LINC 2020 programme

LINC 2020, the Leipzig Interventional Course, 
featured state-of-the-art lectures and numerous live cases have been
performed from leading interventional centers.

LINC 2020 will take place from Tuesday, 28 January through Friday, 31 January 2020.


All authorized presentations are available here.
Select a session, click on the title to expand it,
click on the pdf icon to open the file.

LINC 2020 programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Room 1 - Main Arena 1

21 events
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Stepping forward: Changing the standard of care in lower limb treatments

    Dierk Scheinert
    Luis Palena, Yann Gouëffic, Koen Deloose, Erwin Blessing
    1. -


        Dierk Scheinert
    2. -

      Mimetic stent technology – providing safe, sustained, and optimal care

        Erwin Blessing
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    4. -

      Supersub II – preliminary results

        Luis Palena
    5. -

      STELLA Supera – 12-month results revealed

        Yann Gouëffic
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    7. -

      Supera VMI-CFA study – 2-year follow-up, ready to change the standard of care?

        Koen Deloose
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Latest insights on safety and efficacy of drug-coated devices

    Dierk Scheinert, William Gray
    Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Andrew Holden, Marianne Brodmann, Peter Schneider, Thomas Zeller, Eva Freisinger

    2. -

      The controversy about Paclitaxel safety – where do we stand? A summary of concerns, available data, and open questions

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: In depth independent safety analysis by Syntactx (CRO) of the Lutonix SFA DCB

        Kenneth Ouriel
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Paclitaxel exposure and dosage of drug-coated balloons for the treatment of PAD: Exploring mortality rates by regions around the globe

        Peter Schneider
    5. -

      New long-term information on PTX coated DCB: 5-year results from the AcoArt study

        Xin Jia
    6. -

      Latest information on long-term efficacy and safety on the Zilver PTX programme

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      Mortality after use of Paclitaxel-based devices in peripheral arteries: A real-world safety analysis

        Eva Freisinger
    8. -

      The presence and the future of drug-coated devices: What to expect in the next 5 years?

        William Gray
    9. -

      Panel discussion


    11. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COMPARE-RCT of low dose vs. high dose Paclitaxel coated balloons: 1-year results of the full cohort

        Sabine Steiner
    12. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: 6-month results from Lutonix SFA Japan PMS update

        Yoshimitsu Soga
    13. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Illumenate 4-year update

        Sean Lyden
    14. -

      Drug-coated balloon angioplasty of femoropopliteal lesions maintained superiority over standard balloon – 2-year results of the randomized EffPac trial

        Dierk Scheinert
    15. -

      RANGER II SFA: Randomized trial of RANGER DCB vs. PTA in the SFA

        Marianne Brodmann
    16. -

      The DCB dose difference: A comparison of drug in tissues of different .018 DCBs

        Andrew Holden
    17. -

      Post-DCB dissection repair: 12-month results from TOBA III

        Christian Wissgott
    18. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Advanced techniques for the treatment of CLI patients

    Marco Manzi, Jihad Mustapha
    Konstantinos Stavroulakis, Michael Lichtenberg, Roberto Ferraresi
    1. -

      The role of advanced imaging in CLI

        Konstantinos Stavroulakis
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    3. -

      The role of vessel prep in CLI

        Michael Lichtenberg
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center
    5. -

      DCB in CLI: Rationale and benefit in current times

        Roberto Ferraresi
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Lunch symposium: Paclitaxel and your practice: Global perspectives

    William Gray
    Thomas Zeller, Osamu Iida, Robert Morgan, Iris Baumgartner
    1. -


        William Gray
    2. -

      How Paclitaxel is perceived in Japan

        Osamu Iida
    3. -

      Impact of society guidelines in my daily practice

        Robert Morgan
    4. -

      Applying the guidelines to my treatment algorithm

        Iris Baumgartner
    5. -

      Follow the data: Zilver PTX global data analysis

        Thomas Zeller
    6. -

      Overcoming the meta-analysis: Moving forward

        Thomas Zeller
    7. -

      Summary of symposium, discussion, and debate

        William Gray
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Optimizing revascularisation in patients with risk factors and complex peripheral arterial lesions

    Dierk Scheinert, Thomas Zeller
    Andrew Holden, Giovanni Torsello
    1. -


    2. -

      Is there a durable treatment option for challenging lesions? the scientific evidence for drug-coated balloons

        Andrew Holden
    3. -

      Anatomically challenging lesion locations: What are my treatment options?

        Giovanni Torsello
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Bergamo

        Humanitas Gavazzeni Bergamo - Live case center
    5. -

      Opening your BTK treatment options: Unique tools & techniques

        Thomas Zeller
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    7. -

      Panel discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: AcoArt drug eluting solutions: 5 years safety and effectiveness in FP, latest outcome in BTK

    Dierk Scheinert, Xin Jia
    Zhidong Ye, Guanhua Xue, Jun Cheng, Weihao Shi, Wei Wang
    1. -

      The application of DCB in Type C/D lesion

        Xin Jia
    2. -

      Redefining DCB in BTK treatment: 12-month outcomes of AcoArt II study

        Tong Zhang
    3. -

      Why DCBs should be first line therapy for most femoropopliteal lesions

        Thomas Zeller
    4. -

      DCB in BTK: 12-month results of AcoArt BTK Italy study

        Francesco Liistro
    5. -

      Exploring DCB in TAO

        Mingjin Guo
    6. -

      Distal embolization after DCB – true or false?

        Donglin Li
    7. -

      Preliminary experience of using DCB in new indications

        Zhenyu Shi
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    New stent technologies and advanced concepts for implantable vascular scaffolds

    William Gray, Koen Deloose
    Klaus Amendt, Brian DeRubertis, Yann Gouëffic, Osamu Iida
    1. -

      2-year outcomes from the IMPERIAL randomized study of Eluvia and Zilver PTX

        William Gray
    2. -

      BATTLE: A RCT comparing bare metal stent vs. Paclitaxel polymer free eluting stent: 2-year outcomes

        Yann Gouëffic
    3. -

      ILLUMINA study – 2-year results with a polymer free Sirolimus eluting DES in femoropopliteal arteries

        Dierk Scheinert
    4. -

      VaibAhn steNt graft placement for superficial femoral artery disease reQUIring endovaScular tHerapy: Vanquish study

        Osamu Iida
    5. -

      Increased outward force of self-expanding BMS in the SFA could be a significant risk factor for a restenosis

        Koen Deloose
    6. -

      Difference in clinical outcomes of low COF stent vs. high COF stent proven in clinical practice

        Martin Funovics
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Berlin

        Sankt-Gertrauden-Hospital Berlin - Live case center
    8. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Final results from the LOCOMOTIVE registry using the VascuFlex Multi-LOC stent system in real-world lesions

        Klaus Amendt
    9. -

      TINTIN study: Final 12–month data with the combination of Luminor DCB+SX stent in TASC C and D lesions

        Koen Deloose
    10. -

      A single-center experience with the Tack endovascular system: Real-world tacking above and below-the-knee

        Michael Lichtenberg
    11. -

      Dissecting the TOBA data above and below-the-knee: What it means in practice

        William Gray
    12. -

      Latest updates from the MIMICS clinical programme: Studying BioMimics 3D – The Swirling Flow Stent

        Thomas Zeller
    13. -

      1-year results in unselected, real-world patients with the BioMimics 3D Swirling Flow stent in femoropopliteal lesions: The MIMICS-3D Registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    14. -

      Endoluminal bypass in CLI patient: Long term results

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Optimizing the treatment of BTK vessels in critical limb ischemia

    Dierk Scheinert, Peter Schneider
    Dai-Do Do, Francesco Liistro, Matthew Menard, Luis Palena, Jihad Mustapha, Steven Kum
    1. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Latest 24-month BTK global real-world registry Lutonix DCB outcomes

        Dierk Scheinert
    2. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Update on BTK IDE Lutonix DCB – complex patient subset

        Patrick Geraghty
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Stellarex in the real-world: Interim look at the BTK cohort

        Konstantinos Stavroulakis
    4. -

      12-month results from the randomized AcoArt BTK study

        Xin Jia
    5. -

      Initial experience with the temporary drug-coated Spur system to enhance drug delivery to the vessel wall

        Andrew Holden
    6. -

      Small artery disease (SAD) and media artery calcification (MAC) are changing the fate of CLI patients

        Roberto Ferraresi
    7. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: LimFlow pDVA for no-option CLTI: The ALPS registry data at 2 years

        Andrej Schmidt, Via satellite from Leipzig cathlab
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    9. -

      Optimizing below-the-knee angioplasty: Dissections matter

        Andrew Holden
    10. -

      Repairing BTK dissection: Results from the TOBA II BTK pivotal study

        George Adams
    11. -

      Intra-procedural extra-vascular ultrasound prevents early and late failures in BTK

        Francesco Liistro
    12. -

      High pressure non compliant POBA in real-world CLI – 12-month results from the JADE registry in Singapore

        Steven Kum
    13. -

      The advantages of using perfusion angiography during CLI procedures

        Daniel van den Heuvel
    14. -

      Tissue perfusion assessment drives and predicts clinical success in severe CLI: experience from a 330 patient study

        Efrem Gomez Jabalera
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Drug eluting technologies for PAD: From fundamentals to future

    Dierk Scheinert, Thomas Zeller
    Ravish Sachar, Marianne Brodmann, Andrew Holden, Giovanni Torsello
    1. -


        Thomas Zeller
    2. -

      Fundamentals of drug coated balloons

        Ravish Sachar
    3. -

      Lessons from Ranger SFA II RCT (Ranger DCB vs. PTA)

        Marianne Brodmann
    4. -

      Lessons from COMPARE RCT (Ranger DCB vs. IN.PACT DCB)

        Dierk Scheinert
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    6. -

      Fundamentals of drug eluting stents

        Andrew Holden
    7. -

      Lessons from IMPERIAL RCT (Eluvia DES vs. Zilver PTX)

        Thomas Zeller
    8. -

      Future trials with drug eluting technologies

        Giovanni Torsello
    9. -

      Close and key take aways

        Dierk Scheinert
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Approaches for fem-pop complex disease: What is the best option? Experts share treatment decisions and their cases

    Peter Soukas
    Michel Reijnen, Markus Steinbauer, Jorge Fernández Noya, Jose Antonio del Castro
    1. -

      The physician algorithm for treatment of fem-pop occlusive disease

        Jose Antonio del Castro
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Paris

        Hôpital Marie Lannelongue Paris - Live case center
    3. -

      Treatment choice in complex SFA lesions

        Yann Gouëffic, Via satellite from Paris
    4. -

      Endovascular first: When this is the appropriate choice?

        Michel Reijnen
    5. -

      GORE® VIABAHN® endoprosthesis in complex SFA lesions

        Markus Steinbauer
    6. -

      Value of covered stents in fem-pop disease

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    7. -

      Recorded case presentation

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

        Peter Soukas
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Lunch symposium: The latest in clinically proven technologies to treat complex PAD and venous diseases

    Eric Ducasse
    Miguel Montero-Baker, Patrick Geraghty
    1. -

      How low pressure inflation with scoring technologies better preserves the vessel and increases revascularisation success

        Ralf Langhoff
    2. -

      The UltraScore™ Scoring Ballon: Update of a multi-center registry

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    3. -

      Update on the Lutonix® Drug Coated Balloon IDE trial with below-the-knee disease

        Patrick Geraghty
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: The IDE below-the-knee Japan cohort

        Daizo Kawasaki
    5. -

      What we know about the paclitaxel-related mortality in femoro-popliteal arteries, and how it impacts my practice

        Eric Ducasse
    6. -

      Lutonix™ Drug Coated Balloon clinical program overview and published independent safety analysis results

        Marianne Brodmann
    7. -

      Panel discussion

    8. -

      VENOVO® Arnsberg registry 24-month results

        Michael Lichtenberg
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Redefining treatment strategy with new generation Sirolimus coated balloon for peripheral vascular disease with nanolute technology

    Sahil Parikh
    Thomas Zeller, Dierk Scheinert, Jos van den Berg, Sameer Dani
    1. -

      The role of Sirolimus coated balloon in peripheral vascular disease

        Sahil Parikh
    2. -

      The Magic Touch – PTA Sirolimus coated balloon – insights from pre-clinical evaluation

        Aloke Finn
    3. -

      XTOSI: MagicTouch sirolimus coated balloon for PAD and FUTURE SFA/FUTURE BTK randomised controlled trials

        Edward Choke
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Jena

        University Hospital Jena - Live case center
    5. -

      Discussion on case

    6. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    7. -

      Discussion on case

    8. -

      Outcomes of Sirolimus coated angioplasty balloon in the treatment of dysfunctional AVF and AVG

        Chieh Suai Tan
    9. -

      SIRONA – head to head comparison of Sirolimus vs. Paclitaxel drug eluting balloon for femoral popliteal artery

        Dierk Scheinert
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    VIVA@LINC: Atherectomy as adjunctive or definitive therapy: What’s the data and what are the techniques?

    John Rundback, Peter Schneider
    Daniela Branzan, Steven Kum, Theodosios Bisdas, Lawrence Garcia
    1. -

      Announcement of the winners of the Vascular Carreer Award 2020 – Steven Kum and Parag Patel

    2. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

        Wellmont CVA Heart & Vascular Institute - Live case center
    3. -

      Indications and lesion selection for femoral-popliteal atherectomy

        John Rundback
    4. -

      Tools, techniques, and tips for safe and successful atherectomy below-the-knee

        Daniela Branzan
    5. -

      Atherectomy and anti-restenotic therapy: What do we know so far and what are the likely next developments?

        Steven Kum
    6. -

      Complications of atherectomy and how to manage them

        Theodosios Bisdas
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

        Wellmont CVA Heart & Vascular Institute - Live case center
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Advanced techniques for complex femoropopliteal lesions

    Thomas Zeller, George Adams
    Kazushi Urasawa, Brian DeRubertis, Peter Soukas, Torsten Fuß, Martin Werner, Lawrence Garcia
    1. -

      When, where, and how: An update on the support catheters

        Jos van den Berg
    2. -

      Step-by-step approach in CTOs and the need for retrograde approaches

        Roberto Ferraresi
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Advancing laser therapy: Different setting for different lesions

        George Adams
    5. -

      Benefit of lesion preparation with a rotational atherectomy device – mid-term outcomes

        Grigorios Korosoglou
    6. -

      The future of scoring PTA & update of a multi-center registry ATK/BTK

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    7. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: IN.PACT global study 150mm cohort: Outcomes through 3 years

        Marianne Brodmann
    8. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Drug-coated balloon outcomes in the femoropopliteal by vessel size

        Yoshimitsu Soga
    9. -

      Live case transmission from Kingsport

        Wellmont CVA Heart & Vascular Institute - Live case center
    10. -

      Vessel preparation in calcified lesions: Which method for which lesion?

        Theodosios Bisdas
    11. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Extreme BTK interventions for limb salvage in CLI

    Roberto Ferraresi, Steven Kum
    Dai-Do Do, Jihad Mustapha, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Michael Edmonds, Francesco Liistro, Jim A. Reekers
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Abano Terme

        Policlinico Abano Terme - Live case center
    2. -

      Peripheral vascular morbidity and its treatment in diabetic patients with renal failure

        Michael Edmonds
    3. -

      How to guide your intervention with perfusion angiography

        Jim A. Reekers
    4. -

      Advantages of intra-vascular imaging in BTK procedures

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Drug-coated balloon angioplasty of infrapopliteal lesions in patients with critical limb ischaemia: 1-year results of the APOLLO trial

        Ulf Teichgräber
    6. -

      When is below-the-ankle angioplasty indicated?

        Roberto Ferraresi
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    8. -

      5-year results from the ABSORB BTK study: Bioresorbable scaffolds for the treatment of tibial artery stenosis

        Ramon Varcoe
    9. -

      Latest experience with the 3F Microstent in complex BTK procedures

        Robert Beasley
    10. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Symposium: Rotarex®S in ISR and bypass occlusion: Are they still only a niche indication?

    Romaric Loffroy
    Bruno Freitas, Bruno Migliara, Christos Rammos
    1. -

      Rotarex®S for in-stent stenosis/occlusion: A French multicentre experience with 128 patients

        Romaric Loffroy
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    3. -

      Rotarex®S for in-stent restenosis/occlusion: The Leipzig experience with more than 300 patients

        Bruno Freitas
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    5. -

      Clinical and cost effectiveness of treating bypass occlusion with Rotarex®S vs. surgery

        Bruno Migliara
    6. -

      SAVioR trial: Acute improvement of vascular function following debulking atherectomy with Rotarex®S

        Christos Rammos
  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Innovating dialysis access: Latest data and developments in creation, maintenance, and program implementation

    Dierk Scheinert
    Nicholas Inston, Panagiotis Kitrou, Eric Ducasse, Tobias Steinke, Ounali Jaffer
    1. -

      The WavelinQ EndoAVF™ system: Past, present, future

        Nicholas Inston
    2. -

      Recorded case presentation: Procedure with the EndoAVF 4F™ system

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    3. -

      The 1st French experience with the WavelinQ EndoAVF 4F™ system

        Eric Ducasse
    4. -

      EndoAVF secondary interventions

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    5. -

      Panel discussion

        Eric Ducasse, Panagiotis Kitrou, Nicholas Inston
    6. -

      The Covera™ Vascular Covered stent in fistula: the AVEVA & AVENEW studies

        Bart Dolmatch
    7. -

      Recorded case presentations with Covera™ Vascular Covered stent

        Tobias Steinke
    8. -

      Panel discussion

        Tobias Steinke, Bart Dolmatch
    9. -

      DCB in central venous stenosis. A multicenter retrospective study

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    10. -

      An overview of the Lutonix® Drug Coated Balloons clinical program and patient population characteristics

        Tobias Steinke
    11. -

      Use of drug-coated balloons in dysfunctional arteriovenous dialysis access treatment: The effect of consecutive treatments on lesion patency

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    12. -

      Panel discussion

        Panagiotis Kitrou, Tobias Steinke, Ounali Jaffer
  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Focus session: Percutaneous bypass technique for challenging femoropopliteal occlusions

    Peter Schneider
    Dierk Scheinert, Kenneth Ouriel, Sean Lyden
    1. -

      Using the vein as a DETOUR to long, complex, CTOs

        Peter Schneider
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    3. -

      Patient selection for the PQ Bypass DETOUR procedure

        Sean Lyden
    4. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Pioneering techniques for “no-option” CLTI patients – deep venous arterialization

    Dierk Scheinert, Peter Schneider
    Roberto Ferraresi, Giacomo Clerici, Michiel Schreve
    1. -

      Promise and limitations of below-the-ankle revascularisation and pedal loop technique

        Marco Manzi, Via satellite from Abano Terme
    2. -

      The “no-option” CLTI population and prevalence of Small Artery disease

        Peter Schneider
    3. -

      Surgical, hybrid, and percutaneous DVA – overview of techniques and limitations

        Michiel Schreve
    4. -

      LimFlow PROMISE I study results – the first prospective multi-center trial on DVA

        Peter Schneider
    5. -

      Ultrasound guided distal AV fistula creations for segmental foot arterialization

        Miguel Montero-Baker
    6. -

      DVA pathophysiology and mechanism of action

        Roberto Ferraresi
    7. -

      Post-DVA care in a multidisciplinary setting

        Giacomo Clerici
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    The last frontiers: Remaining challenges, ongoing controversies, and unmet clinical needs

    Jos van den Berg, Prakash Krishnan
    Torsten Fuß, Thomas Zeller, Hiroshi Ando, Michel Bosiers

    2. -

      The SUPER B RCT shows VIABAHN® endografts perform as well as open surgical fempop bypass grafts for 2 years

        Michel Reijnen
    3. -

      GORE® VIABAHN® endoprosthesis demonstrates powerful patency in 20+ cm SFA lesions

        Peter Soukas
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    5. -

      The ZILVERPASS study: A randomized study comparing ZILVER PTX stenting with BYPASS in femoropopliteal lesions (final 24-month results)

        Michel Bosiers

    7. -

      Vessel preparation options when stenting is not an option in the popliteal artery

        Jos van den Berg
    8. -

      Utility of the orbital atherectomy system (CSI) in the treatment of no-stenting zones involving isolated lesions of the popliteal artery

        Konstantinos Donas
    9. -

      Intravascular lithoplasty in calcified common femoral arteries

        Erwin Blessing
    10. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center

    12. -

      Pro surgery

        Dittmar Böckler
    13. -

      Pro intervention

        Thomas Zeller

    15. -

      Risk assessment of local lysis therapy in critical limb ischemia: who benefits, who does not?

        Thomas Zeller
    16. -

      My choice of atherectomy system in sever calcification

        Prakash Krishnan
    17. -

      Use of Intravascular Lithotripsy in aorto-iliac occlusive disease

        Andrew Holden
    18. -

      Crack-and-pave techniques: technical tips and follow-up data

        Manuela Matschuck
    19. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center

    21. -

      Treatment approaches for acute limb ischemia

        Marcus Thieme
    22. -

      Aspiration thrombectomy for acute limb ischemia. Is the era of Fogarty balloon over?

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    23. -

      Live case transmission from Abano Terme

        Policlinico Abano Terme - Live case center
    24. -

      How to treat in-stent-restenosis in the femoropopliteal tract? What does the literature tells us?

        Michel Bosiers
    25. -

      Step by step approach for endovascular salvage of occluded fem-pop bypass

        Miguel Montero-Baker
  • Friday, January 31st: - , Room 1 - Main Arena 1

    Critical issues and pioneering solutions in aortic endografting

    Giovanni Torsello
    Martin Malina, Reza Ghotbi, Frank Vermassen, Dittmar Böckler, Armando Lobato
    live from Münster:
    Martin Austermann
    live from Leipzig:
    Andrej Schmidt
    1. Join us for brunch, served from 08:45am until 11:00am

    2. Endovascular management of traumatic aortic injuries: Challenges and solution

        Sanjeev Kumar
    3. Successful treatment of post-traumatic arch pseudoaneurysm with fenestrated custom-made TEVAR

        Joel Sousa
    4. Endovascular treatment of aortic injury following thoracic spinal surgery: Case report and literature review

        Bianca Marinelli Teixeira
    5. A new era for CO2 imaging just started

        Sven Seifert
    6. Role of cone beam CT in the treatment of ruptured AAA – are we ready to go?

        Dittmar Böckler
    7. Emergency intervention for retrograde Type A acute aortic dissection with PETTICOAT technique

        Yutaka Kobayashi
    8. Infected TEVAR, FEVAR, and BEVAR – open surgery reloaded

        Piotr Kasprzak
Cookie settings

We use cookies so that we can offer you the best possible website experience. This includes cookies which are necessary for the operation of the website and to manage our corporate commercial objectives, as well as other cookies which are used solely for anonymous statistical purposes, for more comfortable website settings, or for the display of personalised content. With the exception of strictly necessary cookies, your are free to decide which categories you would like to permit. Please note that depending on the settings you choose, the full functionality of the website may no longer be available. Further information can be found in our privacy statement and cookie policy.

For more infos on the cookies we use and how you can manage them, please visit our cookie policy.

  • We are using cookies in order to enable the services of the website and to ensure that certain aspects work as required. The cookies within this group are essential for the correct appearance and functionality of the website. No information within these cookies will be given to third parties.

  • We're using functional tracking to analyze the usage of our website. The data hereby gathered, allows us to find errors and improve designs. It also enables us to test the efficacy of our website. These cookies furthermore help us in analyzing our advertisements and affiliate marketing.

  • Our website makes use of external services such as Issuu and Push-Panda. These services provide great value to us and to you as a user. However they do write cookies and collect data about their usage on this website. In order for you to be able to use these services, you will have to give your consent to their respective cookies.