LINC 2020 programme

LINC 2020, the Leipzig Interventional Course, 
featured state-of-the-art lectures and numerous live cases have been
performed from leading interventional centers.

LINC 2020 will take place from Tuesday, 28 January through Friday, 31 January 2020.


All authorized presentations are available here.
Select a session, click on the title to expand it,
click on the pdf icon to open the file.

LINC 2020 programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Conference day 1

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Stepping forward: Changing the standard of care in lower limb treatments

    Dierk Scheinert
    Luis Palena, Yann Gouëffic, Koen Deloose, Erwin Blessing
    1. -


        Dierk Scheinert
    2. -

      Mimetic stent technology – providing safe, sustained, and optimal care

        Erwin Blessing
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    4. -

      Supersub II – preliminary results

        Luis Palena
    5. -

      STELLA Supera – 12-month results revealed

        Yann Gouëffic
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    7. -

      Supera VMI-CFA study – 2-year follow-up, ready to change the standard of care?

        Koen Deloose
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Acute deep vein thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome

    Rick de Graaf
    Houman Jalaie, Oliver Schlager, Christian Erbel, Tim Sebastian
    1. -

      Efficacy and safety of novel mechanical thrombectomy systems for iliofemoral DVT

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      CAVA trial: why catheter interventions will remain the CAVALry of DVT treatment

        Houman Jalaie
    3. -

      Update on the ARIVA trial: Aspirin plus Rivaroxaban vs. Rivaroxaban alone for the prevention of stent thrombosis in PTS patients

        Oliver Schlager
    4. -

      The TOPOS study: Early outcomes of a hybrid oblique nitinol stent for PTS patients with common iliac vein compression

        Christian Erbel
    5. -

      Validation of duplex sonography for the detection of venous stent stenosis – a case control study

        Tim Sebastian
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Zurich

        UniversitätsSpital Zürich - Live case center
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Latest insights on safety and efficacy of drug-coated devices

    Dierk Scheinert, William Gray
    Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Andrew Holden, Marianne Brodmann, Peter Schneider, Thomas Zeller, Eva Freisinger

    2. -

      The controversy about Paclitaxel safety – where do we stand? A summary of concerns, available data, and open questions

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: In depth independent safety analysis by Syntactx (CRO) of the Lutonix SFA DCB

        Kenneth Ouriel
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Paclitaxel exposure and dosage of drug-coated balloons for the treatment of PAD: Exploring mortality rates by regions around the globe

        Peter Schneider
    5. -

      New long-term information on PTX coated DCB: 5-year results from the AcoArt study

        Xin Jia
    6. -

      Latest information on long-term efficacy and safety on the Zilver PTX programme

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      Mortality after use of Paclitaxel-based devices in peripheral arteries: A real-world safety analysis

        Eva Freisinger
    8. -

      The presence and the future of drug-coated devices: What to expect in the next 5 years?

        William Gray
    9. -

      Panel discussion


    11. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COMPARE-RCT of low dose vs. high dose Paclitaxel coated balloons: 1-year results of the full cohort

        Sabine Steiner
    12. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: 6-month results from Lutonix SFA Japan PMS update

        Yoshimitsu Soga
    13. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Illumenate 4-year update

        Sean Lyden
    14. -

      Drug-coated balloon angioplasty of femoropopliteal lesions maintained superiority over standard balloon – 2-year results of the randomized EffPac trial

        Dierk Scheinert
    15. -

      RANGER II SFA: Randomized trial of RANGER DCB vs. PTA in the SFA

        Marianne Brodmann
    16. -

      The DCB dose difference: A comparison of drug in tissues of different .018 DCBs

        Andrew Holden
    17. -

      Post-DCB dissection repair: 12-month results from TOBA III

        Christian Wissgott
    18. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Iliac artery pathologies: Guidelines, treatment algorithms, and gaps

    Giovanni Torsello
    Alexander Maßmann, Jan Heyligers, Jorge Fernández Noya, Michel Reijnen, Maria Antonella Ruffino, Hans Krankenberg
    1. -

      IVUS for aorto-iliac disease: Is contrast media application and high energy radiation redundant?

        Jörg Teßarek
    2. -

      Treatment approach for iliac occlusive disease: What is the best option? Experience and data

        Alexander Maßmann
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    4. -

      Iliac branch device indication in consideration of guidelines and clinical data

        Jan Heyligers
    5. -

      Case based discussion: Device selection for a successful preservation

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    6. -

      Options and optimal solutions for bridging stentin in renal artery

        Giovanni Torsello
    7. -

      Dealing with emergencies in very complex cases: Why I always have enough covered stents on stock

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    8. -

      Midterm outcome of CERAB and how to optimize results

        Michel Reijnen
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Management of carotid artery disease: Current status, new developments, and future outlook

    Horst Sievert, Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
    Richard Bulbulia, Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck, Martin Storck
    1. -

      Is classical surgery for carotid disease still necessary in the future?

        Martin Storck
    2. -

      The ACST-2 trial – recruitment complete, what are the characteristics of our patients, operators, and interventions?

        Richard Bulbulia
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Performance I trial: 6-month data from a trial using a novel carotid stent, post dilatation balloon and embolic protection device (Neuroguard) for the treatment of carotid stenoses

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
    5. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Latest data from the Roadsaver registry

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
    6. -

      Dual layer stents for treatment of symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis: 6-year data of a high-volume centre – Is re-occlusion an issue?

        Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
    7. -

      A radial access solution for embolic protection during carotid stenting

        Piero Montorsi
    8. -

      Proximal and distal embolic protection for carotid stenting

        Antonio Micari, Via satellite from Bergamo
    9. -

      ROADSTER 2 trial results: TCAR is ready for prime time

        Peter Schneider
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

        Sankt-Gertrauden-Hospital Berlin - Live case center
    11. -

      Transcervical carotid stenting with flow reversal in high risk patients – clinical results and DWMRI findings

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    12. -

      Evaluation of CEA techniques with a simulation tool

        Reza Ghotbi
    13. -

      Does carotid intervention prevent dementia? Long term results from over 1,600 patients randomised to CEA or no procedure in ACST-1

        Richard Bulbulia
    14. -

      Essential imaging for treatment of acute ischemic stroke

        Stephan Duda
    15. -

      Acute stroke interventions in a cardiology department

        Horst Sievert
    16. -

      Comparison of drug-eluting and bare metal stents for extracranial vertebral artery stenting

        Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
    17. -

      Management of vertebral artery dissection: The reconstructive and the deconstructive approach

        Karl-Titus Hoffmann
    18. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Advanced techniques for the treatment of CLI patients

    Marco Manzi, Jihad Mustapha
    Konstantinos Stavroulakis, Michael Lichtenberg, Roberto Ferraresi
    1. -

      The role of advanced imaging in CLI

        Konstantinos Stavroulakis
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    3. -

      The role of vessel prep in CLI

        Michael Lichtenberg
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center
    5. -

      DCB in CLI: Rationale and benefit in current times

        Roberto Ferraresi
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Venous stent placement for post-thrombotic syndrome

    Houman Jalaie, Stephen Black
    Rick de Graaf, Tim Sebastian, Olivier Hartung
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Zurich

        UniversitätsSpital Zürich - Live case center
    3. -

      VENOVO® venous stent – 24-month update on the Vernacular trial

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Via satellite from Galway
    4. -

      Analysis of venous intimal reaction after stent implantation: Does stent porosity matter?

        Houman Jalaie
    5. -

      IVUS for guiding endovascular therapy in deep veins

        Rick de Graaf
    6. -

      Dedicated woven nitinol stent for the common femoral vein: Arnsberg–Zurich experience

        Tim Sebastian
    7. -

      24-month patency rates and clinical results of the SINUS OBLIQUUS® venous stent: Data from the Arnsberg venous registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Lunch symposium: Paclitaxel and your practice: Global perspectives

    William Gray
    Thomas Zeller, Osamu Iida, Robert Morgan, Iris Baumgartner
    1. -


        William Gray
    2. -

      How Paclitaxel is perceived in Japan

        Osamu Iida
    3. -

      Impact of society guidelines in my daily practice

        Robert Morgan
    4. -

      Applying the guidelines to my treatment algorithm

        Iris Baumgartner
    5. -

      Follow the data: Zilver PTX global data analysis

        Thomas Zeller
    6. -

      Overcoming the meta-analysis: Moving forward

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      Summary of symposium, discussion, and debate

        William Gray
  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: SELUTION SLR™: A breakthrough in drug-eluting balloon technology

    Peter Gaines, Marianne Brodmann
    Aloke Finn, Thomas Zeller, Ulrich Beschorner, Tjun Yip Tang
    1. -

      Welcome and introduction

        Marianne Brodmann
    2. -

      Importance of sustained drug release in DEB: Insights into preclinical data for the SELUTION SLR™

        Aloke Finn
    3. -

      Sustained Limus release translating into sustained clinical outcomes: SELUTION SFA™ – 2-year results

        Thomas Zeller
    4. -

      SELUTION SLR™ in clinical practice: Angio case examples

        Ulrich Beschorner
    5. -

      How low can you go? SELUTION SLR™ below-the-knee and in tibial arteries – first experience

        Tjun Yip Tang
    6. -

      Next steps and adjourn

        Peter Gaines
  • - , Room 4 - Discussion Forum

    Lunch symposium: My guidewire algorithm for successfully crossing peripheral lesions

    Roberto Ferraresi
    Koen Deloose, Daniel van den Heuvel, Tatsuya Nakama
    1. -

      Guidewire technology in the fem-pop area – the next level

        Koen Deloose
    2. -

      My guidewire algorithm for below-the-knee success

        Daniel van den Heuvel
    3. -

      Sliding, piercing, and other techniques for below-the-ankle lesion crossing

        Roberto Ferraresi
    4. -

      New concept of guidewire for crossing complex lesions

        Tatsuya Nakama
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange


    Dierk Scheinert, Michael Lichtenberg
    Rupert Bauersachs, Erwin Blessing
    1. -

      Welcome remarks – addressing unmet needs in CLI – President of the German Angiology Society, DGA

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      CLI is a threat to life and limb!

        Katja Mühlberg
    3. -

      Endovascular first for CLI

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      RECCORD registry – healthcare research from daily routine practice

        Ralf Langhoff, Via satellite from Berlin
    5. -

      Use of atherectomy in CLI patients – current evidence

        Erwin Blessing
    6. -

      Optimal antithrombotics in CLI

        Rupert Bauersachs
    7. -

      Diabetic foot infection

        Holger Lawall
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Update on clinical trials and new data – PVD – aortoiliac/EVAR/carotid/AV shunt

    Frans Moll, Stephan Duda
    1. -

      Clinical outcomes and prevalence of polyvascular disease with aorto iliac artery disease – 1-year results from OMOTENASHI registry

        Yoshiaki Shintani
    2. -

      Results of the Frontier IV study with the PerQseal. fully absorbable patch based large hole vascular closure device

        Daniela Branzan
    3. -

      Percutaneous EVAR with low-profile INCRAFT – pros and cons: 12-months results from a single-center analysis

        Philipp Schäfer
    4. -

      Immediate and one-month results from a prospective real-world multicentre clinical practice of CAS using the CGuard embolic prevention system: The IRONGUARD 2 study

        Pasqualino Sirignano
    5. -

      Accumulating long-term evidence for the MicroNet‑covered stent safety, efficacy and durability in primary and secondary stroke prevention: 5-year data from the PARADIGM-Extend prospective academic trial

        Piotr Musialek
    6. -

      OPTIMAl endovascular sequestration of high-risk carotid plaque using the CGuard™ MicroNET–covered embolic prevention stent system in consecutive patients with symptoms or signs of carotid stenosis-related brain injury: An intravascular ultrasound – controlled investigator-initiated multcentric multi-specialty study (CGuard OPTIMA)

        Piotr Musialek
    7. -

      Maturation of Ellipsys® EndoAVF for hemodialysis

        Jeffrey Hull
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 7 - Speakers' corner

    Selected abstracts original research – embolization/miscellaneous

    Jörn Balzer, George Adams
    1. -

      Transhepatic embolization of gastroesophageal varicose veins in patients with acute bleeding

        Oganes Oganesyan
    2. -

      Embolization of the inferior epigastric artery bleeding is becoming an increasingly common procedure

        Cristina Pantoja Peralta
    3. -

      Comparison of clinically used embolic agents with GPX in domestic swine

        George Adams
    4. -

      Endovascular treatment options for acute gastrointestinal bleeding

        Enrique Alejandre Lafont
    5. -

      Tumor recurrence after treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): Ablation alone vs. ablation with chemoembolization

        Michelle Maneevese
    6. -

      A novel device for embolization in the arterial peripheral vasculature & first in human update

        Andrew Holden
    7. -

      Comparative evaluation of the Barbeau test for radial access in defined age segments

        Altino Moraes
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Challenging cases: Venous, AV-shunt, carotid

    Richard Bulbulia, Karin Brachmann
    1. -

      Rare case of successful endovascular treatment of superior vena cava syndrome caused by Ormond’s disease

        Nikolai Zherdev
    2. -

      Venoplasty and stenting of iliac vein in two patients with severe iliac vein stenosis resulting from diffuse pelvic mass

        Niki Tadayon
    3. -

      A real world experience of endovascular treatment in deep vein posttrombotic syndrome, 9 year follow-up and reintervention history – a single case report

        Veronika Zaiceva
    4. -

      Facilitated central venoplasty with catheter directed thrombolysis procedure in a hemodialysis patient: A case report

        Elton Soydan
    5. -

      Angioplasty of left iliac vein by technique parallel balloon

        Alireza Rai
    6. -

      Novel approaches in the endovenous management of massive ilio-femoral DVT

        Bhaskar Purushottam
    7. -

      A case of endovascular treatment of a patient with inferior vena cava syndrome

        Anton Koledinskii
    8. -

      Endovascular management of thrombosed AVG and AVF

        Mohamed Ismail
    9. -

      Complications of portacath how to snare broken part without a snare

        Mohamed Ismail
    10. -

      Combining catheter directed thrombolysis with endovenous stenting in a case of central venous stenosis for successful outcome: A case report

        Neeraj Bhalla
    11. -

      Upper limb DVT due to thoracic outlet syndrome: A case report

        Hiroshi Araki
    12. -

      Pneummbra Indigo deceive thrombectomy in thrombosed SVC and left brachiocephalic vein

        Abdulrahman Al Qahtani
    13. -

      Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) steal syndrome: A minimally invasive treatment

        Marcelo Giusti
    14. -

      Acute distal ischemia of the left upper limb treated by indigo thrombus aspiration system combined with local-regional thrombolysis

        Francesco Intrieri
    15. -

      Hybrid open/endovascular approach to seal with a covered stent a reentry tear in left common carotid artery in a patient with acute Type A aortic dissection

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    16. -

      Neck and upper extremity pseudoaneurysms

        Nasser Algharem
    17. -

      Endovascular treatment of an incidental subclavian artery aneurysm using a balloon expandable BeGraft aortic covered stent

        Bella Huasen
    18. -

      Reconstruction of Left Subclavian artery using carotid technology

        Bella Huasen
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Optimizing revascularisation in patients with risk factors and complex peripheral arterial lesions

    Dierk Scheinert, Thomas Zeller
    Andrew Holden, Giovanni Torsello
    1. -


    2. -

      Is there a durable treatment option for challenging lesions? the scientific evidence for drug-coated balloons

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Anatomically challenging lesion locations: What are my treatment options?

        Giovanni Torsello
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center
    5. -

      Opening your BTK treatment options: Unique tools & techniques

        Thomas Zeller
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    7. -

      Panel discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    2020 Vision for venous interventions: Where do we go from here?

    Marzia Lugli, Olivier Hartung
    Stephen Black, Michael Lichtenberg, Houman Jalaie
    1. -

      Introduction and learning objectives

        Olivier Hartung
    2. -

      Post thrombotic disease: The relevance of long term follow up

        Marzia Lugli
    3. -

      Pathway for the accelerated treatment of venous leg ulcers

        Stephen Black
    4. -

      The VICI VENOUS STENT: 24-month outcome data

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Panel discussion

    6. -

      Pharmacomechanical CDT: The future of DVT treatment?

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Recorded case presentation from Galway
    7. -

      Classification guided outcomes in chronic venous obstruction

        Houman Jalaie
    8. -

      A case based panel discussion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub-in with the experts: Interventional techniques for complex femoropopliteal obstructions (part I)

    Brian DeRubertis, Giancarlo Biamino
    Gunnar Tepe, Erwin Blessing, Klaus Amendt
    live from Berlin:
    Ralf Langhoff
    1. Flash presentation: Final results and insights of the LOCOMOTIVE (full cohort)

        Klaus Amendt
    2. Flash presentation: Learning from LOCOMOTIVE and CONSEQUENT: Spot stenting with DCB in high risk patients

        Gunnar Tepe
    3. Flash presentation: Case discussion: VascuFlex 2-LOC/3-LOC in long & complex fempop lesion

        Erwin Blessing
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CLI-Therapies-LINCed: Multidisciplinary case studies from centres of excellence. Tailored strategies on revascularisation and wound management

    Steven Kum, Peter Schneider
    Roberto Ferraresi, Marco Manzi
    1. -

      Optimising the SFA in CLI

        Arne Schwindt
    2. -

      BAD (Big Artery Disease) and SAD (Small Artery Disease) – an appraisal of the challenges in CLI revascularisation

        Roberto Ferraresi
    3. -

      Angiosome interpretation – what to open, how many to open, when to stop

        Osamu Iida
    4. -

      Learn to cross like a pro – tricks from an Italian maestro

        Marco Manzi
    5. -

      Therapeutic solutions for BAD in CLI

        George Adams
    6. -

      Therapeutic solutions for SAD in CLI

        Tatsuya Nakama
    7. -

      Making CLI interventions pain free – how to administer a popliteal nerve anaesthesia before an intervention

        Steven Kum
    8. -

      Managing CLI wounds – 7 min pearls for the interventionlist from a wound care specialist

        Giacomo Clerici
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Update on clinical trials and new data – PVD – femoral/BTK/CLI

    William Gray, Iris Baumgartner
    1. -

      DESAFINADO registry – 12-month results of the Eluvia DES in predominantly CLI

        Steven Kum
    2. -

      Management of de novo long femoropopliteal occlusions; plain balloon, drug coated balloon, bare metal stent; comparative study

        Osama Ismail
    3. -

      SELUTION SLR – a Sirolimus DEB: Use of preclinical studies in predicting device safety

        Aloke Finn
    4. -

      SELUTION SLR: Sustained Limus release DEB for long term patient benefit

        Thomas Zeller
    5. -

      First-in-man study on the clinical use and safety of the Magic Touch PTA Sirolimus coated balloon catheter in the treatment of infrainguinal peripheral arterial disease: Interim analyses

        Edward Choke
    6. -

      Paclitaxel-coated balloon treatment in patients with in-stent restenosis – 24 months results of the real-world all-comers registry BIOLUX P-III

        Marianne Brodmann
    7. -

      Drug coated balloon supported Supera stent vs. Supera stent in intermediate and long-segment lesions of the superficial femoral artery: 2-year results of the RAPID trial

        S.W. de Boer
    8. -

      The impact of FAilure VIABAHN for femORopoplITeal lesions TRIAL (FAVORITE TRIAL)

        Kenji Suzuki
    9. -

      DiRrectional AthErectomy + Drug CoAted BaLloon Angioplasty to Treat Long, CalcifiIed FemoropopliTeal ArterY lesions: Interim results from the REALITY study

        Krishna Rocha-Singh
    10. -

      Transverse View Area Loss (TVAL): An informative angiographic outcome in below-knee lesions

        Mahmood Razavi
    11. -

      TANGO trial 6-month results for adventitial temsirolimus delivery below-the-knee

        Ian Cawich
    12. -

      Everolimus eluting coronary stents for long infra-popliteal lesions for critical limb ischemia: LONG DES-BTK. A 10-year single center experience with long-term follow-up

        Robert Lookstein
    13. -

      Impact of pedal arch revascularisation on clincil outcomes of diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia

        Osama Ismail
    14. -

      Single centre long-term experience with the Boston Scientific Eluvia drug-eluting stent in femoro-popliteal arterial occlusive disease

        Andrew Holden
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 7 - Speakers' corner

    Selected abstracts original research – carotid/EVAR

    Frans Moll, Martin Storck
    1. -

      A diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging-based study of carotid endarterectomy vs. transcervical carotid artery revascularization with double mesh stent

        María Pilar Lamarca Mendoza
    2. -

      First application of Hyperspectral Imaging during carotid endarterectomy in patients with high-grade carotid artery stenosis

        Robert Sucher
    3. -

      Endovascular approaching to carotid estenose 150 sequential cases

        Guilherme Vieira Meirelles
    4. -

      PrOspective multiCentrE study of cArotid artery steNting Using MER stent– the OCEANUS study – 30 days and two years follow-up

        Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
    5. -

      Neurological complication rates of intravenous thrombolysis combined with early carotid endarterectomy for treatment of hyperacute ischaemic stroke

        Ewa Swiecka
    6. -

      Safety and efficacy of hybrid procedures in high risk patients with isolated aortic arch aneurysms

        Nikolai Zherdev
    7. -

      The impact of bridging stent and side-branch graft remodelling after branched endovascular aortic repair

        Stefano Fazzini
    8. -

      Ankura AAA study process and the safety and effectiveness of the Ankura

        Marek Ilzecki
    9. -

      Endovascular treatment of adult patients with coarctation of the aorta with covered CP stent

        Sven Möbius-Winkler
    10. -

      Early bi- and three-dimensional aneurysm sac variation in predicting long-term EVAR results

        Nunzio Montelione
    11. -

      Different techniques to the treatment of complex aortic arch aneurysms – single center experience

        Piotr Szopiński
    12. -

      Treatment of penetrating ulcer of the aortic arch: A multimodality approach

        Tal Segev
    13. -

      The 50/60 rule: a new CTA-based algorithm to optimize sizing and planning for abdominal chimney endovascular procedures

        Stefano Fazzini
    14. -

      The impact of flushing the aortic stentgraft with high-volume heparinized saline to minimize air emboli on stroke rates after thoracic endovascular aortic repair

        Tina Lautenschläger
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub-in with the experts: Interventional techniques for complex femoropopliteal obstructions (part II)

    Brian DeRubertis, Giancarlo Biamino
    Gunnar Tepe, Erwin Blessing, Klaus Amendt
    live from Leipzig:
    Matthias Ulrich
    1. Flash presentation: Current approaches for biomimetic implants

        Michael Piorkowski
  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: AcoArt drug eluting solutions: 5 years safety and effectiveness in FP, latest outcome in BTK

    Dierk Scheinert, Xin Jia
    Zhidong Ye, Guanhua Xue, Jun Cheng, Weihao Shi, Wei Wang
    1. -

      The application of DCB in Type C/D lesion

        Xin Jia
    2. -

      Redefining DCB in BTK treatment: 12-month outcomes of AcoArt II study

        Tong Zhang
    3. -

      Why DCBs should be first line therapy for most femoropopliteal lesions

        Thomas Zeller
    4. -

      DCB in BTK: 12-month results of AcoArt BTK Italy study

        Francesco Liistro
    5. -

      Exploring DCB in TAO

        Mingjin Guo
    6. -

      Distal embolization after DCB – true or false?

        Donglin Li
    7. -

      Preliminary experience of using DCB in new indications

        Zhenyu Shi
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    New concepts for AV-shunt revascularisation and central vein stenoses

    Robert Lookstein, Andrew Holden
    Bart Dolmatch, Panagiotis Kitrou, Arne Schwindt, Daniela Branzan, Masahiko Fujihara
    1. -

      Innovative new device for fistula maturation in the management of dialysis access

        Sanjay Desai
    2. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: AV is now endovascular – initial multi-center experience results of the WavelinQ

        Robert Jones
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: IN.PACT AV access study: 12 month primary outcomes

        Andrew Holden
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Drug-coated balloons in AV access: Budget impact model based on the IN.PACT AV access trial – US and German health system perspectives

        Robert Lookstein
    5. -

      Recorded live case using the IN.PACT AV access drug-coated balloon

        Andrew Holden
    6. -

      How I use drug-coated balloons for AV access maintenance

        Alexandros Mallios
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
    8. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: DCB for the treatment of symptomatic central venous stenosis. Results from a retrospective multicenter analysis

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    9. -

      Value of stent-graft placement in hemodialysis patients with dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulas and grafts

        Gianmarco de Donato
    10. -

      Value of stent graft placement to treat cepahlic arch stenosis in hemodialysis patients

        Robert Jones
    11. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COVERA™ – 12-month update on AVeNEW trial for outflow stenosis in AV fistula circuits

        Bart Dolmatch
    12. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COVERA™ – 24-month update on AVeVA study for treatment of venous anastomotic lesions in AV grafts

        Bart Dolmatch
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Controversies in endovascular treatment in 2020 – Objective: Address and debate multiple approaches in treatment of carotid and femoropopliteal lesions

    Koen Deloose, Gunnar Tepe, Yann Gouëffic, Miltiadis Krokidis, Michael Lichtenberg, Ernst Weigang

    2. -

      CEA: What else?

        Ernst Weigang
    3. -

      CAS: Time to revisit the guidelines?

        Koen Deloose
    4. -

      Conclusion 1

        Yann Gouëffic
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center

    7. -

      Drug-coated balloons: My life after the meta-analysis storm

        Gunnar Tepe, Miltiadis Krokidis
    8. -

      Scaffolds are there to stay

        Michael Lichtenberg
    9. -

      Conclusion 2

        Koen Deloose
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    Steps forward in changing BTK standard of care with bioresorbable scaffolds

    Brian DeRubertis, Sahil Parikh
    Steven Kum, Ramon Varcoe, Atman Shah
    1. -


    2. -

      Bioresorbable scaffolds to treat patients with complex CLTI – 12-month results of the DISAPEAR study

        Steven Kum
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: 2-year results of bioresorbable scaffold for the treatment of patients with complex infrapopliteal arterial disease

        Atman Shah
    4. -

      Long terms results and glimpse into the future with bioresorbable scaffolds for BTK

        Ramon Varcoe
    5. -

      Discussion, question, answers

    6. -

      Taking home message

  • - , Room 6 - Speakers' corner

    Challenging cases and complications – iliac

    Patrice Mwipatayi, Reza Ghotbi
    1. -

      Endovascular management of unusual late presentation of midaortic syndrome infrarenal type

        Mahmoud Elmeniesy
    2. -

      Extreme multi-level endovascular intervention in a patient with NO surgical options

        Laiq Raja
    3. -

      Percutaneous endoluminal anatomical bypass technique for patients with external iliac artery occlusion after failed conventional endovascular recanalisation

        Tatsuya Nakama
    4. -

      Endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic stenosis contributes to renal failure post kidney transplantation

        Shigeyasu Tsuda
    5. -

      Hybrid endovascular revascularization of TASC-D Aortic occlusion in an old monk with ischemic cardiomyopathy

        Jaroen Cheewinmethasiri
    6. -

      Lost and recovered covered stent endoprosthesis in the abdominal aorta

        Sorin Giusca
    7. -

      Endovascular treatment of an anastomotic aneurysm between an aorto-biiliac graft limb and retrograde SMA vein bypass resulting in aorto-biiliac graft limb compression and claudication

        Eric Scott
    8. -

      A case of Lerich syndrome with repeated stent reocclusion caused by stent deformation due to mechanical imbalance

        Kei Ichihashi
    9. -

      Management of acute ischemia secondary to large bore access in TAVR and left ventricular assist devices

        Richard Kovach
    10. -

      Subacute aorto-iliac occlusion in a young male: “When it rains, it pours!”

        Bhaskar Purushottam
    11. -

      AFX In conjunction with inferior mesenteric chimney, an alternative to the aorto-bifemoral by-pass in severe aortoiliac occlusive disease

        Marta Serna
    12. -

      Usefulness of endovascular VIABAHN VBX balloon-expandable stent-graft placement for symptomatic coral reef aorta – 2 cases report

        Katsutoshi Takayama
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 7 - Speakers' corner

    Challenging cases and complications – PVD/femoral/popliteal (part I)

    George Adams, Hans Krankenberg
    1. -

      Distal radial 2 peripheral complex interventions

        Vamsi Krishna
    2. -

      Calc.Break technique – fracking method

        Takuya Haraguchi
    3. -

      Intravascular Lithotripsy for complex calcified iliofemoral disease

        William Dixon
    4. -

      SFA dissection occurred in intravascular ultrasound guided rotational atherectomy, rescued by bail-out stenting

        Hsu-Ping Wu
    5. -

      Monitoring results of angiographic and intravascular imaging devices from aneurysmal degeneration to femoropopliteal artery occlusion following PB-PES implantation

        Tatsuya Nakama
    6. -

      Complicated thrombolysis of a fem-fem and fem-pop bypass graft requiring complex access. Recurrent thrombosis despite successful thrombolysis

        Yong Park
    7. -

      A case report: Limb salvage after shark attack

        Ayman Khalil
    8. -

      Successful endovascular retrieval of a broken guidewire located in the popliteal vein as a complication of an arterial retrograde puncture

        Leire Ortiz de Salazar
    9. -

      Combination of Supera/DCB in femoro-poplital occlusive disease. Single center experience. 3-year follow-up

        Anish Thomas
    10. -

      Lower extremity pseudoaneurysms

        Nasser Algharem
    11. -

      Unexpected vascular response during angioplasty in young female with lupus peripheral artery disease

        Vito Damay
    12. -

      Endovascular treatment of an anastomotic pseudoaneurysm of the femoro-crural bypass

        Murat Dogan
    13. -

      Double snare-piercing technique for long occlusive calcified lesion

        Kazuki Tobita
    14. -

      The CLTI case of below the ankle lesion in which recanalisation was achieved with US guide

        Takahiro Tokuda
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Scientific Posters

    Original research: Venous, AV-fistulae, AV-shunt, carotid

    Raghu Kolluri, Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
    1. -

      Are drug coated balloon effective in the treatmet of hemodialysis vascular access? Our experience

        Marta Serna
    2. -

      The COVERA stentgraft for the treatment of recurrent cephalic arch stenosis in hemodialysis accesses

        Tobias Steinke
    3. -

      Facilitated catheter directed thrombectomy of acute pulmonary emboli a new facilitated regimen; preliminary results of an ongoing study

        Elton Soydan
    4. -

      Role of VAC asisted therapy in treatment of post phelebtic ulcers

        Hesham Sharafeldin
    5. -

      Percutaneous pharmaco-mechanical thrombectomy of acute symptomatic superior mesenteric vein thrombosis

        Paolo Rabuffi
    6. -

      Comparative analysis of stenting and hybrid operations in patients with postthrombotic syndrome

        Irina Popova
    7. -

      Laser crossectomy vs. anterior accessory vein laser ablation in treating anterior accessory vein reflux

        Mohamed Nagib
    8. -

      Short term outcomes and complications of patients with intermediate-high or high risk pulmonary embolism treated with percutaneous ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis

        Friederike Klein
    9. -

      Single session rheolytic thrombectomy to treat acute deep vein thrombosis: Early and midterm results of a multi-center prospective Zelé registry

        Costantino del Giudice
    10. -

      Impact on deep vein thrombosis with the use of thromboaspiration devices vs. manual

        Ricardo Costantini
    11. -

      Venous insufficiency and ulceration in South India

        Nihar Ranjan Pradhan
    12. -

      Aspiration and mechanical thrombectomy for acute deep venous thrombosis

        Alla Hilles
    13. -

      Hybrid management of acute deep vein thrombosis in the iliocaval vein. Eliminating once and for all the anatomical oclusion-stenosis

        Leopoldo Alvarado
    14. -

      VasQ support device is associated with improved post-operative vein diameter in radio-cephalic arterio-venous fistula

        Graziana Derone
    15. -

      Efficacy of the transjugular approach in the endovascular intervention for hemodialysis access

        Jun Gyo Gwon
    16. -

      Does intravascular visualization help in carotid artery stenting?

        Nikolai Zherdev
    17. -

      The clinical characteristics and outcomes of carotid body tumors in Chinese patients: A population-based study

        Lin Yang
    18. -

      The use of CGuard stents; U.K. experience

        Stephen D'Souza
  • - , Room 5 - Global Expert Exchange

    CCT@LINC: Advanced endovascular therapy in Japan – pre-recorded live cases

    Giancarlo Biamino, Kazushi Urasawa
    Hideyuki Takimura
    1. -

      Video live and lecture

        Michinao Tan
    2. -

      Video live and lecture

        Tatsuya Nakama
    3. -

      Video live and lecture

        Naoki Hayakawa
    4. -

      Video live and lecture

        Yoshinori Tsubakimoto
    5. -

      Video live and lecture

        Hiroshi Ando
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    New stent technologies and advanced concepts for implantable vascular scaffolds

    William Gray, Koen Deloose
    Klaus Amendt, Brian DeRubertis, Yann Gouëffic, Osamu Iida
    1. -

      2-year outcomes from the IMPERIAL randomized study of Eluvia and Zilver PTX

        William Gray
    2. -

      BATTLE: A RCT comparing bare metal stent vs. Paclitaxel polymer free eluting stent: 2-year outcomes

        Yann Gouëffic
    3. -

      ILLUMINA study – 2-year results with a polymer free Sirolimus eluting DES in femoropopliteal arteries

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      VaibAhn steNt graft placement for superficial femoral artery disease reQUIring endovaScular tHerapy: Vanquish study

        Osamu Iida
    5. -

      Increased outward force of self-expanding BMS in the SFA could be a significant risk factor for a restenosis

        Koen Deloose
    6. -

      Difference in clinical outcomes of low COF stent vs. high COF stent proven in clinical practice

        Martin Funovics
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

        Sankt-Gertrauden-Hospital Berlin - Live case center
    8. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Final results from the LOCOMOTIVE registry using the VascuFlex Multi-LOC stent system in real-world lesions

        Klaus Amendt
    9. -

      TINTIN study: Final 12–month data with the combination of Luminor DCB+SX stent in TASC C and D lesions

        Koen Deloose
    10. -

      A single-center experience with the Tack endovascular system: Real-world tacking above and below-the-knee

        Michael Lichtenberg
    11. -

      Dissecting the TOBA data above and below-the-knee: What it means in practice

        William Gray
    12. -

      Latest updates from the MIMICS clinical programme: Studying BioMimics 3D – The Swirling Flow Stent

        Thomas Zeller
    13. -

      1-year results in unselected, real-world patients with the BioMimics 3D Swirling Flow stent in femoropopliteal lesions: The MIMICS-3D Registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    14. -

      Endoluminal bypass in CLI patient: Long term results

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Scrub-in with the experts: Endovascular therapy of varicocele and the pelvic congestion syndrome

    Olivier Hartung, Tim Sebastian
    Rick de Graaf, Marcus Treitl, Tobias Hirsch
    live from Zurich:
    Nils Kucher
    live from Galway:
    Gerard O'Sullivan
    1. Flash presentation: Outcomes of endovascular treatment of PCS

        Olivier Hartung
    2. Flash presentation: Varicocele and PCS – one and the same? Learning from cases

        Tim Sebastian
    3. Flash presentation: Pelvic congestion syndrome: Underdiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and undertreated… What IVUS may show you

        Rick de Graaf
  • - , Room 3 - Technical Forum

    Scrub-in with the experts: Complex obstructions of the aortoiliac segement or supraortic branches

    Jörn Balzer
    Patrice Mwipatayi, Spiridon Botsios
    live from Leipzig:
    Sven Bräunlich
    live from Bergamo:
    Fausto Castriota, Antonio Micari
    1. Flash presentation: Management of severe TASC C-D aorto iliac disease

        Gianmarco de Donato
    2. Flash presentation: Advantages of balloon expandable covered stents – challenges in aortic complex procedures

        Michel Bosiers
    3. Flash presentation: Outcome of covered stent in the subclavian artery

        Manuela Matschuck
    4. Flash presentation: Carotid stenting – in stent restenosis and treatment modalities

        Piotr Odrowaz-Pieniazek
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