and safety of interventional techniques in the treatment of severe, acute pulmonary embolism

        Thomas Heller
    7. -

      The efficacy and safety of endovascular mechanical fragmentation with thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute massive pulmonary embolism – A. Karpenko

    8. -

      Iliac vein stenting for the secondary lymphedema of lower extremity resulting from pelvic radiotherapy – WH. Hsu

    9. -

      Update on the VIRTUS trial: Early experience of VICI VENOUS STENT in patients with chronic nonmalignant obstruction of the iliofemoral venous segment

        Stephen Black
    10. -

      Early single-centre comparative results on non-termal ablation of symptomatic I incompetent great saphenous veins: Cyanoacrylate glue (VenaSeal®) versus mechanicochemical ablation (ClariVein) – Y. Law

    11. -

      Comparison of the efficacy, safety, the primary and secondary technical success of the endovenous non-thermal, tumescensless mechanochemical ablation of varicous veins with the subjective outcome using different score-systems – C. Teichert

    12. -

      Sealing veins with the VenaSeal® – closure system: 3-years study: results for 886 treated truncal veins – U. T. Zierau

    13. -

      Cerebral embolic protection in thoracic aortic stentgrafting - G. Grover

    14. -

      4 year series of 114 consecutive patients treated for massive/submissive PE with Lytics

        Mark Goodwin
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Original research: PVD below the knee and femoro-popliteal

    Felix Mahler, Lawrence Garcia
    1. -

      Utility of DEBs in the treatment of restenosis after deep venous arterialisation - D. Lim

    2. -

      Below the knee angioplasty in patients with indication of major Amputation due to critical limb ischemia - A. P. Mollon

    3. -

      Twelve-month outcomes of stenting versus standard balloon angioplasty for the below-the-knee arterial disease patients underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

        Seung-Woon Rha
    4. -

      Impact of pedal arch quality on tissues loss and time to healing in diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia undergone endovascular revascularization - N. Troisi

    5. -

      Percutaneous ballon angioplasty of infrapopliteal lesions for critical limb ischemia. One center experience - M. Garnica Ureña

    6. -

      Peroneal artery gate for PTA of tibial arteries in beyond TASC infrapopliteal lesions - M. Haggag

    7. -

      Cutting- & DCB-balloon in fem-pop-lesions - M. Baumhäkel

    8. -

      Percutaneous angioplasty with drug eluting balloon for infra-inguinal venous bypass stenosis - A. Kerzmann

    9. -

      A vascular network‘s experience of the novel GORE® TIGRIS® stent in the Treatment of atherosclerotic popliteal arterial disease - D. Banfield

    10. -

      Supera stent. Two years experience in severe femoropopliteal disease - J. Gomez

    11. -

      The use of an innovative balloon catheter (CHOCOLATE) in femoro-popliteal occlusive disease - W. Mansour

    12. -

      Performance of Luminor drug eluting balloon for revascularization in chronic limb ischemia: a Spanish prospective multicenter registry

        Vicente Riambau
    13. -

      One year outcomes for Paclitaxel-eluting stent Implantation for complex SFA lesions - A. Roy

    14. -

      Early results of the use of a next generation drug coated balloon for the treatment of femoropopliteal atherosclerotic lesions

        Peter Goverde
    15. -

      The AURORAA registry: 4 year results using interwoven nitinol stents for extensive distal femoropopliteal occlusive disease

        Peter Goverde
    16. -

      EVT for CFA - M. Utsunomiya

    17. -

      Impact of lateral angiograms with the knee joint bent after popliteal artery stenting - M. Planert

    18. -

      Combined use of directional atherectomy and drug coated balloon for the endovascular treatment of common femoral artery disease: one year outcomes of 30 consecutive patients - A. Cioppa

    19. -

      OCT guided CTO crossing to minimize stenting during SFA recanalization: Ocelot case series review - R. Dhawan

    20. -

      A cost-effectiveness analysis of superficial femoral artery endovascular interventions - P. Gaines

    21. -

      Angioplasty for patients with failing infrainguinal bypasses graft, Jeddah heart institute experience for graft salvage - A. ElMarakby

    22. -

      Intermediate results of percutaneous endovascular therapy and bypass surgery of femoropopliteal occlusive disease: retrospective non-randomized study - A. ElMarakby

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    VIVA @ LINC: Next steps in carotid revascularization

    Peter Schneider
    William Gray, Sean Lyden, Kenneth Rosenfield, Raghu Kolluri
    1. -

      Announcement of the Vascular Career Advancement Award Recipients: R. Kolluri, Th. Bisdas

        Giancarlo Biamino, Peter Schneider
    2. -

      How should studies be designed to evaluate new carotid protection devices and stents?

        William Gray
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

    4. -

      Is proximal protection the way forward? Options, techniques and results

        Gary Ansel
    5. -

      Will mesh covered stents help reduce the risk of stroke?

        Peter Schneider
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

    7. -

      Carotid revascularization 20 years from now

        Kenneth Rosenfield
  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: A new look at polymer filled technology – the latest innovation from TriVascular

    Dierk Scheinert
    Lieven Maene, David Minion, Gerard Mertikian
    1. -

      Protect the neck

        Lieven Maene
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      Patency matters

        David Minion
    4. -

      Ovation: The workhorse system

        Gerard Mertikian
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    TIPS technique, status and future using the GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprosthesis

    Martin Rössle
    Geert Maleux, Romaric Loffroy, José Ignacio Bilbao Jaureguizar, Lorenzo Paolo Moramarco
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      TIPS Technique using GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprosthesis

        Geert Maleux
    3. -


    4. -

      TIPS for variceal bleeding. A clinical update

        Romaric Loffroy
    5. -


    6. -

      TIPS for refractory ascites. A clinical update

        José Ignacio Bilbao Jaureguizar
    7. -


    8. -

      Managing Post TIPS HE. What evidence do we have?

        Lorenzo Paolo Moramarco
    9. -


    10. -

      Closing remarks by the moderator

  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    SITE @ LINC: Unmet needs on EVAR/TEVAR and beyond

    Vicente Riambau
    Michael Dake, Frans Moll, Eric Verhoeven, Nilo Mosquera, Piotr Kasprzak
    1. -

      Topic for discussion: Future approaches for paraplegia and stroke prevention in TEVAR

    2. -

      Topic for discussion: When TEVAR as a first choice for thoraco-abdominal aneurysms?

    3. -

      Topic for discussion: Is TEVAR for all Type B dissections?

    4. -

      Topic for discussion: Full endovascular approach for the arch and ascending aorta

    5. -

      Topic for discussion: Type II endoleak prevention and management: the nightmare still continues

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Global Expert Exchange – Selected challenging cases – critical limb ischemia and BTK interventions

    Roberto Ferraresi, Osamu Iida, Jihad Mustapha
    1. -

      Averting a BTK amputation – revascularization of a distal SFA popliteal tibial occlusion using antegrade/retrograde posterior tibial approach and placement of drug eluting stents across the knee joint

        Robert Beasley
    2. -

      Thrombolysis and T-stent technique performed in a BTK case resulted from popliteal aneurysm

        Ting Zhu
    3. -

      The case of CLI treated for ipsilateral iliac CTO, SFA and BTK lesion using switch back technique in single strategy

        Shogo Morisaki
    4. -

      Fate of classic bare metal stents placed in popliteal arterial P2 and P3 segments in Asian patients

        Sang Woo Park
    5. -

      A case of endovascular therapy of infrapopliteal arterial disease using GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor and thrombolysis in a patient with acute limb ischemia

        Chang Hoon Lee
    6. -

      Therapeutic strategy of multiple level artery occlusions in the lower limb ischemia

        Jinsong Wang
    7. -

      SFA lesions – is atherectomy superior?

        Sanjay Desai
    8. -

      Directional atherectomy for the treatment of recurrent distal anastomotic stenosis of aortobifemoral bypass with 3-year angiographic follow-up

        Eric Scott
    9. -

      External piercing technique in heavily calcified BTK lesion in a diabetic foot patient

        Seung-Woon Rha
    10. -

      A challenging case of critical limb ischemia achieving a complete below-the-ankle revascularization by using a combination of multiple bidirectional approach

        Yoshinori Tsubakimoto
    11. -

      The CHIAPAS project: Complex endovascular procedures in a challenging economical environment

        José Antonio Muñoa Prado
    12. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Challenging cases: Endovascular surgery – aortic – Part II

    Frank Criado, Sebastian Debus
    1. -

      PEVAR in a patient with a horseshoe kidney using a stent-graft (the OVATION prime) - A. Frantsevich

    2. -

      Alternative endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in a complex neck Type B dissected aorta: case report and literature review - M. F. Giusti

    3. -

      Endovascular repair of a pararenal aortic aneurysm using ChEVAS as a last chance - K. E. Moncayo León

    4. -

      Transarterial treatment of Type 2 endoleak after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm - M. Namazi

    5. -

      Thoracic endovascular aortic repair for a pseudoaneurysm in a Patient with small caliber stretchable iliac with stenosis - A. Olcay

    6. -

      A case of endovascular treatment of severe graft limb kinking following endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair - S.-D. Park

    7. -

      Management of complicated acute infra-renal abdominal aorta dissection - S. Sultan

    8. -

      Thoracic aorta stent grafting through transapical access for Type III endoleak due to prosthetic disconnection and severe aortic Elongation - M. M. Hernández Mateo

    9. -

      Endovascular hybrid stent-graft repair of spontaneous aorto-caval fistula with hostile anatomy of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm - M. Liu

    10. -

      EVAR using an ultra-low-profile bifurcated device is feasible with a very narrow distal aortic neck: a case study - A. Chaudhuri

    11. -

      Chimney-EVAS as a strategy for the treatment of a Type I endoleak - B. Fiorucci

    12. -

      Dealing with Type II endoleaks using ultralong Penumbra coils in a paraprosthetic way

        Sven Seifert
    13. -

      A complex case of aortic dissection: a hybrid approach - E. Yano

    14. -

      An endovascular aortic dissection approach with an ultra-low Profile stent graft - E. Yano

    15. -

      Nellix plug for false lumen occlusion in chronic dissections - C. Forssell

    16. -

      Endovascular treatment of continuing Type A dissection after ascending aorta replacement - I. Mavioglu

    17. -

      Challenging case of retrograde transcollateral embolization of a giant internal iliac artery aneurysm after aneurysm repair of the abdominal aorta - N. Eckardt

    18. -

      Operative table customized T-Branch endoproteses - G. Meirelles

    19. -

      Unusual complication of complete endovascular reconstruction of aortic bifurcation - D. Vishwanath

    20. -

      Wandering of the stent - T. Szpotan

    21. -

      Endovascular treatment of bilateral isolated internal iliac aneurysms - T. Mourão

    22. -

      Hybrid revascularization of extensive multilevel atherosclerotic lesions utilizing self-expanding interwoven nitinol stent and paclitaxel-coated balloon - A. Avetisyan

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Selected original research abstracts – BTK

    Brian DeRubertis, Thomas Rand, Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    1. -

      Bioabsorbable scaffold stents for the endovascular treatment of infrapopliteal lesions in critical limb ischemia

        Mohammad Ansari
    2. -

      Vital role of plastic surgeons in wound healing after endovascular revascularization for isolated infrapopliteal arterial lesions in patients with critical limb ischemia

        Masahiko Fujihara
    3. -

      Drug-coated balloons in below-the-knee arteries – data from the Heidelberg registry - F. Stoll

    4. -

      Pedal arch patency and not direct-angiosome revascularization affects outcomes in diabetic patients with foot wounds undergone endovascular revascularization - N. Troisi

    5. -

      Lesion modification with an orbital atherectomy system enhances paclitaxel distribution in calcified peripheral arteries

        Abraham Tzafriri
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: In-stent restenosis, popliteal and long lesions

    Patrick Peeters, William Gray
    Hans Krankenberg, Peter Schneider, Roberto Ferraresi, Klaus Amendt, Johannes Lammer
    1. -


    2. -

      Pro drug-elution

        Hans Krankenberg
    3. -

      Pro mechanical barrier

        Peter Soukas
    4. -

      The Lutonix global drug coated balloon registry: 12 months results of the ISR subgroup

        Chris Metzger, Via satellite from Kingsport
    5. -

      Biology of in-stent restenosis and rational for debulking

        Jos van den Berg
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    7. -

      Is flexed knee study useful in popliteal artery angioplasty?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    8. -

      Spot-stenting – Multi-LOC theoretical background and first real world results

        Klaus Amendt
    9. -

      Initial results of the ZILVERPASS study: A RCT investigating the Zilver PTX DES vs. bypass surgery for femoropopliteal TASC C&D lesions

        Marc Bosiers
    10. -

      Popliteal artery lesions: How do I decide between DCB, stenting, atherectomy or bypass

        Peter Schneider
    11. -

      SuperB trial: a prospective randomized study comparing endoluminal bypass to surgery

        Michel Reijnen
    12. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Endovascular solutions for iliac aneuryms and endoleaks after EVAR

    Vicente Riambau, Frans Moll
    Piergiorgio Cao, Patrick Kelly, Lars Kock, Gioachino Coppi, Spiridon Botsios, Armando Lobato
    1. -

      Multicentre outcome results of Nellix EVAS for common iliac artery aneurysms

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    2. -

      Long-term results of iliac side branch devices: Experience after 240 cases

        Martin Austermann
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    4. -

      The “IceBERG” Study – Preserving the internal iliac artery

        Michel Reijnen
    5. -

      US clinical trial update on the GORE® EXCLUDER® iliac branch endoprosthesis

        Robert Rhee
    6. -

      Internal iliac artery aneurysms: When to intervene and outcomes of EVAR

        Frans Moll
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Heidelberg

    8. -

      Selective lumbar coiling prior to EVAR – a valuable strategy to prevent type II endoleaks?

        Tim Ole Petersen
    9. -

      Different techniques to overcome hostile access vessels and secure limb perfusion

        Thomas Larzon
    10. -

      Experience with percutaneous suture systems for larger caliber vascular access

        Bruno Freitas
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub in with the experts: Pioneering revascularization strategies for TASC D+ lesions

    live from Leipzig:
    Andrej Schmidt
    Lawrence Garcia, Ralf Langhoff
    Martin Werner, Peter Goverde, Frank Vermassen, Ralph-Ingo Rückert
    1. -

      Flash presentation – Hybrid approaches for revascularization of complex peripheral obstructions

        Daniela Branzan
    2. -

      Flash presentation – Techniques and results of percutaneous procedures for Leriche syndrome

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Flash presentation – The Leipzig experience of percutaneous procedures for Leriche syndrome

        Madeleine Luther

Conference day 3

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Retrograde tibial interventions and below-the-ankle angioplasty

    Gary Ansel
    Jihad Mustapha, Kazushi Urasawa, Roberto Ferraresi, Steven Kum, Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    2. -


    3. -

      Ultrasound guided technique

        Jihad Mustapha
    4. -

      Fluoroscopy-guided technique

        Andrej Schmidt
    5. -

      The anatomy of pedal vasculature and principles for pedal intervention

        Thomas Rand
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Abano Terme

    7. -

      Advanced wiring techniques for below-the-knee and below-the-ankle interventions

        Hiroyoshi Yokoi
    8. -

      Implications of the wound related artery concept for BTK revascularization strategies: When and how to do pedal interventions?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    9. -

      Results of 999 BTK angioplasty procedures from a tertiary high-volume diabetic foot center

        Alberto Cremonesi, Antonio Micari
  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    New insights and advanced techniques for treatment of TAA and aortic dissections

    Jan Brunkwall, Frank Criado
    Dittmar Böckler, Michael Dake, Mario Lachat
    1. -

      The expansion rate of small TAA and threshold for intervention

        Matt Thompson
    2. -

      Best medical therapy for uncomplicated Type B dissections – is it enough?

        Santi Trimarchi
    3. -

      Is a paradigm shift towards early endovascular treatment of Type B dissections justified?

        Dittmar Böckler
    4. -

      Unmet needs in TEVAR intervention for Type B aortic dissection: Shortcomings of devices and strategies

        Frank Criado
    5. -

      The rate of bovine arch among dissection patients

        Jan Brunkwall
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    7. -

      Fenestrated vs. branched endografts to treat aortic arch lesions: Pros and Cons of two different endo-techniques

        Tilo Kölbel
    8. -

      Value of LSA branch devices in clinical practice – Early experience with the Valiant MonaLSA device

        Jean Panneton
    9. -

      Early clinical results for the GORE® TAG® Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis in the treatment of zones 0, 1 and 2

        Michael Dake
    10. -

      Long-term results of hybrid aortic arch repair

        Mario Lachat
    11. -

      Redo treatment and open conversion after TEVAR

        Roberto Chiesa
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    CLI and CTO summit – complex aorto-iliac disease

    live from Bad Krozingen:
    Thomas Zeller
    Ralf Langhoff
    Andrew Holden, Gioachino Coppi, Thomas Heller, Sigrid Nikol
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Initial experience with bifurcated aorto-iliac stent graft for aorto-iliac occlusive disease

        Tom Shimshak
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation with balloon-expandable covered stents

        Peter Goverde
  • - , Scientific Posters

    Electronic posters will be displayed from 08:00 – 18:00 in front of Main Arena 1

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Developing a standard of care for EndoAnchors: Translatable treatment algorithms from the experts

    Ralf Kolvenbach, Bart Muhs
    Piotr Kasprzak, Jean-Paul de Vries, Jean Panneton
    1. -

      Improving seal strength of abdominal endografts in hostile landing zones with the use of EndoAnchors

        Piotr Kasprzak
    2. -

      Managing complex EVAR revision cases with EndoAnchors

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    3. -

      Recorded case presentation

        Jean Panneton
    4. -

      Technical considerations for use of EndoAnchors in complex EVAR and TEVAR

        Jean Panneton
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Endovenous therapies for varicose veins

    Raghu Kolluri, Stephen Black
    Thomas Noppeney, Karin Brachmann
    1. -

      Patient assessment and strategy making for endovenous treatment

        Raghu Kolluri
    2. -

      ClosureFast radiofrequency ablation for the treament of GSV: Technique and outcome results

        Stephen Black
    3. -

      Laser technologies for endovenous ablations: What are the latest developments

        Matthias Ulrich
    4. -

      Non-thermal techniques for endovenous ablation

        Tobias Hirsch
    5. -

      Randomized trial comparing cyanoacrylate embolization and radiofrequency ablation for incompetent great saphenous vein

        Raghu Kolluri
    6. -

      Recorded case

        Raghu Kolluri
    7. -

      Management of side branches and perforators: Endovascular vs. surgical techniques

        Thomas Noppeney
    8. -

      Treatment failures after successful GSV ablation: Root cause analysis and management

        Raghu Kolluri
    9. -

      Optimal care pathway for a leg ulcer patient

        Manjit Gohel
    10. -


  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Innovation Forum – Peripheral

    Michael Lichtenberg, Steve Ramee, Dai-Do Do
    1. -

      The Piculet recanalisation device for peripheral CTO

        Yann Gouëffic
    2. -

      The use of CrossLock™ catheter for treatment of complex PCI lesions and CTOs – R. R. Heuser

    3. -

      The Shockwave lithotrypsie system – T. Brinton

    4. -

      Pilot study of the FLEX™ plaque modification catheter in peripheral arterial disease – J. Pigott

    5. -

      The Multi-LOC multiple stent delivery system for focal stenting: Preclinical data and first clinical experiences in femoro-popliteal lesions

        Klaus Amendt
    6. -

      Fluorocopolymer-coated Nitinol self-expanding Paclitaxel-eluting stent: Pharmacokinetics and vascular biology responses in porcine iliofemoral model - G. Kaluza

    7. -

      Determination of pressure gradients in borderline iliac artery stenosis using a patient specific computer model – S. G. H. Heinen

    8. -

      Endovascular management of severe peripheral artery disease by smart stem cell delivery technology – S. Sultan

    9. -

      Flow assessment of lower extremity endovascular interventions: A feasibility study using quantitative digital subtraction angiogram analysis – R. B. Dharmaraj

    10. -

      ePTFE balloon with a paclitaxel coating engineered for enhanced arterial retention: results in porcine peripheral arteries

        Abraham Tzafriri
    11. -

      A bubble-mixture method to improve dynamic image of carbon dioxide angiography - T.–I. Chang

    12. -


  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Original research: CAS, renal/renal denervation, venous, new technologies, others

    Klaus Mathias, Alberto Cremonesi
    1. -

      Carotid anchoring using in complex supra-aortic anatomies: results from 30 consecutive carotid stenting cases - A. Froio

    2. -

      Oct evaluation after double layer micromesh design carotid stent deployment

        Giuseppe Galzerano
    3. -

      Incidence of new ischemic brain lesions after carotid artery stenting with the CGuard™ Dual layer design carotid stent: a prospective single centre study - M. A. Ruffino

    4. -

      Functional parameters to select patients for renal stenting - R. Gattuso

    5. -

      Interventional recanalization of a chronic thrombotic occlusion of v. Cava inferior and iliac veins following liver segment resection - M. Kornlage

    6. -

      Inferior vena cava filter insertion through the popliteal vein - H. O. Kim

    7. -

      Mechanochemical ablation of saphenous vein: 3 years of experience - M. Mirandola

    8. -

      Interim results from the prospective study of the Zilver vena venous stent in the Treatment of symptomatic iliofemoral venous outflow obstruction in Europe

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    9. -

      Better access: introduction of the punctual guidewire - R. R. Heuser

    10. -

      The use of the Prodigy™ and CrossLock™ catheter for treatment of complex PCI lesions and CTOs - R. R. Heuser

    11. -

      Radial artery access for aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal interventions - A. Roy

    12. -

      Percutaneous embolization of varicocele in pediatric group: a review of 7 years - S. Malekzadeh

    13. -

      Is bladder ischemia a cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)? Observations in patients with marked pelvic arterial hypoperfusion - J. Rocha-Neves

    14. -

      Comparative study between forearm straight and loop (u-shaped) PTFE arterio-venous graft. Local experience, Dr. Erfan Hospital, Jeddah, KSA - A. Elmarakby

    15. -

      Evidence of protozoan biofilm communities in atheromatous debris: a metagenomic analysis - R. R. Heuser

    16. -

      Necrotizing fasciitis; significant parameters for early diagnosis and subsequent improved survival - O. Ismail

    17. -

      Drug eluting balloon angioplasty for arteriovenous haemodialysis access stenosis – a systematic review and meta-analysis - A. Z. Khawaja

    18. -

      Is ir now the first line treatment in penetrating trauma? A case series of interventional radiological management of stab wounds from the steel city - R. Stansfield

    19. -

      Ex-vivo imaging of the native atherosclerotic plaque by high resolution x-ray computed tomography - A. Svetlikov

    20. -

      Is ultrasound essential for central venous access placing? - G. Meirelles

    21. -

      The use of mini-invasive technologies for the treatment - A. Karpenko

    22. -

      Carotid artery stenting micromesh stent - M. A. Ruffino

    23. -

      Dialysis access angioplasty/stenting/thrombectomy under sonographic guidance without fluoroscopy

        Daniel Périard
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Advancing DCB therapy in complex SFA lesions

    Craig Walker
    Henrik Schröder, Erwin Blessing, Fabrizio Fanelli, Eric Dippel
    1. -

      DCB towards standard of care: Evidence Status of DCBs in SFA

        Thomas Zeller, Via satellite from Bad Krozingen
    2. -

      The when and why of pre-dilatation before DCB: lessons from ILLUMENATE FIH

        Henrik Schröder
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Bad Krozingen

    4. -

      Plaque scoring in calcified lesions

        Erwin Blessing
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      Photoablation and DCB in in-stent restenosis

        Craig Walker
  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Being different makes the difference

    Matt Thompson
    Paul Hayes, Andrew Holden, Michel Reijnen, Jean-Paul de Vries
    1. -

      Nellix EVAS – Key learnings from the global registry and personal experience

        Andrew Holden
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    3. -

      EVAS forward IDE results – Building clinical evidence

        Paul Hayes
    4. -

      Common iliac artery aneurysm repair with Nellix

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    6. -

      What happens to the neck after EVAR and EVAS?

        Michel Reijnen
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    Outpatient treatment of PAD patients: Safety, evidence, health economics

    Dierk Scheinert
    Yann Gouëffic, Nicolas Diehm, Jeffrey G. Carr
    1. -

      The Freedom trial results and conclusions for 5F access

        Yann Gouëffic
    2. -

      The Swiss experience with ambulatory treatment of claudicants and CLI patients

        Nicolas Diehm
    3. -

      Same day vascular interventions in an office or freestanding facility – the US experience

        Jeffrey G. Carr
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    CLI and CTO summit – complex femoral and popliteal disease

    live from Abano Terme:
    Marco Manzi
    live from Bad Krozingen:
    Thomas Zeller
    Peter Schneider
    Dieter Raithel, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Spiridon Botsios
    1. -

      Flash presentation: Mid-term clinical outcomes and MRA compatibility of a dual component stent in challenging lesions

        Konstantinos Katsanos
    2. -

      Flash presentation: Strategies in challenging BTK procedures: ARROWGPSCath with VisioValve to protect wire placement, reduce fluoroscopy-time and minimize contrast media

        Marc Sapoval
  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Global Expert Exchange – Selected challenging cases – peripheral interventions

    Dai-Do Do, Yann Gouëffic, Brian DeRubertis
    1. -

      Severe calcified chronic total occlusion recanalization with CROSSER or Roterablator: A series of five cases

        Masahiko Fujihara
    2. -

      Popliteal artery rupture

        James McGuckin
    3. -

      65 y.o male with critical limb ischemia (Rutherford 6) and critical aortic stenosis being worked up for TAVR

        Mark Fleming
    4. -

      Retrograde recanalization after failed antegrade entry into flush SFA CTO, via pedal access, in a patient with previous SFA stenting and fem-pop bypass

        Ashwani Kumar
    5. -

      A multidisciplinary team approach for vascular disease: The role of cardiologists and vascular specialists

        Ana Mollon
    6. -

      Stents for the common femoral artery: the good, the bad, the ugly

        Salman Arain
    7. -

      A giant popliteal artery aneurysm treated with exclusion and bypass using vascular graft

        Shuiting Zhai
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: The Lumivascular future: Image-guided therapy with Pantheis and Ocelot

    Marianne Brodmann
    Suhail Dohad, Ian Cawich, Jeffrey G. Carr
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      OCT for peripheral vascular intervention

        Suhail Dohad
    3. -

      Lumivascular case series

        Marianne Brodmann
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    5. -

      Applying Lumivascular in the office based lab setting

        Jeffrey G. Carr
    6. -

      VISION 6 month data outcomes

        Ian Cawich
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Pioneering solutions for aortic diseases

    Dittmar Böckler
    Marc van Sambeek, Robert Rhee, Santi Trimarchi
    1. -

      Introduction by the moderator

    2. -

      With more than a 1000 GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis patients treated, is preservation the new standard of care?

        Robert Rhee
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -

      New approaches to the treatment of challenging aortic anatomies

        Marc van Sambeek
    5. -

      The new frontier in Aortic stent-grafts: combining control and conformability

        Robert Rhee
    6. -

      Performance of the conformable GORE® TAG® device in Type B aortic dissection from the GORE® GREAT real world registry

        Santi Trimarchi
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion by the moderator

  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    Symposium: Challenging aortic anatomies with a modern toolbox: new possibilities

    Dierk Scheinert, Giovanni Torsello
    Ralf Kolvenbach, Jörg Teßarek, Piotr Kasprzak, Philipp Geisbüsch, Götz Richter
    1. -

      Challenging EVARs: long term optimization with Onyx

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    2. -

      Challenging AAA neck anatomies: Endo-Anchors can fix it!

        Jörg Teßarek
    3. -

      First-generation stentgraft and Type I Endoleak: how can Endo-Anchors help?

        Philipp Geisbüsch
    4. -

      Type B dissection treatment – current status

        Götz Richter
    5. -

      Useful indication for Endo-Anchors by TEVAR procedures

        Piotr Kasprzak
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Nurse and Technician Forum – Part I

    Martin Werner, Tilo Kölbel
    1. -


    2. -

      Step by step: Aortoiliac interventions

        Koen Deloose
    3. -

      Step by step: How I treat SFA lesions

        Florian Wolf
    4. -

      Step by step: Infrapopliteal revascularization

        Martin Werner
    5. -

      Step by step: Hybrid procedures for peripheral arterial disease

        Holger Staab, Live from Leipzig
    6. -

      Step by step: Abdominal aortic aneurysm: basics of endovascular repair

        Tilo Kölbel
    7. -


    8. -

      Drug eluting balloons: The technology behind

        Jos van den Berg
    9. -

      Drug eluting balloons: Current evidence

        Michael Lichtenberg
    10. -

      Bioabsorbable stents: The next endovascular revolution?

        Johannes Lammer
    11. -

      Calcified lesions – optimal treatment

        Mathias Tischler
    12. -

      Atherectomy: Data and current developments

        Martin Werner
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Innovation Forum – EVAR, venous and miscellaneous

    Frans Moll, Sven Seifert
    1. -

      Experience with the Trivascular Ovation iX Stent Graft System – J. Ghosh

    2. -

      Novel endovascular device, a guidewire fixator – K. Liungman

    3. -

      Use of dedicated popliteal access IVC filter during catheter based treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis

        Gerard O'Sullivan
    4. -

      Double wire, a novel technique for the insertion of haemodialysis catheter – M. Elmaadawy

    5. -

      Robotic routing: How far are we from remote control?

        Thomas Nolte
    6. -

      A faster way to the .035 Wire: The punctual guidewire for improvement in arterial and venous access – R. R. Heuser

    7. -

      Microbubbles accelerate thrombolysis in peripheral arterial occlusions: how does the technology work? – K. K. Yeung

    8. -

      Denervation in hypertensive renal transplantation patients: Verve's disruptive non-vascular catheter option to nephrectomy – R. R. Heuser

    9. -


  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Interventions for carotid artery stenosis and stroke

    Andrej Erglis
    Piotr Musialek, Daniel Behme
    1. -

      CGuard™ –Carotid artery stenting: a change in the game

        Piotr Musialek
    2. -

      Emergency stenting of the extracranial internal carotid artery in combination with anterior circulation thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke

        Daniel Behme
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

    4. -


  • - , Scientific Posters

    Moderated poster round: Original research: PVD and acute thrombectomy

    George Adams, Thomas Heller
    1. -

      Usefulness of Andrastents for dilation of different vessels - J. Bialkowswki

    2. -

      Endovascular therapy as a first line of treatment in patients with severe aortoiliac occlusive disease - P. Berg

    3. -

      Results from laser debulking with adjunctive drug-coated balloon therapy in a rabbit in-stent total occlusion model

        Craig Walker