LINC 2020 programme

LINC 2020, the Leipzig Interventional Course, 
featured state-of-the-art lectures and numerous live cases have been
performed from leading interventional centers.

LINC 2020 will take place from Tuesday, 28 January through Friday, 31 January 2020.


All authorized presentations are available here.
Select a session, click on the title to expand it,
click on the pdf icon to open the file.

LINC 2020 programme

Find all topics and speakers listed below.

Room 2 - Main Arena 2

21 events
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Acute deep vein thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome

    Rick de Graaf
    Houman Jalaie, Oliver Schlager, Christian Erbel, Tim Sebastian
    1. -

      Efficacy and safety of novel mechanical thrombectomy systems for iliofemoral DVT

        Michael Lichtenberg
    2. -

      CAVA trial: why catheter interventions will remain the CAVALry of DVT treatment

        Houman Jalaie
    3. -

      Update on the ARIVA trial: Aspirin plus Rivaroxaban vs. Rivaroxaban alone for the prevention of stent thrombosis in PTS patients

        Oliver Schlager
    4. -

      The TOPOS study: Early outcomes of a hybrid oblique nitinol stent for PTS patients with common iliac vein compression

        Christian Erbel
    5. -

      Validation of duplex sonography for the detection of venous stent stenosis – a case control study

        Tim Sebastian
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Zurich

        UniversitätsSpital Zürich - Live case center
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Iliac artery pathologies: Guidelines, treatment algorithms, and gaps

    Giovanni Torsello
    Alexander Maßmann, Jan Heyligers, Jorge Fernández Noya, Michel Reijnen, Maria Antonella Ruffino, Hans Krankenberg
    1. -

      IVUS for aorto-iliac disease: Is contrast media application and high energy radiation redundant?

        Jörg Teßarek
    2. -

      Treatment approach for iliac occlusive disease: What is the best option? Experience and data

        Alexander Maßmann
    3. -

      Live case transmission from Leipzig

        University Hospital Leipzig, Dep. Angiology - Live case center
    4. -

      Iliac branch device indication in consideration of guidelines and clinical data

        Jan Heyligers
    5. -

      Case based discussion: Device selection for a successful preservation

        Jorge Fernández Noya
    6. -

      Options and optimal solutions for bridging stentin in renal artery

        Giovanni Torsello
    7. -

      Dealing with emergencies in very complex cases: Why I always have enough covered stents on stock

        Maria Antonella Ruffino
    8. -

      Midterm outcome of CERAB and how to optimize results

        Michel Reijnen
    9. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Venous stent placement for post-thrombotic syndrome

    Houman Jalaie, Stephen Black
    Rick de Graaf, Tim Sebastian, Olivier Hartung
    1. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Zurich

        UniversitätsSpital Zürich - Live case center
    3. -

      VENOVO® venous stent – 24-month update on the Vernacular trial

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Via satellite from Galway
    4. -

      Analysis of venous intimal reaction after stent implantation: Does stent porosity matter?

        Houman Jalaie
    5. -

      IVUS for guiding endovascular therapy in deep veins

        Rick de Graaf
    6. -

      Dedicated woven nitinol stent for the common femoral vein: Arnsberg–Zurich experience

        Tim Sebastian
    7. -

      24-month patency rates and clinical results of the SINUS OBLIQUUS® venous stent: Data from the Arnsberg venous registry

        Michael Lichtenberg
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: SELUTION SLR™: A breakthrough in drug-eluting balloon technology

    Peter Gaines, Marianne Brodmann
    Aloke Finn, Thomas Zeller, Ulrich Beschorner, Tjun Yip Tang
    1. -

      Welcome and introduction

        Marianne Brodmann
    2. -

      Importance of sustained drug release in DEB: Insights into preclinical data for the SELUTION SLR™

        Aloke Finn
    3. -

      Sustained Limus release translating into sustained clinical outcomes: SELUTION SFA™ – 2-year results

        Thomas Zeller
    4. -

      SELUTION SLR™ in clinical practice: Angio case examples

        Ulrich Beschorner
    5. -

      How low can you go? SELUTION SLR™ below-the-knee and in tibial arteries – first experience

        Tjun Yip Tang
    6. -

      Next steps and adjourn

        Peter Gaines
  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    2020 Vision for venous interventions: Where do we go from here?

    Marzia Lugli, Olivier Hartung
    Stephen Black, Michael Lichtenberg, Houman Jalaie
    1. -

      Introduction and learning objectives

        Olivier Hartung
    2. -

      Post thrombotic disease: The relevance of long term follow up

        Marzia Lugli
    3. -

      Pathway for the accelerated treatment of venous leg ulcers

        Stephen Black
    4. -

      The VICI VENOUS STENT: 24-month outcome data

        Michael Lichtenberg
    5. -

      Panel discussion

    6. -

      Pharmacomechanical CDT: The future of DVT treatment?

        Gerard O'Sullivan, Recorded case presentation from Galway
    7. -

      Classification guided outcomes in chronic venous obstruction

        Houman Jalaie
    8. -

      A case based panel discussion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    New concepts for AV-shunt revascularisation and central vein stenoses

    Robert Lookstein, Andrew Holden
    Bart Dolmatch, Panagiotis Kitrou, Arne Schwindt, Daniela Branzan, Masahiko Fujihara
    1. -

      Innovative new device for fistula maturation in the management of dialysis access

        Sanjay Desai
    2. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: AV is now endovascular – initial multi-center experience results of the WavelinQ

        Robert Jones
    3. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: IN.PACT AV access study: 12 month primary outcomes

        Andrew Holden
    4. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: Drug-coated balloons in AV access: Budget impact model based on the IN.PACT AV access trial – US and German health system perspectives

        Robert Lookstein
    5. -

      Recorded live case using the IN.PACT AV access drug-coated balloon

        Andrew Holden
    6. -

      How I use drug-coated balloons for AV access maintenance

        Alexandros Mallios
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Galway

        Galway University Hospital - Live case center
    8. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: DCB for the treatment of symptomatic central venous stenosis. Results from a retrospective multicenter analysis

        Panagiotis Kitrou
    9. -

      Value of stent-graft placement in hemodialysis patients with dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulas and grafts

        Gianmarco de Donato
    10. -

      Value of stent graft placement to treat cepahlic arch stenosis in hemodialysis patients

        Robert Jones
    11. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COVERA™ – 12-month update on AVeNEW trial for outflow stenosis in AV fistula circuits

        Bart Dolmatch
    12. -

      FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: COVERA™ – 24-month update on AVeVA study for treatment of venous anastomotic lesions in AV grafts

        Bart Dolmatch
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Tuesday, January 28th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Scrub-in with the experts: Endovascular therapy of varicocele and the pelvic congestion syndrome

    Olivier Hartung, Tim Sebastian
    Rick de Graaf, Marcus Treitl, Tobias Hirsch
    live from Zurich:
    Nils Kucher
    live from Galway:
    Gerard O'Sullivan
    1. Flash presentation: Outcomes of endovascular treatment of PCS

        Olivier Hartung
    2. Flash presentation: Varicocele and PCS – one and the same? Learning from cases

        Tim Sebastian
    3. Flash presentation: Pelvic congestion syndrome: Underdiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and undertreated… What IVUS may show you

        Rick de Graaf
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Endovascular repair of iliac artery aneurysms – current techniques and results

    Armando Lobato, Frank Vermassen
    Spiridon Botsios, Sven Seifert, Reza Ghotbi
    1. -

      Unilateral and bilateral primary and secondary iliac aneurysms – endovascular treatment first!

        Martin Storck
    2. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center
    3. -

      Comparison and results of endovascular repair techniques in elective bilateral aortoiliac aneurysms

        Armando Lobato
    4. -

      Iliac branching and long-term value: How effective is preservation in a single center experience

        Reza Ghotbi
    5. -

      Long-term experience and lessons learned with the COOK IBD

        Giovanni Torsello
    6. -

      E-liac or Zenith® iliac side branch? A comparison from one center of 50 patients each

        Jan Brunkwall
    7. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Innovations for daily practice: Advanced settings for hybrid ORs and new imaging modalities

    Marc van Sambeek, Frans Moll
    Tilo Kölbel, Ramon Varcoe, Eric Ducasse, Alexander Gangl
    1. -

      Fiber Optic Real Shape (FORS) technology – 3D device guidance in practice

        Tilo Kölbel
    2. -

      How to use MRI imaging for planning and fusion of a complex F/BEVAR procedure

        Michel Bosiers
    3. -

      Workflow & ergonomics improvements in the hybrid OR

        Ramon Varcoe
    4. -

      CO2 angiography for EVAR treatment. Tips and tricks

        Eric Ducasse
    5. -

      Initial experience with the TrackCath system in endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms

        Daniela Branzan
    6. -

      Mechanical characterisation of abdominal aortic aneurysm, using 4D ultrasound

        Marc van Sambeek
    7. -

      The EndoStore APP: Efficient & reliable logistics at your fingertips

        Marald Wikkeling
    8. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Current status of EVAR for infrarenal aortic aneurysms: Latest guidelines and new data

    Vicente Riambau, Roger Greenhalgh
    Gianluca Faggioli, Spiridon Botsios, Germano Melissano, Hendrik Verhagen, Martin Malina
    1. -

      Impact of centralization on abdominal aortic aneurysm repair outcomes: Early experience in public health system

        Vicente Riambau
    2. -

      The choice of EVAR vs. OSR: Extreme local variation suggests the impact of political rather than medical factors!

        Martin Malina
    3. -

      Gender differences in EVAR/FEVAR/BEVAR

        Eric Verhoeven
    4. -

      Recorded case presentation: EVAR with Altura stentgraft

        Daniela Branzan
    5. -

      Proven durability and staying inside the IFU for challenging aortic necks

        Gianluca Faggioli
    6. -

      ENCORE study update: Durability through Polymer sealing using the Ovation AAA stent graft system

        Hendrik Verhagen
    7. -

      Long-term performance of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with the TREO graft

        Jörg Teßarek
    8. -

      Clinical experience with Lifetech scientific abdominal stent graft

        Georgios Sfyroeras
    9. -

      Making EVAR safer in the long term: Using ultrasound to measure aortic sac diameter annually at home

        Roger Greenhalgh
    10. -

      The NICE guidelines: Nice or not so nice?

        Andrew Holden
    11. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    COOK off the shelf solutions for thoracic and thoracoabdominal aneurysm – updates and live case

    Tilo Kölbel
    Nikolaos Tsilimparis, Germano Melissano, Michel Bosiers
    1. -


        Tilo Kölbel
    2. -

      Zenith® Alpha TAA: The importance of precision, optimal sealing, and active fixation when treating thoracic aneurysm

        Nikolaos Tsilimparis
    3. -

      Long-term outcomes using Alpha Thoracic: How to achieve durability

        Germano Melissano
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center
    5. -

      Early outcomes from Post Market Observational study on Zenith® t-Branch® endograft

        Michel Bosiers
    6. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Lunch symposium: The importance of proven balloon expandable covered stents in the current endovascular era

    Jean-Paul de Vries
    Patrice Mwipatayi, Bram Fioole, Sebastian Carpenter
    1. -

      When are covered stents the best treatment for aorto-iliac occlusive disease: Which is the best stent-graft for this: What are the long-term results?

        Patrice Mwipatayi
    2. -

      Relevance and current update of the DISCOVER Dutch iliac stent trial

        Bram Fioole
    3. -

      Case presentations: Using proven covered stents to treat complex aorto-iliac occlusive disease

        Sebastian Carpenter
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Challenges in endovascular aortic repair: Treatment of juxtarenal aneurysms

    Giovanni Torsello, Eric Verhoeven
    Konstantinos Donas, Ralf Kolvenbach, Michel Reijnen, Markus Steinbauer, Ramon Varcoe
    1. -

      Preliminary data from the EAGLE registry

        Marc van Sambeek
    2. -

      Contemporary options for treating juxtarenal aneurysm when infrarenal sealing is not enough

        Vicente Riambau
    3. -

      Mid-term results from ANCHOR and how these clinical insights affect my clinical practice

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    4. -

      Why 3xFEVAR has replaced 2xFEVAR and FEVAR better than CHEVAR

        Eric Verhoeven
    5. -

      Recorded case presentation: EVAR with Ovation stentgraft and Cydar intelligent navigation system

        Daniela Branzan
    6. -

      Useful combinations of aortic endoprosthetic material of different companies in complex situations

        Sigrid Nikol
    7. -

      Is ChEVAS the answer to complex AAA treatment? The future of Nellix in 2020

        Michel Reijnen
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Paris

        Hôpital Marie Lannelongue Paris - Live case center
    9. -

      Lessons learned 5 years after the PERICLES registry publication: A position statement about the current role of chimney endografting

        Giovanni Torsello
    10. -

      Long term results of chimney graft branches in juxtarenal aneurysms

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    11. -

      Freedom to fenestrate: How the Anaconda platform has impacted my practice

        Peter Bungay
    12. -

      Cost effectiveness analysis of FEVAR vs. CHEVAR in juxtarenal aortic aneurysms: A new insight in the old debate

        Konstantinos Donas
  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    CX@LINC: Towards aortic advances

    Roger Greenhalgh
    Tilo Kölbel, Frans Moll
    1. -

      Effects of long thoracic stent grafts on the pathophysiology of the heart

        Frans Moll
    2. -

      Audience participation

    3. -

      Access-techniques to simplify fenestrated and branched EVAR: Upper extremity access is not needed any longer

        Tilo Kölbel

    5. -

      Recorded case presentation

        Nikolaos Tsilimparis
    6. -

      Audience participation

    7. -

      Modern imaging systems will revolutionize EVAR techniques

        Joost A. van Herwaarden
    8. -

      Audience participation


    10. -

      Recorded case presentation

        Tilo Kölbel
    11. -

      Audience participation

  • Wednesday, January 29th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Re-do procedures after EVAR and management of endoleaks

    Giovanni Torsello, Eric Ducasse
    Giovanni Federico Torsello, Jean-Paul de Vries, Michel Bosiers, Michel Reijnen
    1. -

      Endoleak follow-up and true sac evolution

        Eric Ducasse
    2. -

      Direct percutaneous sac puncture: An easy way to solve post-EVAR Type II endoleaks

        Fabrizio Fanelli
    3. -

      Direct puncture technique using Onyx 34L for endoleak management

        Marcus Treitl
    4. -

      Intentional aorto-caval fistula: An unexploited opportunity to treat Type II endoleaks and prevent paraplegia?

        Martin Malina
    5. -

      Role of IMA in Type II endoleak after endovascular treatment

        Piotr Kasprzak
    6. -

      Value of preliminary selective lumbar and inferior mesenteric artery embolization to prevent Type II endoleaks after EVAR

        Andrej Schmidt, Via satellite from Leipzig cathlab
    7. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center
    8. -

      Occlusions in EVAR: What is the impact on early outcomes, quality of life, and cost efficiency?

        Amer Zanabili
    9. -

      Determination of endograft apposition at the 30-days post-EVAR CT scan can predict later failure

        Jean-Paul de Vries
    10. -

      Rare complication of standard EVAR treated with rare device

        Ayman Al-Sibaie
    11. -

      Endorepair of migrated endografts using the Altura endograft system: When and how to do it

        Jörg Teßarek
    12. -

      Trouble shooting and bail-out in FEVAR and BEVAR

        Eric Verhoeven
    13. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    New insights and current techniques for thoracic endovascular aortic repair

    Vicente Riambau, Giovanni Torsello
    Tilo Kölbel, Marc van Sambeek, Eric Ducasse, Martin Malina, Ayman Al-Sibaie, Matteo Orrico
    1. -

      Valiant Navion: What have we learned about this next generation TEVAR device: 1-year results from the global clinical trial

        Santi Trimarchi
    2. -

      Addressing unmet clinical needs with a new generation TEVAR device: Practical application of the Valiant Navion

        Theodoros Kratimenos
    3. -

      The Fustar steerable sheath in my daily practice: When and how?

        Theodosios Bisdas
    4. -

      Insights on TEVAR from the SURPASS registry

        Giovanni Torsello
    5. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center
    6. -

      Incidence and predictors of early and mid-term neurological complications following thoracic endovascular repair

        Michele Piazza
    7. -

      Recorded case presentation: Relay proximal scallop?

        Jean-Marc Alsac
    8. -

      Stroke in TEVAR: how to minimize cerebral damage?

        Tilo Kölbel
    9. -

      Aortyx patch: an innovative repair approach for focal aortic defects

        Vicente Riambau
    10. -

      BEVAR by femoral approach with a steerable sheath

        Said Abisi
    11. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Achieving durable outcomes in endovascular aortic repair: Lessons learned on the benefits of the GORE® ACTIVE CONTROL system

    Santi Trimarchi
    Dittmar Böckler, Hendrik Verhagen, Marc van Sambeek, Nilo Mosquera, Giovanni Pratesi
    1. -


    2. -

      Active control in TEVAR: When is the use of angulation control beneficial for achieving optimal outcomes?

        Dittmar Böckler
    3. -

      Recorded case presentation: Thoracic case with TAG Conformable with active control performed by

        Hendrik Verhagen
    4. -

      Active control in EVAR: Orthogonal placement and 360 seal using the angulation control

        Marc van Sambeek
    5. -

      Recorded case presentation: Abdominal case with EXCC performed by

        Nilo Mosquera
    6. -

      Value of conformability for the success of aortic endovascular repair in the short and long term

        Giovanni Pratesi
  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Pioneering techniques for pathologies of the ascending aorta and the aortic arch

    Tilo Kölbel, Roberto Chiesa
    Ralf Kolvenbach, Vicente Riambau, Andrew Holden, Matteo Orrico, Xin Jia
    1. -

      Accuracy and alignment near and in the aortic arch

        Giovanni Rossi
    2. -

      Safety and effectiveness of a proximal scallop endograft for deployment close to the supra-aortic trunks: Results of a prospective, multicenter clinical study

        Jean-Marc Alsac
    3. -

      Endovascular treatment of aortic arch disease

        Timur Imaev
    4. -

      The role of double layer PTFE grafts and in situ fenestration in complex aortic arch cases

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    5. -

      Parallel grafts for aortic arch lesions; tips to make them work and when do they

        Matteo Orrico
    6. -

      Live case transmission from Paris

        Hôpital Marie Lannelongue Paris - Live case center
    7. -

      Aortic arch reconstruction with a newly-designed modular branched stent graft – a first in man study

        Xin Jia
    8. -

      Endovascular treatment of the ascending aorta – are there indications?

        Hans Krankenberg
    9. -

      Endovascular treatment of true ascending aortic aneurysms: The last endovascular frontier?

        Ralf Kolvenbach
    10. -

      Endospan Nexus for zone 1 disease of the aortic arch

        Andrew Holden
    11. -

      Why and how to wrap the dilated ascending aorta: Indications, contraindications, technical tips, and results

        Matteo Orrico
    12. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    EVAR for aortic dissections, ruptured aneurysms, and aortic infections

    Vicente Riambau, Tilo Kölbel
    Martin Malina, Sven Seifert, Dittmar Böckler, Matteo Orrico, Xin Jia

    2. -

      Results of early TEVAR in acute/subacute uncomplicated Type B dissection

        Dittmar Böckler
    3. -

      Morphologic changes in dissected aortas after TEVAR: Remodeling aortas

        Mario Lescan
    4. -

      Factors indicating complication for a still uncomplicated Type B dissection

        Jan Brunkwall
    5. -

      How to take care of the false lumen in chronic aortic dissection

        Tilo Kölbel
    6. -

      Indicators for distal stent-graft induced new entry (SINE) & controversial discussion and results

        Dittmar Böckler
    7. -

      Conventional surgery for Type A aortic dissection: What’s new?

        Michael Borger
    8. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center

    10. -

      Clinical experience for the treatment of PAU

        Nikolaos Tsilimparis
    11. -

      Ruptured AAA – open and endo are complementary and required

        Dittmar Böckler
    12. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Symposium: Sac dynamics in EVAR: Why AAA sac regression matters

    Vicente Riambau, Jean-Paul de Vries
    Michel Reijnen, Hendrik Verhagen, Giovanni Pratesi
    1. -


    2. -

      Why sac regression matters; how our experience with Endurant informs our practice

        Hendrik Verhagen
    3. -

      How does Type II endoleaks and secondary interventions play a role in overall sac dynamics?

        Michel Reijnen
    4. -

      What role do EndoAnchors play in AAA sac dynamics?

        Giovanni Pratesi
    5. -

      Discussion and conclusion

  • Thursday, January 30th: - , Room 2 - Main Arena 2

    Latest techniques for endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aneurysms and management of aortic ruptured or infected aneurysms

    Eric Verhoeven, Michael Borger
    Tilo Kölbel, Roberto Chiesa, Daniela Branzan, Matteo Orrico, Xin Jia
    1. -

      When and how to treat patients with genetic aortic disorders by endovascular aortic techniques?

        Tilo Kölbel
    2. -

      TAAA open repair: Updated results in the modern adjuncts era

        Roberto Chiesa
    3. -

      Mortality/complications during waiting time for custom made grafts in more than 1,000 F&B patients

        Eric Verhoeven
    4. -

      Live case transmission from Paris

        Hôpital Marie Lannelongue Paris - Live case center
    5. -

      3D aortic models for the urgent endovascular treatment of thoracoabdominal and juxtarenal aortic pathologies using physician modified stent-grafts

        Daniela Branzan
    6. -

      Parallel grafts is the best way to treat ruptured complex (T)AAAs

        Matteo Orrico
    7. -

      Recorded case presentation: Relay + 4-fenestration Anaconda case (edited)

        Mario Lescan
    8. -

      Endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms with a novel integrated multi-branched stentgraft – a first in man study

        Xin Jia
    9. -

      A simplified technique for transfemoral access to antegrade branches in complex aortic repair

        Tilo Kölbel
    10. -

      Mechanical and clinical bridging stent-graft stability

        Giovanni Federico Torsello
    11. -

      The usage of BX over SX covered stents to improve the clinical outcome in BEVAR

        Eric Verhoeven
    12. -

      Overview of current strategies to prevent spinal cord ischemia during endovascular TAAA repair

        Christian Etz
    13. -

      Segmental artery coil embolization to prime the spinal cord collateral network before EVAR: Concept and early results

        Daniela Branzan
    14. -

      Live case transmission from Münster

        St. Franziskus Hospital Münster - Live case center
    15. -

      Discussion and conclusion

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